
Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

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It was one of those weekends! All my thoughts are jumbled up, so today, you get the highlights and the lowlights!

Waking up on Saturday morning to a little Jelly Boy at my feet and a big Chrissy Boy tucked under my arm. Moments like this remind me how good life is!

Getting a piece of tree branch stuck in my eye while trying to break off the dead branches of our corkscrew willow. (There is something about breaking off dead branches that makes me feel oddly accomplished.) Paul helped me try to get it out but I am pretty sure it is still in there. Nothing looks irritated. I think it has found a lovely home under my lower eyelid and will probably come loose eventually... or it will work it's way into my brain and I will die.

I had an AWESOME walk/run on Saturday morning. It was 70 degrees, sunny, and my body held it's shit together for a total of 6 miles!

Showing up at the library 32 minutes before it opened. However, when it did open, I picked up some true crime- inspired by Ali!

When searching through the puzzles/games at a local thrift store, I found this gem:

Dr. Laura has a board game!? I used to listen to Dr. Laura. Hate listen. 

Seeing my family at my Aunt Patti's Picnic! I love my family!

Discovering that a Primanti Brothers restaurant  has just opened in York. I had one of their sandwiches when we were in Pittsburgh several years ago and it was sooooo good! However, after eating, I wanted to both throw up and shit my pants all at the same time. A fried fish sandwich topped with french fries and cole slaw just did not agree with me. Who'd have thunk it?

Beating Paul's ass at cards!

Chrissy helped.

Paul got his fishing licence! It's O-FISH-IAL!

Swiping through pictures in Paul's phone and finding this gem.

Putting on this pair of short-y shorts for the first time in a year and discovering they still fit fine!
I stopped counting calories quite awhile ago. I thought I'd get fat. Nah. Somehow I learned to just go with the flow, not go too crazy, and my body weight just kind of chills out. That doesn't mean I don't stress about it sometimes. But I have learned that OBSESSING about something does nothing.

I call this my "I don't give a shit that I'm 32!" outfit.
Tell me a highlight or lowlight from your weekend!
Have you ever had a Primanti Brothers sandwich?


  1. You look amazing, Megan! Isn't it great to be able to slightly let go of the obsession and know that it is all OK?! With proper care our bodies will take care of balancing themselves--you are proof of that for sure. Keep up the fabulous work!

    Highlight: finally getting in a bike ride around Boyd Lake this season (over 20 miles). It was a beautiful, calm morning and I got to see the sun rise over the water. Bliss. And also sneaking in a 10 am movie w/ Rick before heading off to day 2 of my nephew's baseball tournament.

    I have not eaten at Primanti's but saw a segment on the Food Network. I was both intrigued and slightly disturbed at the sandwich creations they made....

    Happy Monday.

    1. Haha disturbed is a great way to put it! I remember the sandwich being yummy but I definitely felt disturbed after! Your bike ride sounds gorgeous! Do you listen to anything when you ride or just enjoy the sounds of nature?

    2. As I like to say after I eat something I shouldn't have "well, I loved the sandwich but it's not loving me back". I tend to have more food regrets as I get older.

      When I bike, I don't listen to anything. Weird because if I walk, run or swim I must listen to music but for some reason w/ biking I just can get lost in my thoughts. It's actually super nice.

      P.S. I meant to tell you at the baseball fields this weekend was a wonderful park w/ a beautiful frisbee golf course. I was thinking "this would be perfect for Paul and Meg" (there was a really nice running trail all around it).

    3. That is the PERFECT spot especially since it has a running path for me!

  2. There is a Primanti Brothers along my running route at the beach! I have only been in there once and it didn't agree with my stomach either, so it doesn't tempt me at all. The frozen yogurt place is another story... during hot runs I always tell myself that I am going to get frozen yogurt as soon as I'm done! It never happens though because I finish my route quite far from the yogurt shop so I would have to run back over to it!

    Adam's phone has so many pics of Cecil because halfway through the work day when I need a pick me up I always text him, "send me a pic of Cecil!" :D

    1. Awww Paul sends me kitty pics while I am at work too! Then I show them to the kiddos!

      I thought Primanti was only a Pittsburgh thing but they must have branched out!

  3. Now I always thought Jelly and Chrissy were both! Congrats on your body holding up well through the run!

    1. Haha well we did think Jelly was a girl for the first 2 months of his life! After he second vet appt. the vet came in and said... "I have some news for you.... Jelly is a boy."

  4. I haven't counted calories in few years either and it's so freeing! And I think I have actually lost weight because I am eating what my body needs (but also trying to eat healthy foods and not "diet" foods like I used to). Glad you had a good run/walk this weekend!

    1. It IS freeing! And it is interesting to see what the body does when we just eat what we feel it needs.

  5. weekend highlight: a PR my half marathon yesterday. Lowlight, that the weekend is over, BUT it is a LONG weekend next weekend!
    Dr. Laura, Grrrrr...

  6. You look so great and fit in your I don't care of it!

  7. The scratcher is called "The Purrrrfect" archway. Not kidding! Both kitties love laying in it! Yay for 6 pain free miles, Karen!

  8. More like 22, not 32. I'll bet you still get carded when you buy wine!

  9. Dr. Laura board game?!?! GET OUT!!!!! My mom used to listen to her in the car...i'm not really sure if she listened ironically or because she actually liked the advice. But now that I'm older, Dr. Laura annoys the piss out of me! Is the board game anger inducing?

    I can't wait to hear how you like the books you picked up!

    1. I did not buy the board game but from what I read on the back of it, it posed moral questions and you were supposed to discuss it with your group of friends. LOL sounds like a fun night, right!?

  10. I've never heard of that sandwich but it sounds sinfully delicious! My lowlight was spending hours as an extra on Saturday and sitting in huge amounts of traffic for little money. What was I thinking?!?

    1. You were thinking that you're ALWAYS HUSTLIN' :)
