
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why I Would Suck At Survivor

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As you may know, I am a HUGE fan of the TV show Survivor. It is one of my favorite shows to watch with Paul. Did you know Paul is hilarious? We just laugh and joke through every episode and find the same types of things funny.

Not only are we going through each old season one by one (there are 30 seasons total so it takes time), but we are also watching the current season: Survivor World's Apart.

Jeff Probst hyped this season up to be one of the best seasons of Survivor ever, but I am not seeing it. Sure, there are hilarious parts, but there are also a ton of unlikable people. (My personal least favorite picks: Jenn, Shirin, and Will... UGH!)

Of the older seasons, we tend to really like the ones that most people don't like. Some of our favorites include: Thailand, Fiji, Panama, and Vanuatu.

Well, in honor of tonight's Survivor Finale (GO Carolyn!), I thought I would give you the top reasons why I would suck at Survivor. Watching it so often makes me wonder what it would like to be in the show. Part of me thinks it would be a ton of fun, but the other part of me knows that I would maybe last 2 days at the most out there!

AKA: I hate people. I lived alone in college. I had a roommate for a couple months after college, but I hated it. I am just not a "live with someone else" type of person. Paul and I are pretty independent, so even though we are obviously married and live together, we have a lot of independence from each other as well. I couldn't imagine living with 7-10 other strangers on a beach and actually have to be social 24/7.

Want to know what I'm thinking? Just look at my face. I cannot hide my feelings and emotions! Paul and my mom can vouch for this one! (And probably my students!)

I am a straight up super bitch when I am hungry. And being that I am a pig athlete, I am used to packing A LOT of food in. It is not uncommon to go several days without food and water on Survivor (depending on when you get fire). I would either pass out from hunger or go bat shit crazy and get kicked off the show.

I get cold very easily and I just hate it so bad! Nights on Survivor are cold and wet. Whenever I listen to past Survivors talk about the show, they say the hardest thing is being cold and wet at night. It's the one thing that is so hard and just does not translate well onto the screen. It's sort of something you have to experience yourself to understand. NO THANK YOU!

I would definitely go down in history as the first Survivor contestant who quit the show because she missed her cats.


Do you watch Survivor? Do you think you would be good at it?
What reality show would you go on if you could? Big Brother- as long as I could bring Christmas, Jelly, and Paul with me into the house!


  1. I used to watch Survivor and I know I would be terrible at it! As much as I like the outdoors and camping, etc. I want to be able to eat when I want and I want good/comfortable sleep. I can pretty much relate to all the reasons you mentioned above. I also used to watch the Amazing Race and although I think I would like that one better, I still could not handle the lack of sleep and stress. Travel is stressful enough, am I right?

    1. Yes, travel is extremely stressful! I have never watched The Amazing Race, but I know sometimes contestants from Survivor go on it.

  2. I have never watched survivor but get the gist of the show. I would also suck at it. I find reality shows like this to be absurd and am amazed what people will do for money and the "opportunity" to be on TV. I want to be on Jeopardy. I might not win but I would get to meet Alex, wear clothes, compete on a full tummy and an empty bladder and I would get to go to bed.

  3. I also prefer to be alone and hate being cold so I guess I wouldn't make it either!! Haha.

    I can't think of a reality TV show I would want to go on, except maybe a game show. Reality TV encompasses pretty much everything I hate: conflict, drama, opportunism. I would say I too would like to be on Jeopardy but I probably wouldn't know much so I'd get like $0 lol. When I was a kid I desperately wanted to be on Nickelodeon Guts or Legends of the Hidden Temple. Now THAT is some reality TV :-P

    1. omg yes! I loved the Nick game shows. When I was in elem. school, allllll I wanted to do was be on Family Double Dare. But I had 5 people in my family and there was only ever 4 people on a team. So I would often wonder which brother I would ditch from our Family Double Dare team. Because of course I wouldn't be the one ditched because I was the only girl. :)

  4. I used to have friends tell me I should go on Survivor and/or The Amazing Race. Are you kidding? Do you know me??? I hate all those things you mentioned too, and with travel, I get a little stressed if things are chaotic and they always are on TAR and I would turn into a super bitch too and be the evil villain of the show. lol! No thanks! I don't need the fame or the money THAT bad! :)

    1. Okay, so now a hypothetical... what if you KNEW you'd win the million? Would you go on Survivor for 39 days if you knew you'd win???? :)

  5. I would not like to be on Survivor--The lack of sleep, cold and wet would be my undoing, not to mention the fact that I DON"T camp, and being on TV in my bathing suit, no thank you. WHY DO MOST OF THE GIRLS NOT WEAR PRACTICAL SWIMSUITS???
    I like Ultimate Alaska Survivor...less drama, more physical challenge!

    1. I never saw that one- we should check it out.

      I totally agree about the swimsuits!!!!!!!!!!! If I was on Survivor, I would be in my one piece speedo!!!

  6. I am a huge Survivor fan too!! Our ritual is watching the recorded shows on Thurs, which is our "beer, pizza and Survivor watching" night. Wouldn't miss them. I would not last on Survivor either - for the fact that I would die if I didn't eat within 5 hours. Just not happening! Oh, and those sores on their bodies would be a deal breaker too. ick.

    1. Ewww yeah I forgot about that. I don't have great skin to being with, I would not like to add bug bites and sores on top of that!

      YAY! Another Survivor fan! Who are you rooting for/against tonight?? Did you vote for the second chance season? I am so hoping T-Bird comes back!

  7. I'm okay with snakes but I am with you on every single other point! I would add that I freakin hate being dirty. I am a girl who enjoys a hot shower with some good smelling soap once or twice a day. When my hair is dirty or my skin feels dirty I get just as angry as I do when I'm hungry!

    1. I don't like being dirty either and my face gets really oily... you know that feeling? Ugh! We'd have to get in the ocean all the time. :)

  8. OMG anti-social tendencies + HANGRY = WORST COMBO EVER! I'd end up bashing skulls...but maybe that means I'd win!

    1. LOL "Bashing Skulls". You'd be the little fire cracker that makes it to the end!

  9. Yeah and I think they are grimy for 39 days!

  10. I'm convinced we might be the same person. I was just texting with my best friend last night before bed. Her brother is having a movie themed party tonight for his birthday and we are supposed to dress up as a character from a movie. I told her I have no costume and then said, "Damnit! Why didn't we go to more costume parties in college." Her response? "Because we hate people."

    1. Hahahaha! In college I didn't hate people. The older I get, the more I hate them, though!
