
Saturday, January 10, 2015

My week summed up in someecards...

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This week tested me. That's the nicest way I can say it! 

Let me catch you up on what has been going on in my world!

My first day back at work was easy peasy! The kids were calm, I was calm, and after work, I got to go home and hop right into my jammies. That is my kind of day.

I didn't even make it to work on Tuesday. It had snowed the night before, but we didn’t have a delay or cancellation. I set out for work and the roads were horrible. I was sliding all over the place and it wasn’t getting better. I was only two miles from my house when I called my mom crying. She told me to turn around and go home. I ended up taking an emergency personal day because there was no way I was going to risk getting into a wreck. It wasn’t a very fun reason to take personal day… but at least I was safe and sound.

On Wednesday, Christmas went to get blood drawn in preparation for his teeth cleaning. (Yes, we decided to do it! Thanks everyone for your input!) Well, the results are back, and Christmas is HEALTHY AS A FREAKING HORSE. Everything they tested for came back with flying colors! Paul and I are over the moon, because of course we have a pact with Christmas that he is going to live forever. It’s nice to see that he is holding up his end of the pact.

Thursday was the longest day of my life. It started out with a mind over matter 8 degree run. (-7 with wind chill!) After work, I taught piano lessons from 4-7:30. At 7:43, I finally collapsed on the couch to watch two episodes of Survivor before going to bed. I was never so happy for a day to be over! Maybe I better reevaluate this whole “teach as many piano students as possible” thing!

As I was getting ready for work on Friday, I decided I was going to be calm, serene, and the BEST teacher ever. Did you know that’s really hard to do? No sooner did my first class of the day come in and sit down, than a student interrupted my very first sentence. If you ever wondered what teaching is like, picture being interrupted every 10 seconds, and that is what you're dealing with. 

And on that note my friends, may your weekend be long, prosperous, and FREE from interruptions!

How was your week? Tell me the good, the bad, or the ugly!


  1. Oh Meg, I'm sorry your week was so wacky. :S On a brighter note all of your memes had me LOL'ing! I need the 'interruptions' one on a poster in my classroom. We had pretty slick roads here as well on Friday morning. I drove super duper slow but I made it to work safe and sound. I couldn't unclench my fingers from gripping the steering wheel so tightly

    1. It is scary driving in bad weather! I am glad you made it there in one piece. Do they ever delay school or cancel it in Canada due to bad road conditions?

  2. I think it's really smart you turned around and went back home on Tuesday! The roads have been horrible here too, and yesterday I almost slid through a red light at an intersection (going so slow already...) I wanted to just pull over and wait it out (I guess all day? lol). It's good you went home and were safe!

    And yay for Christmas being so healthy! When is the cleaning?

    How awesome you teach piano lessons! I want to learn someday! :)

    My week was pretty good! Stayed in a lot since it was kind of nasty outsde

    1. It certainly was nasty here, too! I do not know when his cleaning is. Apparently they have a "special" on teeth cleaning in March, so my hubby was going to call and see if it is safe to wait until then, and if not, can we have the "special" price now. :) Wheelin' and dealin'.... Why not!? Even if it only saves 50 bucks, that's good!

    2. We wait until it's "on special" at our vet, too :) His teeth are going to be so fresh and so clean clean! :)

  3. ...but the good news is, IT'S THE WEEKEND!! I am glad Christmas got a clean bill of health!!
    We had the slick roads here in the late morning so everyone was where they needed to be.
    That is a LOT of piano lessons after teaching all day!
    What genre of piano do you like to play?

    1. Woohoo for the weekend!

      I actually rarely play piano for pleasure anymore. :( As you can imagine, after teaching all day and then teaching 6-7 piano lessons after work, the last thing I want to do is play the piano! I have one student who is advanced so I have a copy of her book and I play through her songs before I teach them to her so I know what I'm doing. I love pretty much anything in her book. Lots of sonatinas and stuff like that.

  4. I'm glad Christmas is so healthy!!

    My week was like yours re: school. The kids were great in the beginning...maybe they were still tired from break or just felt refreshed. But the end of the week was chaotic and I nearly lost my voice redirecting them. Blah. Can it be spring break yet? Haha

    1. Oh spring can't come soon enough! That is my busy time, with concerts and such, but of course I love that stuff!

  5. So glad Christmas' tests came back with such positive news!

    At least last week is now over and you can restart fresh on Monday. I bet the week after a long break is just so hard for teachers to get the kids back into a normal classroom routine when they're all so excited to see each other again.

    I admit I was a talker in school. It was the only reason I ever got sent to detention. Every parent-teacher conference went the same way, "Kristina is doing well but it's very difficult to get her to STFU." My mom is a chatter box too so she found it a bit amusing.

    1. It is hard. I mean, I felt refreshed and ready, but seriously the students were sucking the life out of me this week.

      I don't know if I was a talker. I don't remember getting in trouble for talking, but that doesn't mean I didn't talk! I do know that at faculty meetings, there are teachers at my school that will talk and whisper over top of my principal while he is leading the meeting. I can't believe they do that! I get such secondhand embarrassment for them because they are grown ass adults talking when their boss is talking!

  6. I had a difficult week, too. Going back to work after the holidays is so hard. I just kept screwing up little things, one after another. Not on my game at all. One of those weeks when I'm thinking "my boss must think I'm the biggest waste of a hire ever."

    I'm proud of you for getting out there in that -7 wind chill weather! We've had similar temps this week but I haven't run outside. I just didn't want to deal with it, mostly cause we got a bunch of snow and I just hate running in snow. Bleh.

    1. I am not a fan of running in snow either! I was able to find clear roads and if the roads weren't clear I hopped up on the sidewalk. It is a lot more melted today!

      I hope next week is better for you!!

  7. After seeing that huge car pileup in Michigan I'm glad you turned around! My week was kind of yucky too. Pain in the ass clients and loads of technical problems and trying to get a bunch of other stuff accomplished. Some days I really freaking miss a steady paycheck! There isn't a day that goes by that I do some kind of work.

    1. You are always hustlin' and I admire that! I am sorry your week was yucky as well. :( Hopefully next week will be better for both of us! It has to be, right!?

      I haven't practiced my uke all week, either. So sad.

  8. I have definitely had weeks that have resulted in various smiley/frowny/tired faces (like your picture suggests). I can’t believe your kids were calm the first week back… the holidays and break must have worn them out. What do you do when your kids interrupt you? Maybe you could make some kind of learning game out of it and have an interruption jar or reward system for not interrupting.

    I’m glad to hear that Christmas is happy and healthy. When does he get his teeth cleaned?

    1. Paul is calling this week to set something up. It will either be soon, or it will be in March when they have a "special" on teeth cleaning. Depends if it is safe to wait or not. :)

      When they interrupt, oh I do any number of things. I teach music K-4, so depending on the age of the kid (and if they are a frequent offender!) my responses could vary. Anywhere from ignoring them and continuing my thought, or saying, "Would you like to be the teacher today?" hahaha. I believe on Friday morning, my response to the 4th grader was, "Really? We are not even 10 seconds into class and you are interrupting me?" Not one of my finer teaching moments but... well, you saw the smileys :)

  9. I hope your weekend is full of smiley faces!!!
    I heard so many horror stories about places that didn't cancel school this week and bus wrecks and other accidents - not sure why schools didn't want to cancel -I guess they are trying to avoid a repeat of last year.

    1. Yup, that's the only thing I can think of too. Last year we had off several days during the "polar vortex" and this year our new superintendent already put a message on our district's website saying that school will NOT be closed due to cold weather so bundle up! Now midnight-tomorrow at 1pm there is a winter weather advisory and we are supposed to get a lot of ice so we will see if they delay for that or not!

  10. Yes we do. We don't make up 2 hr delays or early dismissals, but full days we make up.
