
Friday, April 24, 2015

A Day In My Life!

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I don’t know about you guys, but I love reading “Day in the Life” posts! Maybe it is creepy, but I like to know weird little things about the people behind the blogs I read daily. What time do you get up in the morning? How long is your drive to work? What do you do all day at your job? I want to know these things! 

My alarm went off at 5:15 on Tuesday morning. I got right into my workout clothes, poured my coffee, and went for my walk. I did 3 miles, but after every quarter mile, I got down on the sidewalk and did 15 push ups. My neighbors probably think I am insane. But hey, I got 180 push ups in by the time my walk was over!

Then I did a short chest workout at home while watching an episode of The View that was still on my DVR from last week.

I use my piano bench as a weight lifting bench. And I know the weights look weird. They are those power block ones you can change.

I love my big bay windows. It kind of makes me feel like I am working out outside.

I got done working out at 7:17 and I was taking this picture by 7:32. One secret to my quick getting ready time is the fact that I use the “let my hair dry in the car and see what happens with it” method for doing my hair. I work with kids under the age of 10. They don’t care what my hair looks like. And clearly, neither do I.

Yah I bring a lot of bags with me...

I eat breakfast on the way to work. Cereal and chicken!

Teachers need to be at work by 7:55 and somehow I made it there 2 minutes early! Wahoo! As soon as I sat down at my desk, 4 deer sauntered past my window! They ran away before I could snap a picture.

They were running down the path by that tree. So cute!

Look how messy my room is right now! I have had zero motivation to tidy up! This is very unlike me. In my own house, everything is ALWAYS put away...

Being an elementary music teacher is fun. But some days, you have to listen to this song on the recorder about 50 times:

Could you handle it!!??

In true "Day in the Life" style, I didn't take a picture of my lunch until it was devoured...

In case you are wondering what a typical day at work is like for me- here is what I had going on. Note: Classes are 30 minutes with 5 minutes in between each.

(some days I have duties and/or meetings but today I had NOTHING!)
LUNCH (1/2 hour)

It was gorgeous on Tuesday, but the only time I got to enjoy the sunshine was during my drive home. Teachers are allowed to leave at 3:40. It takes me about 17 minutes to get home and then I had piano lessons from 4:00-7:00.

You would think sitting at the piano for 3 hours would drag but it actually does not. Six different students with six different personalities keeps things... spicy!

Normally on Tuesdays I am done after my last lesson. However, on this day, I was meeting a client at the gym at 7:15 to train them. That's the thing about being a trainer- you have to work out when it suits their schedule. I ate my turkey + cheese sandwich in the car on the way to the gym. No time for pictures.

I love training, so I was really excited to work with a new client at a new gym.

I got home later than expected and was starving. After a long day like that, it is impossible for me to be like, "Oh, I will eat a bowl of fruit right now." Instead, it was wine, chips with melted cheese on top, an ice cream sandwich, animal crackers, chocolate morsels, Starburst jellybeans, and a glass of milk. This was all consumed between 9pm-10pm. Great "right before you go to bed food", huh?

Must relax and eat ALL THE FOOD before bed...

I went to bed around 10:15 and made the executive decision to sleep in the next day and take a rest day. I certainly needed one!

And that was my day! Other than the evening training session, all of my Tuesdays are pretty much like this. But I am rewarded on Wednesdays- a day I have zero after school commitments!
What is your busiest day of the week?
Can you house food at night the way I can?
Do you enjoy learning the minutia about a blogger's day?


  1. I am impressed how you are able to fit in strengthening to your walk (push-ups). Good idea.
    Tuesday is my busiest day, get the kids to school, piano lessons all morning, workout, back up to school to coach, take daughter to jazz choir, confirm. class for girls, music rehearsal for me in the evening...
    Yes, I down A LOT of food in the evening. Lately it has been a monstrous bowl of ice cream!

    1. Yumm I love ice cream! Tuesday must be piano lesson day. :) I figured I was doing chest anyway, so if I snuck some push ups into my walk, it would save me time later just waiting around in between sets.

  2. First of all, cutest dress ever! That is so my style. I love it and you look adorbs!
    Yes, I do like knowing what people do in a day. I am so interested in (interesting) people. This is why I can walk into a room and not know a soul and love the idea of getting to know someone! Your evening meal looks like my day before about 3 pm. I eat a ton of my food early in the day (lots at breakfast 1 and breakfast 2). Thanks for sharing and I love your idea of doing some type of strength work during your walk. Genius! Happy Friday, Meg.

    1. Thanks! I wear dresses or tunics with leggings to work every day because it is sooooo comfortable. I like meeting new people too, but I get a little shy, if you would believe that haha. Have a good weekend. :)

  3. I love posts like this! You are insanely busy. I should share a post like this someday haha. I'm amazed by your ability to do 180 push-ups!

    1. But you know us teachers, we are working at 150% during the school year and then summer we can veg! I would love to read a post all about your day. Do it!

  4. I love reading about other people's days! Sounds like Tuesdays are super busy for you! My busiest day of the week changes but usually its Mondays. How in the world do you eat cereal in the car?!?

    1. That is nice that you get your busy day out of the way first thing. I don't know I think I am just good at eating cereal. I couldn't tell you how I do it. It must be second nature.

  5. That is such a busy day! You are able to pack a lot into one day...very impressive. Love the idea of doing push ups during your walk. In all likelihood your neighbors where inspired ;) Monday-Thursday are all pretty busy for me. Friday is nice and easy. By the way, I LOVE the dress. It really suits you, and looks extremely comfortable. I do love day in the life posts. It always interests me to see how others go about the day. I can definitely house food at is often the only time I have to sit down (other than driving and a few brief moments throughout the day). Most of it is healthy, except for the ice cream, and I try to eat slowly so I don't get too full ;)

    1. Thanks! I love wearing dresses like that to work. To me, it's more comfortable than dress pants. I am glad to hear I am not the only one who loves ice cream!

  6. I love these day in the life posts!!!! You must be so coordinated to eat cereal in the car on the way to work. I can barely handle a bagel while driving! But that might be because I like to dissect all my food and eat it in pieces so that requires a lot of cutting, tearing and sorting.

    Your dress is really cute and I love that you're wearing flats. I always wear flats to work. I don't know how people prance around in heels all day! When I used to do that I was always taking my shoes off under my desk and groaning every time I had to stand up and go anywhere!

    1. I used to wear heels too but ever since I hurt my knee I realized that there is noooooo reason to wear heels to work! I would never do it now. I only wear heels on special occasion or SITTING DOWN occasions.

      I used to tear bagels apart! I would get blueberry bagels and peel the "skin" off. If you know what I mean. Then eat the inside and skin separate.

  7. OMG your day makes me exhausted! I really like to read about the day of other bloggers and get some more creeping action going on, lol.

    1. Me too! So where is your day in the life post so I can creep on you??? :)

  8. I love the day-in-the life posts!! Your Tuesdays are definitely busy!!! My busy days vary from week to week. Lately the weekends have been way too busy so I haven't been able to catch up on blogging like I usually do.

    1. I hope you have a less than busy weekend coming up soon! I imagine with the venue that weekends are when most events happen?

  9. That dress is so cute! And I am now convinced that all music teachers eat cereal in the car on the way to work. My music teacher friend also does this.

    1. That is awesome! It must be a music thing. ;)
