
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to survive NOT running for 2 weeks.

You may or may not know I voluntarily decided to not run or do ANY cardio for 2 weeks!

Sound like something you could do?

It was definitely not fun. I was out of my comfort zone- BIG TIME.

This is what kept me sane...

1. I told people about my decision not to run. That way if I cheated, I would be held accountable.

2. I tried to eat a little healthier. When I'm running, I can get away with eating crackers/cheese/wine before dinner. I still did the crackers/cheese/wine thing, but only on the nights I craved it.

3. I planned out other creative workouts. If you have been reading my Weekly Workouts Re-Cap, you know that I still got a lot of fitness training in, even though I wasn't running or doing other cardio,

4. I lifted- A LOT! I discovered I can do 4 pull ups with a wide grip and 6 pull ups with a close grip. Woohoo!

5. For my walks, I stuck to my morning routine as much as possible. That meant using my Garmin, listening to pod casts, and all the other "routine" stuff I do when I run. It filled the void- a little bit!

Two surprising things I learned...

 1. Don't underestimate how tired walking will make you! One day, I walked 4 miles in the morning and 5 miles with a friend in the afternoon. I was exhausted- much like I am after a long run!

2. I enjoy my walks! I look forward to incorporating them into my weeks, even when I am running again!
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  1. How are you feeling? Did your run on Sunday aggravate that knee of yours? I had to use walking in replace of running all summer. In some ways, walking is actually harder for me and you are right--makes you very sore. I wasn't sure if I would be able to come back to running so I was mentally preparing for being a "walker, swimmer and cyclist". Someday that may be my reality and I think with time, I would be OK with it....

    1. My leg feels good but I am trying not to get my hopes up! Nothing is aggravated at all. In fact walking made it feel MORE jacked up!

    2. What did the chiro say today?

  2. Four pullups with a wide grip and six with a close grip!!!! Tell the truth, was it sort of worth taking time off running to learn that? Because daaammnn! :)

    1. LOL well it took me 2.5 years to get to this point, I don't know if I got that much stronger in just 2 weeks! But I did make it a point to max out and test myself... just to see what I had going on!

  3. As you may know I always walk at least 1/2 mile after all my runs, and in the winter I do a 1.5 mile hike after my runs. I swear that adds a lot to my training. When I just do the .5 mile it works out all the "niggles", when I go farther, it builds endurance, time on your feet an strengthening!
    I do not think I can do one pull up. :(

    1. I need to adopt your walking habits even when I am back to running!

    2. I take a 20 - 30 minute walk with my dog after every run. Cheryl is right, it works out all the kinks! Plus my dog loves it so how can I say 'no' to that?!?

  4. If I couldn't run or do cardio, I would be all about walking.

    I love walking. When I was growing up, and even in high school and college, I used to go on walks every day. I'd pop in my headphones and just wander around. Sometimes I'd find a swing set and stay for hours.

    This summer I did a few lunch break walks with the MapMyRun app. It was kind of refreshing to see such a high "pace" on there and not even care. I'm hoping to start up regular walking again this year, it's part of my habits project!

    1. Awesome! It is such a simple thing to do and can be so pleasurable. Just getting outside was really important to me.

  5. You rocked those two weeks off! Do you think you will do as much strength as you get back in to it? I am super impressed by your pull-ups!

    And walking is NO joke! And it works different muscles than running, too. Bonus!

    1. Thanks! I started lifting about 2.5 years ago, so it has taken awhile to get to the point I am with pull ups!

      I normally do strength 4 times a week so I prob only did a *little* more than normal.

  6. I don't mind walking on off days - today I didn't want to run much but I wanted to watch The Bachelor from last night - walking with an incline was the perfect solution!

    1. That is a great idea! Makes it more productive. :) Plus you are probably taking it easy from your EPIC 45 miler!!!

  7. Walking long distance really is more exhausting to me than running. My legs are always much achier after walking all day than a long run!

    1. Okay now I don't feel so bad! Because I felt all jacked up when I was walking!

  8. I feel like I took these two weeks off with you involuntarily. :( My sore throat turned into mega sinus congestion and fatigue. I feel so ready to run just not sure my cardio would agree. Your legs must feel so awesome after your running rest? I know you walked a ton but I imagine they wouldn't take such a beating as running would give them.

    1. My legs felt good once I was running. :) Walking made them feel all jacked up. Not sure why... Will ask my chiro!

  9. I get really bored on walks, so I'm glad that you found that you actually enjoy them! When you start running again, will you be incorporating all the new stuff from the book you're reading?

    1. Without podcasts, I would have been bored for sure.

      I will definitely continue my mobility work and new stuff I am doing once I am back to running because that is what is going to KEEP me running!

  10. Teach me your pull-up doing ways! I'm such a wimp. :) I hope I never need this post, but I'll come back to it if ever I do!

    1. I hope you don't need it either!

      I am thinking about writing a how to do pull ups post!

  11. That is a great way to learn pull ups and I recommend that to people who don't have access to an assisted pull up machine!
