
Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

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What a snowy weekend! It totally went with my mood.
All I wanted to do was curl up and zone out...

I had a great workout at Planet Fitness!

My arms were shaking as I tried to apply my eyeliner.
That's how you know you had a good workout

After work, Paul and I didn't feel like doing anything. But we did need to go to the grocery store for chicken and cat litter. We always need chicken and cat litter! Well, Giant was CRAZY because it was supposed to snow all night long. I think it is funny. People in PA freak out when a snow storm is coming... but we get several snow storms a year! And I can't remember ever being snowed in for more than 1 day. (Oh by the way, on our drive home, we realized we forgot to get cat litter!!!!)

For dinner, we had a YUMMY frozen, rising crust pizza and... DIET MOUNTAIN DEW. I know, not the most nutritious dinner, but it was so good! We watched Vegas Vacation. Can you believe that movie is 18 years old!? Now I feel old...

I woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland...

Then I went for a long winter walk. When I got back, I was feeling blue. So after I did my stretching and mobility exercises, I laid in bed for two hours. My intention was to sleep, but of course my mind was racing, so I was unable to.

That evening, I went out for sushi with my friend Randy. We had a great time and chatted for over two hours! Sadly, there are no pictures from this event, so I will share an old picture of me and Randy...

Sunday morning was epic because I went for my first run in two weeks! I will write more about it in a few days, but just check out my pre-run excitement!!!!

Then we went to my brother and sister-in-law's house to play Hidden in Plain Sight... the most simple but extremely fun game I have ever played on the Xbox!

Paul brought his own gaming chair!

Ellie and I did a photo sesh.

I was able to incorporate the couch stretch into my afternoon of gaming!

Paul and I pretty much treated Sunday night as if it were a Saturday night. South Central PA was supposed to get a 24 hour snow storm resulting in 4-8 inches. I was convinced I would have at least a delay on Monday, if not a closure of school. We lived it up by eating brie and playing Jeopardy!

For dinner, I had a whole butternut squash... I had devoured most of it by the time I took this picture!

Ooh and during my final edit of this post, I just got the call that we have a delay on Monday! Woohoo! (I still have a feeling school will be closed...)
Have you ever played Hidden in Plain Sight?
Do people freak out (where you live) when it is supposed to snow?
Tell me something fun about your weekend!


  1. Tell us how your knee felt after your run! Hoping it treated you well--excited for you. Colorado is like Pennsylvania. We get a lot of storms but the stores get crowded before each one. Highlight of my weekend: saw American Sniper in the morning, went to lunch then went and saw Cake. I haven't seen 2 movies(at the theater) in one day in almost 30 years. Good way to spend Sunday since no football on :(

    1. We saw Sniper- loved it! How was Cake? It looks interesting but I have never been amazed with Jennifer Aniston's acting.

    2. Don't see Cake. Eat cake but do not see Cake. See Imitation Game for sure! I saw 8 movies in the last 4 weeks (yay) and it is still my favorite. Sniper close 2nd.

  2. I have never seen that much snow in my life! I can't wait to go somewhere with proper snow one day. And I love your gaming/stretching multi-tasking :)

    1. lol thanks! Dr. Starrett says we need to be athletes 24/7, not just during the time we're running! :)

      Come anywhere in the Northeastern states from Jan-Mar. You will see lots of snow! :)

  3. I've never heard of that Xbox game - sounds funs.
    People in Kansas do tend to freak out when a heavy snow is predicted - the grocery stores are insane!!!

  4. I am chuckling about your gaming position. I would surely get hurt because I tend to steer with my entire body...
    I went to the store today with everyone else from NH. I fell into the trap. I must get milk, bread and eggs in case we are snowed in for a day!

    1. lol because I am sure you didn't have enough food in your house already, right? ;) When it snows, I think: WINE! CAT LITTER!

  5. Since it only snows once every 5 or 6 years here, people definitely freak out. And even then, it's tiny flakes that don't stick. It's so weird seeing pictures of snow. I've been tanning in the backyard because it's been in the 70s. I forgot that it is, in fact, still winter in most of the country.

    1. With you being in the Pacific Northwest, I would think it would be cold up there by now AND snowing! Now, we were only up there once in June, but it was cold! :)

  6. If there is even a dusting of snow here everyone freaks out and everything shuts down! I think it is hilarious being from Ohio. Last winter we had a crazy ice storm and I had to drive all of my friends around because they were too scared and I was the only one with an ice scraper in my car.

    1. Ooh I am definitely not a fan of driving in snow or ice!!! You would have been hauling my ass around. ;)

      I didn't have a scraper in my car for the first round of snow we had a few months ago. I ended up brushing it off with a flip flop I found in the backseat.

  7. Augh, being the secretary I am sure you have do deal with allllll kinds of crazy parents...

  8. People would definitely freak out here if it snowed half an inch. Everyone (except the runners) freak out when it dips into the 50s!

    Do you have the Jeopardy game? My new thing for after work treadmill runs is to go when Jeopardy is on since I can change the little treadmill TV to whatever I want! :) I also enjoy a rousing game of the Wheel, haha.

    1. Yes! We love jeopardy for the Xbox! I have a snow day today so i am pretty sure we will play a few games this afternoon.... :)

    2. I had to chime in: we LOVE Jeopardy. Normally watch it every night. Used to actually TiVO it (nerd alert).

    3. Oh dang I should start DVR'ing and watching on the side so I can beat Paul more often!

  9. I want to know about Hidden in Plain Sight! And your run!! I can't wait to hear how it went!

  10. I heard that you are supposed to be getting a lot of snow in the coming days - it all over the news on the west coast. At least it is nothing out of the norm, although it might be quite interesting for a few days. I think it would be fun to stay indoors and watch a huge snow storm come through - it would make me relax and have fun doing things I might not otherwise do. We get snow every once in a while, but I wish we would get more during the winter months!

    1. Well luckily the huge storm is more north than me- NYC, Boston, etc. I am in Central PA. However, as you can see, we did get some good stuff and we had off work yesterday due to poor road conditions! We will have to make up the day but I am still glad we had off- I hate driving in snow/ice.
