
Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Brushes with Celebrities

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Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up!

This TOL is all about CELEBRITIES!

I am not a celebrity. I don't know any celebrities personally. But I have had a few brushes with them. And now I'm ready to tell my stories.

(In case you couldn't tell, I was inspired to write this post after meeting my idol, Terry Gross, last weekend)

Mark McGrath
Ow ow! I had my grubby little hand all over that!

Okay, this is going to sound soooooooo 1998, but I touched Mark McGrath's sweaty bicep! (He was the lead singer of Sugar Ray, in case you don't know or are too young to remember.)

How it happened: Sugar Ray performed at my college campus back in the early '00s. I had an aisle seat, and when Mark McGrath ran down the aisle, I just reached out and touched it!

Jimmy Fallon
He was a BABY!

I took Jimmy Fallon's Coke and drank the rest of it!

How it happened: Another college story. Jimmy did stand up at my college. When he came out onstage, he opened a can of Coke. He drank a bit of it throughout his act, but left the can on the stage after his performance. After the show, I asked one of his security guards if I could take Jimmy's Coke can and his security said yes. I took it back to my dorm room and stored it in my mini fridge, like any obsessed fan would do. The next day I drank the rest of the Coke.

This is Jimmy Fallon's Coke can.
Duh, I have been saving it in my basement for the past 12 years!

The View

I was featured in a segment on The View called "The Joy of Therapy" and was on TV!

How it happened: A detailed account is here. But I got to be up close and personal with Joy Behar and Sherri Shepherd! (The View was my favorite show so this was a dream come true!)

Here's the video!

(My question is at the 52 second mark.)
That girl is not me hehe.

Winona Ryder & Jared Leto

I was an extra in the film Girl Interrupted and shot scenes with both Jared Leto and Winona Ryder.

How it happened: The movie was filmed in Harrisburg and Mechanicsburg- two cities close to where I lived. I was 17 at the time. There was an ad in the newspaper that the film needed extras. My mom let me send my picture in and they picked me! I earned $80 to work a 12 hour day on a movie set. I was in two scenes- the graduation scene (Winona sat right in front of me) and a party scene that both Winona and Jared were in. Winona was a bitch. She complained about being cold even though she had on a huge winter parka and the rest of us were in next to nothing.

And last but not least, Paul wanted to share one of his brushes with celebrities!

Michael Strahan

Paul says, "I was in Buffalo at a Bills vs. Giants game. At the time, Michael Strahan was a defensive lineman for the Giants.

How it happened: After the game, Megan and I went down to the tunnel. There were only about 8-10 people there, and they were all family and friends of the players. (Meg's cousin played for the Bills at the time, so that's how we got hooked up.) I wanted to try to get pictures and autographs with some of the players. Most of them were nice. Plexico Burress even posed for a picture with me. (This was before the sweatpants/gun in a night club incident.)

Me and Plexico. 

Michael Strahan wasn't as nice as Plexico. Strahan walked out of the locker room, looking dapper in a suit and tie. At the time, he was one of my favorite players, so as he walked by me, I called out, "Great game, Michael! Would you mind taking a quick picture?" He didn't even look at me, in fact, he put his hand up in a "talk to the hand" type of way and kept walking. "I gotta go," Strahan said quickly, and powered on toward the players' bus. 

You know, I told a lot of players, "Great job," that day. All of them looked me in the eye and at least acknowledged me. Even Eli Manning took the time to smile at me and say, "Thanks buddy, have a great day." Strahan couldn't even be bothered to to glance over at me. To him, I was scum.

And that is why Michael Strahan is a douchebag.

XOXO -Paul

Well said, Paul!
Tell me, did you ever have a brush with a celebrity?


  1. That's so funny about the Coke can! You must be his biggest fan ;) I think my most recent brush with a celebrity was when I trained with Britain's Strongest Man earlier this year (although most people wouldn't even know who he is!). I was a total fan girl snapping pics of him. He wiped chalk over my back and I didn't want to wash the shirt again. Haha!

    1. That is awesome you got to meet Britain's Strongest Man! :) Your chalk story is totally my coke can story.

  2. Wow--Jimmy Fallon! He is beyond adorable. Lucky girl :)

  3. Hahhaha I love that Paul signed off "xoxo" for some reason!

    That really sucks about Strahan... RUDE! My dad's friend owns the bus company that drives opposing teams to the Tampa Bay Bucs games so we've gotten to hang out on/near the field a couple of times and have met some players. I am happy to report every Dolphins player I have met has been really nice even after games where they lost to the terrible Bucs!

    That is hilarious that you drank Jimmy's coke!!!!

    1. That's cool you got to meet some players! I think people should always be gracious, even if they lost. I mean, unless someone is razzing them or something!

  4. Oh no, I liked Michael Strahan up till now! I had no idea that your cousin played for the bills. Dang, he must be a celebrity himself! So cool about being in a movie. Have you ever considered being an actress?

    1. My dream growing up was to be on broadway but I only made it to community theater. :)

  5. You were in Girl Interrupted? Too cool! I love that movie... although it sucks to hear about Winona being kind of a cow. And that's super cool about Jimmy, too! I freaking love him, and would have killed to see him before he got super big.

    1. It is weird to think how big he got! I mean, he hosts the freaking TONIGHT SHOW! When I saw him, it was during his first few years on SNL.

  6. I still love the Jimmy story because I find him so adorable. That's so cool about being the extra but bummed to hear Winona was a bitch. :( I saw a lot of celebrities when I worked for the video game company in their video dept. We were right next to where celebrities came in and recorded VO for video games. I was very starstruck with I saw John Lithgow of all people.

    1. John Lithgow will always be the Trinity Killer to me. :) (That's a Dexter reference!) I would think you have the chance to see lots of celebs out in LA!

  7. Dannnnng girl... you may as well be a celebrity! The coke can is hilarious and even if Michael is a douche I really like him on Michael and Kelly. ....I imagine that's not what Paul wants to hear haha

    1. Lol I will let him know what you said. It's funny because Kelly Ripa annoys ME!

  8. Haha thanks! Unfortunately, I was unable to convince him to go.

  9. Fun stories - you have had several really close brushes!!!
    Love the story about Jimmy Fallon and the Coke can. Interesting about Winona Ryder - I thought she would be super sweet.
    Bummer about Strahan - at some point he was probably a young kid with an obsession on athletes.

    1. Maybe she was just hangry. I mean, she couldn't have weighed more than 90lbs in that movie! She was TEENY TINY. I mean, just short and overall tiny.

  10. Woah, you're killing it in the celebrity encounters department.

    I ran into Vince Vaughn once, and I have a picture with Emma Stone, but I'm not usually anywhere near celebrities, and I don't keep tabs on media too much. Hahaha.

    1. Cool where did you happen to "run into" Vince??? hehe

  11. Hilarious story about the Jimmy Fallon coke can. Don't worry, as a huge fan myself I'd probably have the coke can encased in a special box so no harm could come to it. You should go back to his show one day and tell him about it! Bring the can with you and have him sign it!

    1. Oh my gosh I feel like he would think I was a loon! The truth is, I am saving that can not because I am still a hug fan (I mean he is awesome, but I don't watch his show or anything), but to preserve the memory of the experience and how silly I was! :)

  12. Megan, you're a star! I've never been in a movie and I'm sure I'd not be very seen by my I can't believe Michael Strahan was so dismissive! He seems like he'd be great from the Kelly and MIchael show?!?!!? I think it's pretty darn cool that you drank Jimmy Fallon's coke! :D

    1. I never saw him on Kelly and Michael because I can't stand Kelly Ripa! Drinking Jimmy's coke it my biggest claim to fame. :)

  13. I forgot you were in Girl, Interrupted. SO AMAZING. Mark McGrath...SO FINE in person hehe!

    1. I haven't seen him lately, I wonder if he has held up well...
