
Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Saturday Run! (In my Wal Mart shorts!)

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I try to keep it real here.

I am NOT 100%.

My hip is not perfect.

My knee is not perfect.

But today, I had a good run!

It was really warm and sunny, but I soaked in every bead of sweat and every endorphin!

I had some coffee, half a bowl of shredded wheat, and put on my new Wal Mart shorts. ($7.88!!!!) I felt good, and had good feelings about what was to come.

I kept thinking about not being "greedy", but whenever I would get into a running groove, it felt so good and I didn't want to stop. I did make myself walk. Here is as close to what I did as I can remember...

Walk 1/4 mile
Run 1 mile
Walk 1/4 mile
Run 1.5 mile
Walk 1/4 mile
Run 1/2 mile
Walk 1/4 mile
Run 1.5 mile
Walk 1/10 mile
Run 1/4 mile
Walk .15 mile

Total = 6 miles!

I stretched and foam rolled for 20 minutes afterwards. I hoped I wouldn't be in pain later... and I wasn't!

Sweaty and happy... and hopeful!?
Is it possible to feel like you are taking one step forward, yet falling apart all at one time?


  1. GREAT news! That is wonderful, Meg. I hope you feel good today and can continue on your road to recovery!!

  2. I am constantly feeling like I am taking baby steps forward (also backwards) and falling apart constantly- its a never ending battle it feels like. But your patience will help you to keep moving forward! Every day I feel like I figure out something else about why my body has given me so many issues (even though Im feeling better Im not 100%) and it is so frustrating!

    1. I wish you didn't feel the same why I do because it is such a sucky feeling! Each morning when I wake up is a crap shoot on how I will feel. Soooo frustrating.

  3. What fun - I bought those short too! But mine are black w/white stripes. A great deal, right?? That is awesome that you are starting to run again. Today was my 2nd day back to running and it sucked big time. So humid and hard I was dragging all the way. Oh well, those days will happen! Keep it up!

    1. Yeah, awesome deal!! I bought 4 pairs and am wondering if I should go buy more.... You just cannot beat that price!

      I am sorry your run was bad. I attempted a few miles on Fri and it was not great so I had to stop. Then Sat was good. Hopefully your next one will be good too!

  4. I need to go get me some shorts!

    1. It's the danskin brand... built in underwear... TONS of colors!

  5. That is really great news that you didn't have any pain after six miles! I knew I needed to take a full week off of running last month because I would feel great during the run but feel just awful afterwards.

    Do you know we don't have a Walmart? It's really weird. Since we moved to east fort lauderdale three years ago I haven't been inside of a walmart. We do have a Target though!

    1. Wow, I thought they had wal marts everywhere! I know it is not the greatest place to shop at... example: I bought my niece and American flag skirt for $4.88 and it was made in Bangledesh.... but it is so close and convenient for certain items. Normally their clothes are so oddly made but the shorts were Danskin so I think that is one of the most legit brands they have.

      I like Target! I barely ever buy clothes or shoes there but it is fun to look. One of the reasons is their juniors clothes are so tiny my thighs don't fit into them!

  6. I a so glad that you were able to get in a good run. I feel like the older I get, the more I am teetering on injuries, I have to be more careful now, and take more rest breaks. I just ran a half today, so I will be recuperating next week with some time off...
    Love the shorts...I need to replace a lot of my shirts. I wish the cheaper chain stores sold technical shirts with the anti-stink stuff...yeah, my stuff is old. AND SMELLY.

    1. I hope you had a great half! I am sure I will read about it. :) I had to throw out some tanks recently due to the smell factor.... and don't even get me started on my lifting gloves!!

  7. I am so happy for you that you got in some quality, (basically) pain-free running miles! I know how amazing it feels to have a fantastic run when you have been needing to take some time off so your body can heal.

    I know what you mean about a few steps forward and then falling apart as well. If it's not one thing, it's another. Obviously if you have a physical injury you need to rest, but running is just sometimes 10X harder one day than the previous day without any injury. I have gotten much better about taking what running gives me that day, but I used to wake up with a pit in my stomach before I started running, scared that it would feel impossible. I would sometimes scare myself out of running! I started not to over think things and just go with it...

    I hope things continue in the positive direction for you with your running ;)

    1. Thank you for sharing Eugenia. I really hope so too. I need to start writing a plan for myself so I don't overdo things because that could easily happen.

  8. I'm so happy you had a great run! I need to check at Walmart to see if they have those shorts in my size!! They are super cute :-)

    1. I really feel the need to share the good news about the shorts! They are a little longer than I like but for 7.88 I can deal with it.

  9. THANK YOU. Yes, I love having definition! Wish I could work my legs like I work my upper body.

  10. I think the walk breaks were a smart idea! I'm glad you had a good one...and your Walmart shorts are super cute haha!

    1. I am definitely not too cool for wally world shorts. :)
