
Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer Weekly Workout #7 + some... and last week was # 6 + some, so I think that makes this #8!

No fancy intros today... let's cut to the chase and get to the workouts!

Tuesday- Upper body workout at Planet Fitness.

Wednesday-  Neighborhood run. It wasn't super hot out so I actually managed a decent pace!

Thursday- 10 mile run @ South Hills Park in Lebanon. I ran four 2.5 mile loops around the park while Paul played disc golf. It was pretty hot and my leg was sore from the car ride so this pace was an effort.

Friday-  8 mile run @ Druid Hill Park in Baltimore. Paul had to go back to Hopkins for an outpatient test, so when he was done, we hit up the park for running and disc golf! This was hilly and hot and my leg hurt so bad from the long car ride. It was not that enjoyable of a run.

Saturday-  Back/Bi strength workout at Planet Fitness w/ some HIIT thrown in there... The arc trainer did not bother my leg. Good to know!

Sunday-  Chest/Shoulders/Tri workout at home. I got to watch The View while I worked out- FUN! This was my "rest" day for my legs.

Monday-  5 mile neighborhood run. I wore my brace and lo and behold, my leg felt great the entire rest of the day.

Tuesday-  My first long run in quite awhile! Read more about it here. I wore my brace, so my leg felt great!

Wednesday-  I was due for a lifting workout today, but I spent the morning teaching piano lessons and then laying on the couch for 3 hours finishing Gone Girl. That sort of made me lose my lifting mojo. I went for a run, instead! Again, the brace left my leg feeling strong during and after the run.

Thursday-  Lifting! Boy was I due!

I also wanted to do some HIIT or something similar...
This is the weird workout I came up with.
It's like a count down/count up workout in multiples of 5.
I was not drunk when I created this.

I was going to do it twice, but it took me 24 minutes for one round so I stopped after that!

Pros- I guess I discovered that as long as I wear my brace, my leg doesn't get sore when I run.

Cons- I am still weary of lifting lower body because it seems like every time I do, my leg aches afterward. I guess I could wear my brace for that, too?

How were your workouts this week?
I dare you to try my Bored Athlete workout!


  1. When I read your workout posts, I feel lazy and also like I need to go to the What are bicycles? I only know of bicycle crunches. :S

    1. Oh hush! I just read your training thursday post last night and thought the same thing. :) Bicycles = bicycle crunches!

  2. I don't really understand the benefits of doing so many body weight squats. I do a set of body weight squats before I start my weighted squats as a warmup, but I've never done 50+! It must have a different purpose than weighted squats?

    So many running miles and you're not even training for anything right now!! Crazy!!

    1. There was no real purpose to that workout other than to get a little cardio/HIIT! There is no reason for any of that except to get my heart rate up and get really tired.

      Those miles... see I just figured out if I wore my brace and slowed down a bit I could enjoy running again! Plus last week I was cooped up in the hospital for 7 days...

  3. Way to rock the workouts! I am sorry the knee is not 100% but I am glad the brace helps! You are so speedy. Really, you are such an inspiration and great example of a strong, balanced athlete!

    I had a nice week of workouts after taking Monday, Tuesday off (in Vegas). Wed = 1.5 mile swim + weights, Thurs = 4.3 mile walk + row, Fri = 15 mile bike ride + abs. Thinking another walk + yoga tomorrow and REST on Sunday. Still not running :( Finally made an appointment with the doctor for Wednesday.

    1. I am sorry you are not running. :( Your workouts sound AWESOME though. It is great that you can still be fit and healthy without running??? But if you love running, it's still not enough. :( I did a one or two laps in the pool when Paul and I went swimming a couple days ago and it felt sooooooooo good, it made me want to start swimming again.

    2. Thanks, Meg. I have gotten to the point where really all I would like to do is 2 runs per week. Maybe 2-3 miles. This is a huge difference from when I was in my 20's and only ran, 6 days per week, 5-7 miles at a time. I really have come to love and embrace my other sports (especially swimming which comes naturally and NEVER hurts--LOL) and I was hoping that over these past few months I would lose my desire to run, but it's still there. So, I will just have to see. It really is funny because when I write it all down and see the cost/benefits of running, it makes total sense for me to just give it up. Not to mention, my body is probably in the best shape it has ever been (at 42) due to the swimming and yoga and weights -- but it's just something about being out there and not walking but actually running that is pulling me. It really is crazy but I guess "we crazy".

      Have a wonderful weekend!

    3. It is not crazy to still want to run. It's what you love! I would be the same way. I hope you get some answers from your doctor and can eventually ease back in the way you want to. I wish you blogged so we could read more about this journey!

  4. Your week of workouts always make mine seem so lazy! I love that you write all of the workouts down. I am going to start incorporating them at the gym because I am definitely starting to get bored with my gym workouts lately. This is making me run too much and not focus as much on lifting.

    1. I only write them down for this blog! I actually get bored documenting my workouts for my blog. I started doing it weekly-ish this summer but when summer is over I think I am going to stop. But maybe I will share just the "different" ones to give others ideas!
