
Friday, January 9, 2015

Workin' Out At HOME!

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A couple weeks ago, I was babying my hamstring, due to a 24 Hour Hamstring Saga. (Short story: I woke up with a sudden, sharp pain in the lower left hammy that stayed strong for a full day. I rested it and iced it. The next morning, I woke up and it was practically gone. WTF?)

Even though the pain was practically gone the next day, I still babied it. I don't mess around when it comes to aches and pains. (Unless it's my IT band... I'll put that shit off forever!)

Here is the workout I did. It took me a long time (over an hour and a half!) due to all the resting I did in between exercises. Yay for Christmas break and having all the time in the world!!!!

If you can read my sloppy handwriting...

Ready to roll!

My "weight bench" is my piano bench with a towel
over it. My head rests on the couch.

This is my doorway pull up bar, but you can also use it
for push ups and dips. I really liked using it for push ups. I felt like it forced
me to go lower. Normally I do 4x15 but it was more difficult so I did 4x10.

Chrissy hijacked my towel! He always does.

We were out of "real" protein (aka chicken breast) so instead I made a smoothie.
Whey, banana, peaches, water, ice. I would much rather eat my calories (personal preference)
but whey works well in a pinch!

BAM got my pump on!

Would you rather eat food or drink smoothies?
Have any cool workout equipment at home?


  1. I miss having all the time in the world on break! Can we go back to that for another week?

    I'd much rather eat food than drink protein shakes, but I love making smoothies. I'm just generally too lazy to clean the blender so I only make them when I know I'm going to be running the dish washer soon ;)

    1. I'm too lazy too! It's way easier to just pour a bowl of cereal and grab a piece of chicken!

  2. Ahhh I like how you use your pull up bar! I need to get one of those..

  3. That has to be the best bench I've ever seen lol. We bought my step son one of those bench press/leg extension combo things about a year ago so I use that for lifting. Send to duo the job, nothing fancy.

    1. Thanks! We actually DO have a bench but it's in the basement and I don't want to workout down there!

  4. I love your makeshift weight bench! Very MacGyver of you :-)

    My cat totally hijacks my workouts too! Whenever I do planks or foam roll they get all up in my business. I was planking the other night and sure enough one of my cats darted over so he could rub up on my face and block my timer and purr, all while I'm trying to hold a plank! So weird. Why do cats do that? LOL

    1. They do it because... it's all about THEM! :) I love when they walk under me when I do a plank. Mostly they just like to lay on my towel, then I have to get out another one rather than shoo them away. Who am I kidding, I live in THEIR house.

  5. Your muscles are sexy, woman! I think I've got a girl crush on you!

    1. Haha thanks! If only I weren't so pasty white!

  6. Ha! I like the weight bench...I never thought of doing that. If I could get myself into more weights I will use it--I am on day 2, yay me!

  7. I would much rather eat protein than drink it:) Probably because I don't really like smoothies.
    I have never used our pull-up bar for push-ups - gonna try that tomorrow!!!
