
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Grown up stuff I should have done this week but didn't have the energy to do and now I feel guilty about it. (Just trying to make the longest blog post title ever to see if Blogspot will cut me off...)

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Admitting all these tasks that I keep putting off makes me feel almost as good as actually completing the tasks would make me feel...

1. Mow the lawn.

2. Clean out my closet and bins. Winter stuff needs to go to the basement, spring/summer stuff needs to come up from the basement.

3. Clean out the fridge.

4. Go to the bank.

5. Scrub the floors and base board with vinegar in an attempt to intervene on Chrissy's peeing rampage.

6. Go to the post office.

7. Clean out all the leaves from this past fall that are still laying around the perimeter of our house.

8. Weed and get rid of dead tree branches.

Update: Since writing this post, I have done numbers 1, 5, 7 and 8!!!
Are you putting anything off?
Tell me the most productive "grown up" thing you did this week!


  1. Nice job on getting through part of your list! I really applaud you on the yard work chores! I am such a baby and leave all that to Rick.

    I have completely been putting off switching out the winter bedding and also switching out my winter shoes. I bit the bullet and moved my spring tops into my closet from the spare closet but I haven't done the shoes, yet. Yesterday, I had to dig into my bin to find sandals since we had a date in Denver and it was GORGEOUS out. Last night I put them away in my closet next to a few pairs of boots. Guess what I will be working on today?!?

    Hope your PITA is getting a bit better and that your cold is completely gone.
    Enjoy your Sunday, Megan.

    1. Where did you go in Denver? Are you having a good anniversary weekend?

    2. Yes, we are! Thanks for asking. Yesterday we went to the 16th Street Mall to "shop" and walk around, then had lunch at our favorite restaurant (Ted's Montana Grill) and then saw the play Annie! I LOVE the theater and this was the first play I saw when I was 7 (and I actually saw it in NYC). This was my third time seeing it (Rick's first time). Still love it.

      How are you feeling? Hoping you are having an awesome weekend, too!

    3. Cool! I was in Annie once. I was a Boylan sister, I Hoover dancer, a maid, and a prostitute. There was not a minute to relax because if I wasn't on stage I was changing costumes!

      I am feeling a lot better from my cold. So happy to feel human again.

  2. Ok, thanks for the reminders! I got the closet cleaaaning stuff done, and i'm not allowed to mow the, but I DO need to get out there and start fishing the leaves out of the swimming pool!

  3. Writing stuff down in a list always encourages me to get started on the tasks. In my brain 10 tasks feels like a giant mass of things to do, but written out individually I realize I can just do one or two at a time and that will mean progress!

    My adult task for the day is to go grocery shopping. I hate grocery shopping. I wish I had an assistant who could do it for me!!!! Adam and I always say if we are ever super rich we will hire someone to go grocery shopping and cook all of our meals for us! haha

    1. I am a big list girl too.

      I used to like to grocery shop but I no longer like it! I wish Paul could drive so I could send him. :( I think that's when I started to hate it... maybe like 2 years after Paul stopped driving because it meant EVERY trip to the grocery store was me.

  4. I never do grown-up things I have to do. I put off laundry and grocery shopping like a champ. I also hate doing dishes!

    1. Paul does most of our laundry but I am with you on the grocery shopping. Although I am a control freak so it is nice in a way to be in charge of it.

  5. I would say grocery shopping, laundry, and gardening--I am chipping away at a 6 yard pile of mulch for the front gardens--As it turns out it is REALLY good strengthening exercise, because I am so SORE!

    1. Oh my I bet that is an AWESOME workout! And your yard probably looks great!

  6. hahaha, I first thought, "wow, what a long title!" LOL and then I was laughing at you trying to see if blogger would cut you off!

    Grown up things I did this week:
    -pulled off refridgerator and cleaned behind it :0
    -put shovels in the shed...we better not need them anymore! (we had snow on April 27!!!)
    -so much laundry
    -'said' I was going to clean the oven, but let's face it, that did not happen.

    1. Wow you accomplished a lot! Does your oven self clean? I am guessing no or you would have done that hehe. :) We moved our fridge ONCE in the 7 years we lived in our house hahaha.
