
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ready To Run Book Review: Preface, Introduction & Part 1

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After being plagued by chronic IT band/knee issues, I finally went back to my chiropractor (who performs Active Release Therapy) in hopes of some relief. He recommended the book Ready to Run, by Dr. Kelly Starrett. I immediately bought it off Amazon and got to work reading it. I will provide you my review, thoughts, and anything else I have to say about the book as I am reading it. I have no clue what I will think of the book. All thoughts are my own and are in real time as I read through. 

No one is compensating me for this book review, and I spent my own $18 to buy it. (Okay, it was a gift card. Thank you piano student!!!!)


The preface was written by T.J. Murphy, and he pretty much sings Dr. Starrett's (a physical therapist and mobility expert) praises. Murphy ran through injury after injury until he was forever changed by Dr. Starrett's expertise. I had secondhand pain just reading about all the injuries Murphy was plagued with. But he just kept assuring the reader, "All human beings should be able to perform basic maintenance on themselves... ....This is both the challenge and the promise of this book for those who want to be able to run well and run often until the end of their days. You are born to run."

After reading the Preface, I am EXTREMELY excited and convinced that I too will be able to run well and run often without being injured! I dare you to read the Preface and not feel the same way!


Dr. Starrett stresses that most runners are doing it all wrong. We run through nagging pains. We buy different shoes, slip in orthotics, and down Advil all in an attempt to make it through our runs and mask any underlying pain. It's a vicious cycle. He stresses that there is no magic pill, but with his 12 standards,  you will become "as Ready to Run as possible."

Again, this introduction is very motivating, but it is starting to be laid on a little thick and my skepticism is beginning to creep up. I am thinking, "Really, this book (combined with me doing the work suggested by the book) is going to cure all my ailments!? Sounds to good to be true."

We shall see.

Part 1 (Chapter 1 & 2):

Okay, Chapter One is still busy assuring me that this book is going to change my life. Come on! It's page 28 already.... give me something to do! Finally, I learn that all my stretching is going to be replaced with mobilizing and that it is going to take 10 minutes a day- every day. Easy peasy.

Chapter Two again assures the reader you are really and truly born to run. It is a short chapter, but it does explain (in a non boring way) what exactly about the human body makes us born to run.

Parting Words From Megan: While I started out super excited about this book, I am a little annoyed that I am now on page 53 and I don't yet know what I am supposed to do to become an uninjured runner for good! Let's hope the next couple chapters give me some VERBS.


  1. Thank you for reviewing this! If it turns out to be helpful I'll probably get a copy too. I always have nagging pains, but no major injuries...yet!

    1. Spoiler Alert: I got a little farther in the book and I love it!

  2. Please keep us posted on this book! I so want to run pain free again, and I know I can trust your opinion if I should purchase this book... particularly in regards to the plantar fasciitis! It does sound too good to be true though!

    1. I got a little farther in the book- and my eyes have been so opened!

  3. I'm with everyone else, keep the reviews of this book coming. I'd love to get rid of the little nagging pains, although I am a super skeptic and kind of think that some nagging pain/soreness every once in a while is just part of being a runner!

    How crazy that there are no action steps in the first 50 pages of the book! I'm very impatient and probably would have skipped those chapters :)

    1. I was scared to skip incase I missed anything important!

  4. I have to admit that I am cracking up reading your review, because you sound like me--"Get to the good stuff!!" Which pretty much sums up MY running injuries, I am too impatient to stick to 10 minutes of stretching or stick to my strengthening program, because I just want to "get to the good stuff"--RUNNING!! Ha!

  5. I am extremely bad and definitely run through pain. I need to learn to take a break. Yesterday, my 5-miler SUCKED and I wanted to lay down and cry. I realized it was my body telling me I was too tired and needed to stop. So, I went home and napped. I don't nap. Ever.

    1. It is the runner's mentality... we are so TASK ORIENTED that we want to get it done whether there is pain or not! I am actually contemplating taking several weeks off running. That is what this book will do to you I guess!

  6. I read this book around Thanksgiving! It does start giving more practical advice as the book goes on but I know what you mean. It actually ends up giving SO many suggestions of what to do at the end that its a bit overwhelming, so I chose a few small things to start with. I hope that you end up getting alot out of it!

    1. I did get to more of the "meaty" part of the book and I am actually starting to take notes and make lists! I have to prioritize what is most important. I am wondering if there was anything specific you do now that you didn't do before you read the book?

  7. I know you mentioned this book on my blog, so I'm excited to see how you like it! I hope it ends up being more useful for you;) You remind me so much of myself here... I just want to KNOW what I need to do not to be injured... I'm sick and tired of seeing specialists like chiro's, pt's etc and not getting better.. I want to learn how to do it myself! I actually have been trying self trigger point therapy.. but I always worry I'm doing it the wrong way, ugh... the frustration continues;)

    1. You are not alone, Kristen! I hope this book is helpful and don't worry, I will spread any good things I learn/read!
