
Saturday, August 9, 2014

I'm so lucky.

August 9th, 2008

Six years ago today, I married my favorite person in the world. I am going to ramble a little bit in this post... just to warn you.

I met Paul on Myspace in September, 2005. I had just got a teaching job and moved to Camp Hill. He messaged me one night. We had no mutual friends, so it truly was random that we connected that night. We chatted a bit online, and after a few weeks, we talked on the phone. I remember our first conversation. He asked me what I was doing and I said, "Painting my toenails." "What color?" he immediately asked. "Orange," I told him. I don't remember anything else about the conversation except that!

We met in person for the first time at a bar in Middletown. He wore a Jimmy Hendrix t-shirt and I had on a maroon tank top. He walked me to the car and gave me a hug before I left.

Our first official date was a few days later. We ate at Duke's and I housed an entire chicken cheese steak and all of my fries. Then we went to play mini golf on City Island. I was having so much fun that I skipped a rehearsal I was supposed to go to so I could make the date last longer. I never skipped rehearsals, but when you're on a date with the love of your life, I think it is okay!

One of the first pictures of us- Fall, 2005

Paul and I dated for three years. We got engaged at the end of May and married less than three months later. We also bought a house and moved in a week before our wedding.

The wedding was so wonderful. If it was at my uncle's farm. We got married by the pond, then everyone ate picnic food and just had fun. There was no dancing, but there was music, sand volleyball, a campfire, s'mores, and horseshoes.

August 9th, 2008

August 9th, 2008

We didn't go on a honeymoon because we bought a house. Four years later, we went to San Francisco, and we consider that trip our honeymoon!

Honeymoon in San Francisco- 2012

Paul and I have been on many adventures since we've been married, but the time I am most happy is when it's just me, him, and the kitties, laying on the couch watching TV. That's when I look at him and say, "We're so lucky."

August 9th, 2008

 Happy Anniversary, Paul! We're so lucky!


  1. Congratulations to you and Paul. What a beautiful story & thank you for sharing with all of us. Not everyone is as blessed as we are to find such a love. I always say I never really wanted to get married until I met Rick. From the outside, it seems as though you and Paul really were made for each other. Not the same type of person/personality, but completely go together. Like peanut butter & jelly :) I hope you have a terrific weekend and celebrate such a special love!!

    1. Thank you so much Susan! I am glad you found someone that made you want to get married. :) Paul and I are definitely very different but we compliment each other well.

  2. What a sweet post! I love how you got married at a relatives farm. Matt and I had a small beach wedding with 30 people. I hope you have a fantastic weekend together. :) Happy anniversary!

    1. I saw your wedding picture and it was gorgeous! :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you both a lifetime of love and luckiness!

  4. Happy anniversary! You got married the exact day and year my uncle and his wife did. I remember this because I just saw her post on FB! Enjoy your day celebrating!

  5. you guys really are so lucky! How sweet :) Happy anniversary!

  6. Happy anniversary! I loved reading your story!!

  7. Happy anniversary!!! I still can't believe it all started with MySpace! That's such a fun story!

    Adam and I started dating in 2004 and moved in together in 2006 and we're still not married! We're sooooo contemporary lol Also we're so lazy and putting together a wedding sounds like a lot of work! haha

    1. Omg I just assumed you were married!!! MIND BLOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. This is so sweet!! I love love stories, especially of people who are so clearly perfect for each other! Happy anniversary!

  9. Happy anniversary #6!!! Your wedding pictures are gorgeous and I loved reading about your meeting and dating - fun story!!!

  10. I love your wedding date - 08.09.08! That is so sweet! I absolutely love your wedding dress, so beautiful!! I hope you two had a great day!
