
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Trainer Tip: Beginners: How to incorporate speed training.

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I train a lot of different  clients with different goals. As you can imagine, this results in designing a variety of different kinds of workouts. Learning to strength train is one of the most popular things people have been interested in doing.

However, I also have had clients who dabble in running. They run 5ks for fun, or just simply enjoy running outside in the fresh air and feeling the wind on their faces. Sometimes they come to me and say, “I want to get faster!”

If you are thinking I march them straight down to the track and make them run 400s, you are wrong! That would be CRAZY.

Speed training uses fast twitch muscle fibers. A runner who is new to speed training most likely doesn’t use those muscle fibers regularly. To safely start awakening the fast twitch muscle fibers (the ones that help us get “fast”) I recommend my clients start with STRIDES.

Here is a sample stride workout that could work for a runner who wants to start incorporating speed into their workouts...

Warm Up: 1 mile easy run

Workout: 2-5 Strides

Find a flat, straight stretch of road. Pick something off in the distance to run toward (tree, telephone pole, house, etc). Pick up your speed and run until you get to your marker. Don’t sprint, but run faster than normal. Either walk or jog back to the start for recovery. Do not get hung up on your pace, just listen to your body.

Cool Down: Stretch!

This is an easy, effective, no frills way to get your body ready for speed training!

**I am a personal trainer, but remember, I am not your personal trainer! This workout is not a prescription for you and your individual needs. If you are interested in your own, customized workout, visit Megan Michael Training and schedule your free consultation!**

Do you remember your first speed workout? I do! It was actually at the track. It's okay, I ended up surviving!


  1. This is a great idea! I love doing strides as a way to ease into speedwork. I did all of my faster speedwork in beginning of my training cycle so its been over 6 weeks. When I start training for a 1/2 marathon in January I will definitely need to use strides as a way to get my body ready for speedwork again!

    1. Awesome! I like them too because it's just an easy no stress way of doing it- no worrying about splits or anything, just kind of like a "warm up" to the real thing.

  2. I started with strides, it was a great introduction to harder speedwork. I still do strides after some of my moderately paced runs for a little extra kick!

    1. That is a great idea, Kristina! I remember reading about your strides. :)

  3. Great advice. I was thinking of starting to do some strides next week! It will feel good to try and move the old body faster again!

  4. Everytime I do speed workouts I do them at the track since that is an easy way to calculate your distance. However, I hate doing speed work so it is not oftrn I go..haha. -L

    1. I used to do the track but now I am too lazy to drive there so I just use my Garmin.

  5. I am the type to do moderate long runs, however every so often I get this ENERGY burst when I go faster for about a minute and then slow down - I guess it depends on how much I slept the night before, ha!

    1. Haha that is awesome! I tend to gradually speed up throughout my entire run. I guess my legs like to warm up!
