
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Randomy Randomness!

Allow me to catch you up on some random things going on in my world...
(These are in no order of important!)


The Harrisburg Patriot News does a “Go” section on Thursdays. It lists things to do and entertainment for the upcoming weekend. We do not subscribe to the news, or this section, but a couple weeks ago they started throwing it at the end of our driveway in a blue plastic bag. They do it to our whole neighborhood. IT IS SO FREAKING ANNOYING. Why are they just allowed to throw stuff on our property? I end up having to go out and throw away the plastic bag and put the newspaper in the recycling bin. 

So after two weeks in a row of getting this LITTER thrown at the edge of my driveway, I called the newspaper and asked to be removed from their delivery route. The lady on the phone was very nice and removed me from the list.

Of course that is not the end of the story! A week later, we got the Go section AGAIN!!! I was ticked. So I called back. It was a different lady. She asked for my phone number. I said, “no thank you.” This totally threw her off. She said, “Excuse me?” (I love when businesses ask for my phone number and I throw them off by saying "no thank you".) I was really stern this time and said that this was the second time I had to call to be removed from the list. We'll see if they actually remove me from the list or if I will have to call again next week!

Sleep Update

Remember how I was having a ton of trouble sleeping? Well for several weeks I have been taking 25mg of diphenhydramine before going to bed. It doesn't help me fall asleep, but it helps me fall back asleep when I am woken up in the middle of the night. This is key, because some nights I am woken up three or four times by Paul snoring or the cats. But I am now able to fall right back asleep with no problem. The only down side to this is that when my alarm goes off in the morning, I never feel well rested. I always feel like sleeping more. However, once I am out of bed, I am no longer groggy. I plan to keep taking 25mg until the school year is over. I am hoping I don't need it during the summer.

Chrissy is on a rampage.

With the warm weather finally here, we have the windows open as much as possible. I love the outdoor smells, the sounds of neighborhood kids playing, and of course I love making the cats happy! The bad part is whenever Christmas gets a whiff of the outdoors, he goes on a peeing rampage! It forces me to get out my nighttime trail running flashlight to search for pee spray on the walls. The depressing part about that is that I used my flashlight for trail running two times and I used it for finding pee spots a million times.

Knee Update

There's not too much to say on the knee issue. I have gotten all IT Band pain to go away, so that is good. Whenever my knee hurts, it is my actual knee pulsating. I am wondering if it is still healing from surgery a year ago? I know that sounds dumb, but is it possible to have inflammation from surgery that happened so long ago?

1,000 piece puzzles are hard!

I started a 1,000 piece puzzle almost two weeks ago. Here is a picture of my progress so far.

It's going to be a bunch of buildings and a bunch of boats.

Grilled chicken has changed my life.

I eat A LOT of chicken. It is my main source of protein. I can't remember the last time I looked forward to eating it... until Paul started grilling batches of it for me. Oh my gosh, it tastes so good now! I actually look forward to it- even when I have to eat it cold at 7:30am as part of my breakfast after I lift!

Tell me something random and catch me up on what is going on in your world!


  1. Hoping that you and Paul can work w/ the medical team and find a solution. I am thinking about you both, Megan.

  2. Aww, so sorry you are not enjoying your free newspaper! I would love that, but then again I am a journalist. I did see a Disney pic on the front page, so of course that intrigued me..haha. We will be thinking of Paul and hope the dr can help him!

    1. Haha I didn't even notice the Disney pic!

      It's mostly just a schedule of what is going on in the area. I guess there are a couple articles/theater reviews. I just get my panties in a bunch because I don't like when stuff gets THROWN at the edge of my driveway and just lays there. They could at least put it in the mailbox. ;)

  3. Sorry to hear about Paul. :( And Oh customer service. Sigh…I had quite the experience with AT&T last week! So it's not just my cat that has been running around the house having a tantrum because it's spring. Man Pepe has been going crazy. While I don't think he is peeing anywhere but the litter box, his pee has smelled AWFUL these last several weeks…like so much stronger. Is that a thing?

    1. Wow I don't know about the strong smelling cat pee thing! That is strange. Hey at least he is doing it in the litter box :)

  4. I swear, we have one of those blue plastic bags ALWAYS sitting at the edge of our driveway. And it seems as though as soon as I pick it up and put it in the recycling bin, another strategically shows up immediately. WHAT A WASTE!!! I don’t get it. We’ve even contacted the newspaper and they can’t do anything about it. Lame. So lame.

    You have inspired me to buy my first puzzle in years!

    1. YES! I hope you enjoy the puzzle! :)

      Omg I would be so mad if they told me there was nothing they could do about the newspaper insert.

  5. You sound exactly like me-I LOVE CHICKEN. People are always amazed at how much chicken breasts I eat ;) The neurosurgeon I worked with for several years would always say "so many chickens die because of you!" I agree with you, there is nothing better than grilled chicken. My husband grills me a a huge batch every week. I am not sure if you marinate it, but if you don't, you need to try it the following marinade-apple cider vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic & onion powder, and whatever other spices you have on hand-it is amazing.

    I also went through almost an identical newspaper situation about 5 years ago. My husband was FURIOUS. He kept trying to tell them that we never ordered the paper, to stop delivering it, and he is not paying for it...yet the paper never stopped coming!

    I am not sure what is going on with Paul, but I sincerely hope everything takes a turn for the better....

    1. Thank you for the marinating tip! I will tell it to Paul and he can play around with it. Normally he just spices it up a lot- no marinade. Whatever he does, it is GOOD though!

  6. I think all meat tastes better grilled!! I eat it leftover and cold, too.
    Did I tell you I worked a 3000 piece puzzle once?! It took weeks - good thing we didn't need our dining room table during that time since we eat in the kitchen:)
    I'm gong to check out that sleep aid - my problem is the same - I can fall asleep but during the night I spend hours awake.

    1. Oh I hope the sleep aid works for you!

      I can't believe you did a 3000 piece!!! What was it of?

  7. Yes yes yes to grilled chicken! Does he marinate it in anything or do you eat it plain?

    Chrissy is such a pretty kitty! When he starts spraying does Jelly get riled up at all?

    1. He does not marinate it but he spices the hell out of it!

      Nah, Jelly is a perfect angel. Seriously. :) They are total opposites.

  8. Uuugh we get stupid solicitation newspapers too. Sometimes the coupons makes them worth it, but usually they're just more junk we have to deal with!
