
Friday, May 1, 2015

It's 4:33 am... And it's RUN day!

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I never write my posts the morning I post them! But I woke up at 4:33 and couldn't fall back asleep. My mind was racing, so I figured I'd get up and put my thoughts out there on the interwebs!

The reason I am awake so early is threefold. 

1. Jelly sneezed and it woke me up. (Don't worry, it is the most beautiful sound in the world.)

2. I rubbed my eye, which aggravated my scratched cornea from last summer. It hurts so bad when I aggravate it, but luckily, the pain only lasts for about 15 minutes.

3. I forgot to take my sleeping pill last night. When I take it, it allows me to fall back asleep if I wake up in the middle of the night. I didn't even realize I forgot to take it until I was laying in bed for 20 minutes, mind racing. "What can't I fall back asleep!?" I thought. Then it dawned on me. I didn't take my pill.

It turns out it was good I woke up super early because accuweather says there are going to be thunderstorms at 6:00 am. Guess what time I was planning to run!?


Today I am going on my first run in 12 days. The initial plan was to take a week off to baby the pain in my ass. But then I got really sick and running was out of the question.

Taking an extended time off of running like this was hard at first, but it got much easier as the days went on. Sure, being sick helped. But it wasn't like I couldn't workout. I went on walks and lifted. I trained clients here and there so I also got a bit of a workout when I did that. (Though I don't really count it because it is not focused on me, it is focused on them.)

A little tiny part of me was scared of "getting fat" by not running for 12 days. Don't worry, my logical mind knows that is stupid. Surprise, surprise, all my clothes still fit me. As for gaining weight, I have no idea. I haven't weighed myself since they weighed me before my knee surgery in January 2014. I am just not interested at all in knowing how much I weigh. If my clothes fit, it is fine with me. 

I am VERY excited to run this morning! I almost forget what it feels like! What a perfect way to start the weekend. I have an awesome pod cast to listen to. It's not that cold out. I can even hear the birds chirping! They're saying, "Come on out Megan, we missed you!"

It's like all the stars have aligned for me to have the perfect run today...

Now off I go, before it storms!

Hey, you should Like Meg Go Run on Facebook! I only have 99 likes. Just one more and I have 100! That 100th person could be YOU!
How did you start your Friday?
What are you looking forward to today?


  1. How did it go?!? So excited to hear how your first run back went (in new shoes!!).
    Today will start in the pool! I missed my swim last week so I am excited to be back in the water. I am really looking forward to the weekend--it's our anniversary today so have fun things planned.

    Have an AWESOME run!!

    1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! :) How many years??

    2. Rick and I have been married 16 years (together for 21)!

  2. Yay, you get to run!!! I know after time off my legs always feel fresh and excited to get out there!! Enjoy every minute of it!

    Sometimes after a long time off, when I finally run, my brain is going OMG YAY WE'RE RUNNINGGGGGGG!!!! The entire time haha.

    1. Omg it felt SO GOOD to be windy, sweaty, smelly, and have a burning in my chest!

  3. I was just thinking about this last night and how the first time I get to run ( with out pain) is going to be like Christmas to me. Oh how I long for that feeling and when it actually happens I will remember to never take it for granted! BTW, I wanted to ask you, why exactly did you have to have knee surgery? There have been some developments in my own knee pain and I don't know if surgery might be the answer.

    1. I had a plica that they thought was causing pain. They were wrong cause after they removed it the pain came back anyway. I believe I was misdiagnosed and regret having surgery because my knee has NEVER felt the same. I don't know your situation, but think long and hard before you do it. Get 2, 3, 4th opinions.

  4. I hope your run went well! You sound re-charged and ready to go mentally for running too!

  5. Mine needs cleaned! Hope hubby does it. :)

  6. DARN IT I WAS 101. ARGG.

    I hope your run went well today! So exciting! I also have never cared how much I weigh as long as my clothes fit. I do realize that this is a luxury I have being a naturally healthy weight my whole life. But I just don't really care.

    1. LOL!!!! Well 101 is a very cool number too! :) You can blame Kim for snagging that 100th like. ;)

      I think it is awesome to not care what you weigh! The number on the scale tells us so little.

  7. I'm happy to be getting partially caught up today after falling further and further behind all week. And, I'm working outside on the deck because the weather is gorgeous!!

  8. I hope you had a great run! I can't imagine being awake at 4:33 and NOT getting back to sleep!!!
