
Saturday, January 24, 2015

The F Word

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We're talking about the word FAT, people.

I have given up running and cardio (other than walking) for two weeks. I haven't cheated.

I feel fat.

First of all, feeling fat is different from saying, "I am fat." I know I am not fat. And I am not fishing for compliments, I swear to you I am not. Because for me, when I feel fat, it doesn't matter what anyone says. That feeling is still there.

Not running hasn't made me feel more energized. I feel bloated (running keeps me "regular"), slow, and unmotivated. My IT band hasn't hurt in quite awhile but my knee still pulsates. Not a fun feeling. I wish I knew what was wrong with it.

Technically, I am allowed to go for a run on Monday. But I am pretty sure I am going to hold off until I talk to my chiro again. I am toying around with the idea of just doing low impact stuff- like the arc trainer- for another two weeks. The arc trainer, while boring, still gives me the cardio high I so enjoy.

I wish my brain was past the whole feeling fat thing, but I don't know if it ever will be 100%. 

Do you ever "feel" fat? What triggers it and how do you get past it?


  1. I meant to ask you when you get to run again and how the knee/IT band feels. Wish it was back to 100% but see what the chiro suggests. I know what you mean about feeling fat. Different from "I think I am fat". When we come back from vacation and have eaten out every meal and have not worked out (I don't put any pressure on myself to workout when traveling) I do have that "fat" (or "soft" "out of shape") feeling and my system is ready to get back to normal eating and normal workouts. I know I don't need to lose weight but I just want that feeling of working my body and feeding it well. It's not just a girl thing either. Rick will say things at the end of vacation too that suggests he is feeling less than great in his body. The best part, though, is that as soon as you start back into what you love, you immediately start to feel better!

    1. You are right! I know I will feel better as soon as I start feeling like I'm working again! :) Did you have a good vaycay???

    2. I am leaving one week from tomorrow!!

  2. Hi Meg!
    I read this article the other day - I have no idea if this is what you are experiencing but I just thought I would share it with you, just in case!

    Hope you figure out the issue soon and are back to running! :) Lots of healing wishes!

    1. Thank you so much for the link and kind words, Heather. :)

  3. I can get that fat "Feeling" even though I know I'm not fat either. It's mostly feeling bloated and lethargic. Have you tried swimming? When I had horrible shin splints after my half marathon and couldn't put any pressure on my legs, that's the cardio I turned to. Wasn't my favorite, but worked in the interim.

    1. It would require joining the YMCA, but I will definitely do it if it is what it comes down to. Can't wait to talk to my doc again!

  4. When I feel like that I always drink a ton more water. In my mind I feel like it's flushing out my system! Hey, what have you been doing for your IT band pain. Mine has come back and I can't get in to see my ortho till Feb. I actually found a chiro in your area that does ART and have been thinking of making the drive down there.

    1. Which chiro???

      My chiro and I have determined it's not an IT band problem, it's a KNEE problem. He recommended the book Ready To Run and I am trying to adopt the strategies in that book to do injury rehab and maintenance on myself. He does scrape my knee for scar tissue and works on the ROM on it. I am reviewing Ready to Run on here. I haven't run in 2 weeks. I have no IT band pain my my knee is STILL inflammed. See chiro on Wed, will see what he says...

  5. I haven't been running for a week due to plantar fasciitis and I feel the same way - good luck!

  6. I know exactly what you mean about running making you feel "regular." When I didn't run at all a couple weeks ago I felt soooo bloated the whole time. Weight lifting just doesn't give you that same feeling that running does. Adam gets the same way. He doesn't say "I'm bloated" or "I feel fat" but after not working out for a few days he will moan and groan and rub his stomach a lot, ha.

    Like Susan says after that first good run back you will feel like yourself again! And it's awesome that you recognize that it's all in your head and that you obviously aren't fat at all! That's really the important part!

    1. So men get it, too!

      Can't wait to feel normal again, but sadly, my knee still hurts. It feels exactly the same as it did when I was running....

  7. I can relate to this a lot, especially during that "special" time of the month that only women go through. I know I have not gained weight or physically changed in any way, but mentally and emotionally I am all over the place. Feeling bloated is one of my least favorite feelings. When this happens, I try to drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. Also, just getting outside and walking around helps. Fresh air is a must during times of bloat and letharg (I know, that is not a word). Hang in there - you are almost BACK!

    1. lol thank Kristen! I agree- I have been enjoying my walks! And I think we should make letharg a word. :)

  8. I totally relate to this. I haven't run in over a week because of my exhaustion levels. I feel sluggish and fat too, in a kind of lethargic way.

    Are you allowed to do other cardio? Maybe swimming or the elliptical or anything that could help you deal with not running?

    1. I am technically allowed to do whatever I want. I decided not to run or do other cardio just to SEE if all the rest helped my knee. It's not helping. :(

  9. I totally get this feeling. It is part of why days off are hard for me - I always feel like a slug and slob when I don't run or sweat regularly!!!
    Hope that you get some answers on your knee soon - glad your IT band is feeling better.

  10. I get this feeling when I know I've been sitting too much. I also feel like this when I feel like I've been wasting my life away on the internet. It's such a silly feeling to have. I feel especially fat the week before my period and I never know why, then when it happens I'm like THANK GOD there was a reason!

    1. LOL for me it is the first day of my period :)

  11. Ugh. I hope you are busting out some lifts at the gym so you feel STRONG and not the F word. :)

  12. I feel that way when I eat something that makes my stomach feel full and bloated. And yeah, when I haven't run for a few days.

    Good for you though, for sticking with not running for those whole two weeks! I hope your knee starts feeling better, soon!
