
Thursday, August 7, 2014

The biggest mysteries in my life...

"Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone..."

Quick! What song are those lyrics from?

Life is full of mysteries and I have recently been pondering them. Below are some of the biggest mysteries in my life right now.

1. Who is Adriana?

Every few days, my Yahoo account gets emails from Adriana. "Adriana has sent you love", the subject lines says. "Adriana has sent you a message." "Adriana winked at you." I don't know who Adriana is or why she is emailing me, but over the past two years, it seems like she has really wanted to get in touch with me.

2. Who killed JonBenet Ramsey?

I think I know the answer to this one, but I can't be totally sure. I believe the mom did it by accident and made it look like an intruder. This is a conclusion I've come to after reading several books on the subject. If you ever want to debate this one with me, I am up for it!

3. Why do I wake up feeling like I'm in the mood to run errands, but then when the time comes, I would rather just sit on the couch in my jammies? (This goes for cleaning the house and mowing the lawn, too.)

You would think having off in the summer would make me super energetic and productive. Nope. The other day I woke up and looked at the calendar. I was pissed that the only thing on my agenda was going to the bank. That's right, driving the couple blocks to the bank was just too much to do.

I'd rather stay in my jammies with Jelly!

4. Why does my knee still hurt? What the hell is wrong with it?

This one is super frustrating because I thought my knee was supposed to be better by now. But honestly my friends, I don't think I needed surgery on it. I think there is something else going on and it's IT Band related. Which reminds me, I need to foam roll today!

5. Why do I check my work email anywhere other than work? 

All I do is get stressed, anxious, or pissed and then I can't fall asleep.

6. Why is everyone "giving up" sugar?

I'm not talking about people who are overweight or diabetic. I'm talking about athletes who train really hard. There is a time and a place for sugar in your diet, athletes! Like how about immediately following your workout when you need to quickly replace energy stores and rebuild muscle? Sorry, I get sassy about this one and have been playing around with a post about it for some time now...

7. Why can I watch movies or read news where human beings are hurt, but I can't take it if an animal is being hurt?

I know this sounds horrible, but if an animal is being hurt, I either turn off the TV or make Paul fast forward the movie. Just the other day, I needed to leave the room during Survivor while they were cutting the head off a sea snake. (You know I HATE snakes!) Please don't misunderstand, I do not enjoy watching a person being hurt, but if it's an animal I just can't take it.

8. What is with the music on the radio these days?

Paul and I rarely listen to the radio but a few weeks ago we tuned it on during a long car trip. We could not believe the TRASH that was being played. Now, before you call me a music snob, let me reassure you that I enjoy a cheesy pop song just as much as the next person. I'm talking about artists who can't even sing. I cringed during the entire "I Want To Swing From the Chandelier" song and thought of about 50 of my musical theater friends who can sing better than whoever sings that song.


9. Why did I get panty liners in the mail?

I am serious. The other day, some company sent me some free samples of panty liners in the mail. WTF!? No thank you!

10. Why is Jelly so freaking delicious?

Seriously, I want to know.

What is one of the biggest mysteries in your life right now?
Please tell me I'm not the only one who can't stand that chandelier song...
Did you ever get panty liners in the mail?


  1. Like a prayer? And ironically enough the thing on my to do list today is to get a cupcake! (more sugar). I'm visiting some friends for lunch today and I drive right by the cupcake shop! I haven't had one since my birthday ( the first week in june). So i'm good,right?

    1. Yes, you definitely need a cupcake. You are good!

  2. Oh and PS. My mother in law was always fascinated with the Jon Bonette case.

    I on the other hand will always wonder about Natalie Halloway. I alwys had a strong interest in that case. I know there have been stories about who did it and how but I still don't believe it. Something is shady about that whole situation.

    1. Ooh I was watching Nancy Grace when that was going down. "Natalie, where arrrreeeee yooooooou" she would yell into the camera hahaha.

  3. I don't even know what the chandelier song is!!! I'm so old and out of touch!

    I completely know what you mean about the animals, I am the same way! I feel anxious if I even see the headline of an article or title of a video that indicates that the story will be about an animal getting hurt. I even try really hard not to step on ants!

    1. I am out of touch with the radio songs too! Today a piano student told me she wants to play a song called Now by Panamore (sp?). I was like... hmmm okay, what is that song????

  4. I've never even heard the Chandelier song. In my new (used) car I have an iPod dock so that's all I've been listening to for month. I'm so with you on the animals in movies. I totally break down if an animal is suffering or dies. But with people I know it's just a movie. Very strange. Regarding sugar, even though I work out a ton, I still have a tendency to hold weight in the middle due to I'm guessing being 43, so if that means cutting way back on sugar to try and help, I'll do it.

    I also have a major problem with productivity when I have very little to do. But when I'm slammed, I get a ton of work done.

    1. Me too! The longer my to do list, the more I am on fire!

  5. Apparently the marketing geniuses have decided I am not panty liner worthy as I have never gotten a sample in the mail.

    My biggest mystery for myself: why does my body hang onto every ache, niggle and tweak? If I get to a point where my muscles are not just sore, but need TLC, it takes me forever to feel back to normal. Like weeks. Sigh...

    My biggest mystery for TV: why do they make the weather people stand out in the storm when they report the weather?! It can be hurricane force winds, they are telling people to evacuate and there is Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel right out in the thick of it. Weird and kind of insane, don't you think?

    OK, so what is going on with your knee girlfriend? Please do tell. This news does not make me happy.

    1. lol I am laughing at your weather channel description and you are so right! If it is DRIZZLING, or even the slightest bit cold, I stand inside the doors for my OUTDOOR duty watching parents drop their kids off at school. And when I say cold, I mean once it drops below 60 (which is prob 80% of the time) I stand inside and just look at the glass. :)

      My knee.. okay, I say "knee" but I think part of it is IT band and part of is it something else because I started wearing my brace that pretty much supports all the tendons/ligaments/shit around my knee and it has felt strong er than ever during/after runs. So I need to google or ask my doctor WHAT exactly this brace is doing the work for and there maybe I will have my answer of what is sore... Or not.

  6. YES WHY IS EVERYONE GIVING UP SUGAR?!?!? I'm proud to admit that my roommate and I keep jars of frosting in our fridge and just eat it with a spoon every night. It makes us happy after a long day. I saw a quote that said sugar is the 21st centuries tobacco... I don't even know what to think about that. I will never ever ever ever ever give up sugar.

    1. Jars of frosting! That is no joke! I think for some people it may be the 21st century's form of tobacco... people with diabetes, etc. But for "normal" active people I think can carefully consume sugar in moderation.

  7. I loooooove NG but I KNOW she is over the top and ridiculous. She used to not be as bad as she is now. I just started DVR'ing her again and I just laugh and laugh I love it. I watched the Casey Anthony trial too! I seriously bawled when she got off scot free. I was watching the verdict live while I was on my spin bike and just broke down bawling. I called my mom blubbering (she watched the trial too) and just bawled and bawled to my mommy that Casey didn't get convicted of SOMETHING. Watch. When I am 75, I will be one of those people calling in to NG with 6 cats on my lap. That is so cool your hubby was a police officer! I don't think I knew that!

  8. Seriously?! Panty liners in the mail????
    I'm with you on the sugar (and carb!!!) thing -there is no need to give something up completely unless it is because of allergies/medical reasons.

    1. I agree! Plus no one can "give up" sugar. There is sugar in fruits and veggies. I mean, unless you are going to eat straight up meat all day long, right???

  9. Ahh I have the exact same issue with animals being harmed in movies! I literally close my eyes and ears. In fact I hated I Am Legend Bc of the scene where the dog is killed!

  10. I seriously want to reply to every single one of these haha. I'm cutting down on sugar because I eat too much, but I'd never cut it out entirely! Also, re: Jon Benet...I think it was a family friend and the family covered it up but I need to buff up on my reading before I stick to that theory!

    1. Read that book I have pictured above! It is written by an investigator in the case. It is FASCINATING. That book convinced me that the mother (Patsy) wrote the ransom letter.
