
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Weird Workout (Would you expect anything less from me!?)

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On Sunday, I did a weird workout! Since I am trying to only run about twice a week, that means I am being extremely creative when it comes to my other workouts!

The plan was to do some walking and lifting. I never lift without warming up!

Piano bench, weight bench, what's the difference?

Even though it was raining, I walked to a playground a couple blocks from our house. I did 5 pull ups on the monkey bars, walked around the block, did 5 more pull ups... etc. etc. etc. until I got 5 sets of pull ups in. Walking was way better than just standing there and resting in between sets. I even wore my lifting gloves so my hands wouldn't slide off of the wet bars!

After that, I took the long way home and stopped every 1/10 of a mile or so to do some plank knees on the sidewalk. It had really started raining by now!

When I got to my house, I got out my pull up bar and did several sets with overhand grip. I used a band for assistance. In between sets? I walked up and down my block!

The band doesn't offer too much assistance, so I always feel like I want to throw up!

Then I did several more lifts with my free weights and my standard bicycle crunches. In between sets, I did some stretches for my glutes and hips.

I ended up doing the lifting workout above as well as walking 4 miles!

I told you it was really raining!

I don't know why I was feeling so ADD on Sunday. Some days a weird workout like this wouldn't agree with me, but for some reason, on Sunday, it was exactly what I needed!
Do you ever do weird/random workouts like mine?


  1. I love your weird workouts and am trying to think of ways to incorporate them into my routine. I still do my "boring" run/row/TRX, swim and cycle workouts out. But the other day I dropped and did 10 push ups before giving Macy her treat so maybe you are rubbing off on me.....That would be GREAT!!

    1. Your workouts are anything but boring! In fact, today when I was walking I thought about how I should try to find a cheap way to swim this summer.

    2. You can move to Colorado and get a summer pass at my rec center. LOL. I was in the pool today--bliss.

    3. My only option around here are the YMCA or LA Fitness... which is going to be $50 a month or more... which is just annoying because Planet Fitness is only $10! I am going to see if there are any community pools that do lap swims in the morning or at night. Too bad there isn't an over 30 swimteam I could join hahahaha!

  2. I love how creative you are with your workouts! I wish I could be more like that...I am such a creature of habit!

  3. I think it's awesome that you were creative with your workout! Sometimes that's just necessary to shake things up a bit. If it makes you more likely to get off your duff and do the workout, it's a good thing!

    So I was scrolling through Bloglovin this morning and I didn't see your post at first - and it kinda freaked me out! I thought, if Meg's not posting something is wrong or she accidentally broke her streak and she will be sooo disappointed! But then I saw your post and whew, all was right with the world

    1. LOL. If I ever don't post I may be dead. Call the authorities!!!

  4. Sometimes I do weird workouts, usually when I am trying to get out of going for a run--we all have those days. I will deliver laundry one pile at a time up the stairs, do standing push ups every time I pass the kitchen sink etc...

    1. Ooh those are some good ideas! I sometimes do housework in between sets when I am lifting at home. Do a set, fix the pillows on the couch. Do a set, take the trash out.

  5. What a great workout! I wish I was that imaginative ;) I don't do odd workouts-the boring standard running, walking, and now some strength training. I think it's so great to change things up like you did Sunday. Nice work....oh, and your arms look fantastic. Love the muscle definition. You look strong!

    1. Thank you! You know from my workout recaps that I owe it all to regular strength training!

  6. I think a random workout like this would keep me entertained! I get bored pretty easily with all things non-running...I guess that's why I like your DoC workouts too!

    1. Aw yeah DoC are so fun! I haven't done one in a few weeks.
