
Thursday, April 23, 2015

My heart can't take stuff like this!

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I know there isn't a lot of run talk this week... That's because I'm not running this week! Don't worry, I am still lifting and walking and still being a bad ass. But here is a cat story for you. You know I like to talk about them from time to time. 

I slept horribly on Sunday night. It took me forever to fall asleep and then we had a really big scare in the middle of the night. (Don’t get excited- it wasn’t a ghost!)

I went to bed at 9:30 and played Scrabble on my phone until I got tired enough that I thought I would fall asleep.

Since the windows were open (including the one right behind my head) Christmas was running around like a madman chasing either a real or imaginary creature outside. I determined it was real when I heard the bush outside my bedroom window making a big rustling sound. Yes, there was definitely something out there! I closed the window. It was cold and rainy anyway.

I kept dozing off and waking back up. Paul of course wasn’t in bed yet. He stays up late in his man cave in the basement. But that night he told me he might go sit on the back porch for a while. It was chilly but he’s a tough ‘ol boy.

At 12:42am I woke up because Paul came to bed. Before he goes to bed, he gives the cats their “night-night”. “Night-night” = 1 tbsp of dry food. Christmas came barreling into the bedroom for his food but Jelly was nowhere to be seen. It was odd.

“Where’s Jelly?” Paul asked. “I guess I’ll go look for him.”

I had a horrible feeling in my stomach. It was not normal for Jelly to not come running for his night-night! I heard Paul looking in all the usual places and he even went downstairs and looked in the storage room in the basement. Jelly was nowhere to be found.

Paul came into the bedroom. “I still can’t find him, babe,” he said.

We were worried sick. I had a horrible feeling that maybe Jelly slid out the door when Paul went outside. I thought maybe the rustling I heard in the bushes was Jelly. But that had been two hours ago. If Jelly had been outside all that time, would we be able to find him? Would he be okay?

I jumped out of bed panicked and started tearing through the house, calling Jelly’s name, checking and double checking all of his usual places. Paul got the bag of treats out, which always makes Jelly come running. Nothing. I really thought Jelly had gotten outside and that we would never see him again.

But finally, after about 10 minutes (which felt like forever) Paul found him. He was in the coat closet. When Paul got his coat out to go outside, Jelly must have slid in. He was in there for two hours, but he was fine.

We were so freaking relieved. I couldn’t imagine how we would have found Jelly in the middle of the night. But believe me, I wouldn’t have come inside until we found him. Hours, days, it wouldn’t matter to me.

My heart can't take stuff like this! I mean, look at this baby- would he survive even a day outside!?

My big 'ol boy!
Did your fur baby ever give you a really bad scare?


  1. I think Christmas opened the closet door and put Jelly inside.

    Yuri got out during one of our moves. We looked and looked and looked. My Megan was crushed and certain we would not see him again. After a few hours, I walked down our street and there sat Yuri on a patio. He looked very smug and not the least bit concerned about being out and about on his own. I gathered him up, loved on him and took him home to a happy little girl. Dang cat.

    1. lol I am sooooo glad you found Yuri but your story made me laugh. Why are cats so dang smug??

  2. That would have worried me so much! I am glad Jelly was OK! Neither Cuervo (our previous dog) or Macy (or current dog) have been runners--they both stay near the house. But when my dogs ever show signs of not feeling right or being lethargic, I freak out (p.s. don't google "sluggish dog" EVER). Macy has elbow dysplasia so sometimes when she gets up from laying down she is super sore and it breaks my heart (but then again, I think I look that way most times, too).

    1. Aw lol. I agree, googling lethargic cat/dog would be bad!

  3. My heart starting racing just reading the story. My biggest fear in the entire world is Cecil getting outside. I had a similar scare about a year ago when I got up to feed Cecil breakfast and he didn't come running. I shook the treat bag, etc. and he was no where to be found. I woke Adam up freaking out hard! I eventually found Cecil in the hallway of our apartment building sitting in a window. He must have slipped out at night when Adam went to get his laundry from the laundry room down the hall... and Adam didn't realize it. Cecil spent all night out there alone!!! I was SO relieved to find him ...and SO mad! Adam and I had quite a "talk" after that! (It was more like me freaking out and him knowing he had been a bad cat dad.)

    1. Oh wow that is VERY scary. I am so glad Cecil was safe in the hallway just chilling, but obviously something bad could have happened! I hope Adam is more careful now.

  4. I am glad you found him. By the way the picture in the Christmas tree is too adorable!
    I worry about our little dogs with the woods right behind us. Luckily my neighbors dog scares away a lot of the bigger creatures!

    1. Ooh I understand your worry about the woods. Glad you have some neighborhood protection.

  5. Oh my goodness, my Benny did this to me once and I went into panic mode. One of our bathrooms has a sliding glass door over the bathtub and we have a shower curtain over the outside of it for decor. Well, Benny somehow clawed his way up the shower curtain and landed in the bathtub on the other side. He was stuck there. I looked everywhere for him (over an hour) and finally heard him meowing. Sure enough, when I opened the curtain and glass door, there he was sitting in the bathtub. I still don't know how cats manage to jump and land safely from high falls.

    1. That is a long time to not know where Benny was! Glad he was safe and sound. Now the big question is did he ever do that again or did he learn his lesson?

  6. Oh my goodness, I was getting worried and sitting on the edge of my seat wondering is he was outside! I panic when Lola doesn't come and it's usually because she's fast asleep under a bed

    1. Aw she is such a beautiful ball of white fluff. I miss her. More pictures please. :)

  7. OMG I'm so glad Jelly was just in the closet. We've closed Archie in a closet before and in a cabinet. He loves going into small spaces like that and if we close him in by accident, he just falls asleep!

    Recently, he got himself into a weird sliding cabinet in the kitchen and Matt had to remove the door to get him out. Poor birdy. I definitely can relate to the panic you felt!!

    1. Aw Archie! I would feel 1000x more panicked about him than a cat because he is soooo leetle.

  8. I'm so glad you found him! It is really scary when pets don't come when they usually do. Just the other day, I let my dogs out in the morning while I was eating breakfast. Both of them usually come rushing in immediately when I open the door, but this time only my big one came in. This was not usual at ALL. I almost had a heart attack, calling Moe over and over again. Turns out, he had wedged himself between the back fence and some wood that we had put up to hide a hole that the big dog kept getting through! I was so relieved because Moe is SO small, he'd die if he got out of the yard.
