
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Weekly Workout Re-cap!

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I did not run much this week. I had a small pain in my ass for about 2 weeks and I was so scared of it turning into something big, so I took the week off from running. (starting Sunday). The pain was totally gone by Thursday, but I decided to take a couple more days off... just for good measure. It also helps that I don't have any running shoes right now. The ones I ordered had a defect so I had to send them back.

Luckily, there are a lot of other great ways to get your body moving besides running! However, as soon as I decide to run again, my dad and I are going on another trail run since we had so much fun on our first one!

4/18- Trail run with my Daddio!

4/19- Day #1 of no running. I checked out a new Planet Fitness (way nicer than the one I normally go to!) and then went home for a 3 mile walk. I did a lot of texting during my walk but I didn't fall down!

4/20- 4 mile walk before work. Thank goodness for good pod casts!

4/21- 3 mile walk. After every quarter mile, I got down on the sidewalk and did 15 push ups. I did 180 push ups all together! Then I lifted in my living room while watching The View.

4/22- REST! I had trained a client the night before and was really tired. Sleeping in was imperative. (By sleeping in, I mean until 7:15!!!!)

4/23- More lifting at home. Oh, and I recorded my pull ups! See, I really do lift in my jammies!

4/24- More walking. It was FREEZING this morning! So glad I didn't put my cold gear away yet because I was bundled. WTF, April!? I really wanted to run. But I didn't. This is good.

Tell me about an awesome workout you had this week!


  1. When I work out at home, it's all I can do to get myself into a sports bra and shorts. It gets so hot in our house that if I workout in Jammies I end up super sweaty and uncomfortable, but I always want to just stay in them bc they're so comfy!

    1. I can imagine it would be hot down there in FL. We are in the weird time in PA where it doesn't make sense to turn the heat on during the day, but in the mornings it is cold! So pjs work for now. But HOPEFULLY in a month it will be really hot out.

  2. Nice job on the pull ups--you are such a bad ass! I can't believe how much I have grown to love strength training in the last 5 years. TRX has been a game changer and after next week I am moving on from the 'basic training' to something different (they sent me so many workouts plus you can find a lot of stuff online). Muscle definition is awesome, am I right?!?

    1. YES! I feel the same way- never thought I would care about lifting. I am glad you love your TRX. I bet it is so fun to learn new moves.

  3. Hi Meg!
    Sorry to hear about your pain - I hope it gets resolved soon so you can get back to running!! I've been dealing with shin splints and calf issues so I have not been running as much...hoping it turns around soon!!! Hope you are well! :)

    1. Hey Heather!!!! Nice to hear from you! :) Hope all is well in your world- minus the shin splints!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! I wanted to barf. Seriously, it was a horrible feeling.

  5. When I grow up I want to be strong like Meg!!! You are a rock star with those pull ups!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks!!! You are strong though! And fast. ;)
