
Friday, November 14, 2014

RaNdOm Stufffffffff.....

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1. Remember how I was having trouble sleeping? NO MORE! I have been falling asleep so easily these past couple weeks! Of course I have probably just jinxed myself, but that is how confident I am feeling about my new found ability to fall asleep just moments after I close my eyes.

I don't look quite as precious as Jelly when I sleep.

2. Pennsylvania weather has been WEIRD lately. A couple mornings this week, it was freezing during my runs. Then by the time school let out, it was in the 60s! Wednesday morning was different. I ran in shorts and a short sleeve shirt. I treasured every moment of the warm weather run because I have a feeling it will be my last one for awhile. I need to live in a climate where it never dips below 50 and doesn't go above 80. Where would that be?

3. Paul and I are recovering DQ addicts. This summer, we got into the habit of getting Blizzards several times a week. It was getting expensive... and caloric. Well, on Wednesday night we succumbed to our desires and drove down to DQ. I got a delicious pumpkin pie Blizzard. But I don't know why I had to order myself a medium!!?? Mediums are HUGE! And I am totally full a little over halfway through... yet I eat the rest of it anyway. I have to have the strength to order a small next time.

This is basically me after a medium Blizzard...

4. The morning after the DQ incident, I panicked a little, and ran 8 miles to make up for overdoing it the night before. Running extra miles to make up for overeating usually doesn't work for me. I just end up being extra hungry the next day due to the extra running! But I did enjoy my run. The weather was nice, I felt strong, and I had a good pod cast to listen to. It was a very peaceful experience and I was in the mood for it. The extra endorphins also made me an extra happy teacher that day.

5. Speaking of needing to be an extra happy teacher... my fourth graders started learning the RECORDER on Wednesday! It is a very exciting time. I love seeing them learn and get better. Some parents think the recorder is an annoying instrument, but seriously, my students only squeak like the first week. After that, they sound pretty good!

Deal with it, parents! The more they practice, the better it sounds!

6. Thanks everyone for your kind words about my Dancing with the East Pennsboro Stars video! One of my 2nd grade students really liked it. Look what she made me...

Inside that little pouch was this bracelet!
I tried to make this all "QVC" looking but I didn't do a good job.
Also, my arms are kind of hairy.

What a sweetie pie!

 7. And I just have to leave you with this... because, I like to think I speak the TRUTH on my blog, and there's nothing more TRUTH than this:

What is the weather like in your neck of the woods?
If you run extra, are you just extra hungry?
Did you play the recorder in elementary school? Did your kiddos?


  1. Awwwwww how sweet that your student made you a bracelet!!!! :)

    Your kitties are so fluffy! They look like comfy pillows with legs! I bet they are great napping buddies.

    I did play the recorder in elementary school and I remember it being a lot of fun! I don't think I was particularly good at it though.

    1. Do you ever do "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" with your students? That was my FAVORITE thing to do in music class! haha

    2. Yes! We do the Dr. Jean version of the bear hunt! It includes the candy factory, peanut butter river, and jello swamp! (can't go over it... can't go over it...) AUGH I can hear that song in my SLEEP!!!! I do it with the kindergarteners and sometimes 1st grade too. Some 1st grade classes are too cool for it though, if you can wrap your head around that one!

    3. I had no idea there were different versions of it!

      This is the one that I did as a kid:

      I can't believe the first graders are too cool for it! I remember in fourth and fifth grade my class used to beg our music teacher to do it with us. It was like a treat if we got through everything else!

      .... SO FUN! :D

    4. lol okay this is the one I do!

  2. It started snowing here yesterday! Northern Indiana weather is just getting worse! I am always hungry so running more really doesn't change that!!! And yes recorder! I thought it was super cool, and now as a parent of children that were in "recorder choir" I find that practicing at home is a very bad idea! :) At least not in the same room as I am! I love my kids but sometimes its just too much!

    1. I always tell my students to find a quiet place in the house to practice. That way they can concentrate on what they are doing, and other people can concentrate on what they are doing! Hey your kids must have been doing well if they made recorder choir. :) My advanced students get to perform at the chorus concert at the end of the year. I have a benchmark they have to reach to make the "recorder club" and last year I had about 30 students!

  3. I have been very happy with the mild weather here lately! I hear this weekend is going to be a cold snap. Good thing we are going to be in a warmer climate for the next few days!
    The only DQ blizzards i've ever had were the pumpkin pie blizzards and I think it's only because of the novelty of it. I don't love them and rarely ever finish a small one. I have not got one this year yet, prolly cus I don't live extremely close to a DQ. Have a good weekend. Oh, ps, I saw this pin on pinterest and thought of you but didn't know how to send it to you. It was called "what every piano teacher wants parents to know" or something like that.

    1. I'll have to see if I can find that pin! I am not on pinterest but I think I could probably search on it. Enjoy your warm weather trip! I will be running in Harrisburg on Saturday morning and I am pretty sure I am going to need to be bundled up like a marshmallow!

  4. Love the cat--so cozy!
    My kids all did the recorder...Now I have trumpet, flute, and violin--so fun! I love hearing them practice. I am not loving the "smart music" computer program they have to submit assignments on with school--always microphone problems, and imagine having a computer "grade" you--The teachers ignore the computer grade and just give them A's if it showed you practiced for 20 minutes, etc. But the kids get upset seeing the computer score...I could rant forever on this...

    1. Wow you have a very musical family! I am not familiar with smart music. I would NOT like a computer grading my students. Besides, how does the computer know things like whether they are holding the instrument correctly- things like that?

    2. The teacher uses it more as a "make sure they are practicing type of thing"...but yeah, you can only imagine how "clunky" the process is, and how "rigid" a computer grading for a piece is...I don't recommend it.

  5. Love the bracelet from your student! So cute. :) Today we actually had our first bit of snow! The kids went predicted. It quickly turned to ice pellets and now it's sort of freezing rain/rain. I need to get my winter tires on real soon! Your kitty pictures are the best!

    1. I should get winter tires... I am terrified of driving in the snow and freezing rain!

  6. Both my boys played the recorder - it was "great!"
    It has been COLD here this week - we haven't made it above freezing since Monday and tomorrow it is supposed to snow. I have always said that I want to retire to a place exactly like you described (50-80) year round.

    1. Ooh I am a little excited for snow! There were flurries Thursday after school. :)

  7. Oh, recorders. WHY are they the first instrument introduced to kids?!

    I always get a medium blizzard when I get one, and I eat the entire thing. I have no will power. But luckily DQ is like a 3x a year thing, tops, because it's not nearby and I'm cheap! lol! I love the butterfinger flavor best!

    1. Because they are cheap and relatively easy to learn. :)

      Do they have many Blizzard flavors that don't have gluten? I am guessing the pie one I ate that has crust pieces in it has gluten.

  8. Weather can be so tricky this time of year for racing! I hope it is mild with no wind for you. Have a wonderful time!

  9. Running always makes me so hungry, but not until several hours after I am done. It actually suppresses my appetite for awhile. Then, all of a sudden, it hits me and I go crazy in the kitchen. Luckily, I mostly snack on things like vegetables and grapes. So many grapes. We don't have a DQ, so I've never had a Blizzard, but I can imagine they are dangerous.

    1. Oh I LOVE grapes! Too bad they are so dang expensive here!

  10. TRUTH about running and poo. It’s a running thing. There is a lot of snow here right now and it is very cold. I am braving it tomorrow in hopes that I don’t freeze after 20 miles. I bet being a teacher for younger kids is so rewarding. I would treasure little gifts like that. ☺ When I run long distances it usually takes me a day or two to feel really hungry. My stomach and GI usually can’t handle much food immediately after.

    1. I hope you have a great 20 miler tomorrow! I ran 10 today and have been RAVENOUS. I think I have a really solid stomach though.
