
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Weekly Workout Recap!

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Nothing fabulous happened for me on the workout front this week. So that is sad. What is happy is that my glutes/hips are feeling a lot better. I can only attribute this to easing off of running for awhile and seeing my chiro for ART. I hope things continue to improve and then disappear forever!


5/10- I did a very strange workout. I walked a total of 3 miles, but during the walk, I stopped to do 10 sets of 10 push ups. Also, I did 5 sets of 5 pull ups on the monkey bars at a school I passed. I just kept walking around the block and when I got to the monkey bars I did my pull ups! When I got home, I did a light upper body workout. Nothing crazy.

5/11- I walked a total of 5 miles spread out throughout the day... 4 miles before work and 1 mile at lunch.

5/12- Back at Planet Fitness. Finally, a real strength day!

5/13- Run/Walk in my neighborhood. I walked a quarter mile, then ran half a mile. I did this for about 5 miles. Legs were achy and twinge-y. My hips/glutes felt fine. I wanted to go longer, but I decided to not be greedy and quit while I was ahead.

5/14- Chest at home!

5/15- Bad, bad day. Didn't feel great. Paul and I wallowed for awhile, then we sucked it up, counted our "blessings", and decided to be happy.
Did you get your strength workouts in this week? Many of you tell me these posts motivate you to pick up the weights!


  1. Not a bad week w/ workouts at all, Megan! I think you are totally on your way back to running since you have been being amazingly awesome and smart about your recovery. Yes, your posts always remind me to get my strength training in! 3 x per week for me, no exceptions. There was a day when running/biking/swimming was about the only thing I did and now that I have gotten into weights I can't ever look back. The body is just so much more toned and defined and I kind of love that. Hope your news wasn't too bad on Friday. You are in my thoughts. Make it a great weekend, friend.

  2. I copied you this week and ran 2 miles stopping every half-mile to do push-ups. I think this is something I'll definitely out into my shorter runs to keep them interesting!

    1. That's great! Sneaky strength is what we should call it. :)

  3. Hey Meg, glad to hear that ART may have helped. Could you please message me on facebook and tell me who you went to and what the ART was like? I just got dismissed from PT yesterday because they said there was nothing more they could do for me.

    1. Sure, I think I messaged you before but I will do it again. :)

  4. Oh no, really sorry to hear that you and Paul had a bad day yesterday. Hug your kitties - that always makes me feel a little better.

    That looks like a good workout week to me - especially if it's helping your body feel better! Whoo!

    1. Thanks girl. You know what is a good point about the workouts- if it culminates in me feeling well, then I shouldn't poo poo it.
