
Sunday, January 25, 2015

"Weekly" Workout Re-Cap!

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This was my second week of no running!
The first week sucked. I had a couple low days where I felt "fat" and bloated.
But I haven't cheated! Are you proud of me?

1/18- I went for a 4 mile walk in the morning by myself and then a 5 mile walk with my friend Bree in the afternoon. I was very tired after all that walking! I also of course did some mobility work. I skipped the glute activation for the first time in a week. Figured I'd give my ass a little bit of a rest!


Voodoo Floss Video Pt. 1 & Pt. 2

1/20- Super long walk before work!

1/21- 2 mile walk before work, then 2 mile walk at night- w/ Paul in the beautiful snow! It was gorgeous. We had an early dismissal, so when I got home, I did lots of mobility work and a couple upper body lifts. We were supposed to go to the gym but the roads were NOT good.

1/22- 2 mile walk and another chest and mobility workout- very similar to the one posted above!

1/23- Lifting back and mobility work at Planet Fitness!

1/24- Snowy 5 mile walk... and... you guessed it... mobility work.

I miss running but I do really enjoy my walks!


  1. Great job! I am proud of you. What day do you see your chiro?

  2. All that walking physically hurts me. I ran 15 miles yesterday, but the thought of walking 5 miles kills me. It takes SO long! You have the willpower of a goddess!

    1. 15! That's more than you ran in awhile right??? Hope it was fun. :) Walking 5 miles does take a long time. Luckily, I have some good podcasts!

  3. Great job ;) Nothing is like running, but I honestly think the combination of running and walking is perfect. After a run, talking my dogs for a walk (if I have the time) stretches the legs and really feels great. Keep in my mind I regrettably got little dogs-the 4 pound chihuahua walks about a 20 min/mile if I'm lucky, so it is not speed walking! I wish you luck at your appointment and hope that things keep heading in the right direction....

    1. I wish I had dogs to walk :) Would make the warm up/cool down much more enjoyable!

      I plan to walk every day I run as a warm up and cool down.

  4. I'll bet walking gives you a great chance to look around and really enjoy the atmosphere in a way running doesn't!

    1. You are correct! It is fun to look at all the weird houses in my neighborhood. I see things I don't normally see. Also, I daydream more...

  5. I walk when I have a lot of shows on my DVR and can't run - I don't mind it with good shows and a steep incline!

    1. Yeah an incline would make you feel the burn and get those endorpins going!

  6. That is awesome that you are still getting out and walking a lot. A lot of people would just shut down if they could not run. When you are walking do you listen to music/podcasts or anything?

    1. I do! I pretty much great up the same way I would if I were running. It really helps to fill the void.... just by sticking to routine, you know?

  7. You've put in a serious commitment to walking! When I say I'm going for a walk I'm usually talking 1-3 miles max. A good podcast would definitely help make it less boring. What are you listening to now?

    1. Haha thanks! There's nothing else to do. :)

      Listening to Stuff You Missed in History Class and of course, Rob Has A Podcast. Even bought one of his audio books about Survivor and it is 13 hours long!
