
Friday, July 18, 2014

10 Things My Dad Can Do With One Arm

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My dad is a bad-ass juggler.

My dad is a bad-ass mountain biker.

My dad is a bad-ass MacGyver look alike.

Even with his arm in a sling, my dad is still pretty bad-ass. He wrecked on his road bike coming down a mountain about a month ago. Dad had road rash, cuts, bumps, and needed surgery to fix his broken collar bone. Now he has a metal plate in his shoulder so he is not only bad-ass, but a bionic bad-ass.

Dad can't mountain bike yet, but there are still lots of things he can do with one arm!

Yo Yo


Thumb wrestle

Crack open a beer (jk!)

Spin a b-ball

Juggle two balls

Cut a deck of cards

Ride an antique exercise bike

Cheer on his friend at a time trial

Read to his granddaughter, Ellie

As you can see, it is important to stay active, busy, and positive during an injury that prevents you from doing something you love! My dad has a very positive outlook, so I know he is going to come back STRONGER THAN EVER! 

Now we know where I get my positive outlook and determination from...

Lift Me Up Fitness

Love you, Daddio! YOU GOT THIS!
Have you ever broken a bone?
What do you do to stay positive when you are injured?


  1. Your dad is awesome and how blessed are you to be his daughter! You definitely got his determination.

    Broke bones = stress fractures in my foot and in my tibia.

    To stay positive when I am injured I focus on what I can do not what I can't. I try to see it as an opportunity to do things that I don't normally do. I also count down the days until I am back to being healthy.

    1. That is a very positive way of looking at being injured! I know a lot of people who started weight lifting due to an injury and they are so glad they started!

  2. Luckily I have not had a broken bone (knock wood). I hope you dad recovers quickly. He seems to be making do with his injury.. :) I love how he looks so positive and cheerful!

    1. He definitely looks at the best in situations. :)

  3. I'm so impressed! You're very lucky to have such a fun and positive dad! That's a great example for everyone, nice post :)

    1. Thanks Michelle! I sure did win the Dad Lottery. :)

  4. Your dad is sooooo cool!

    I have luckily NEVER broken a bone! I am such a baby when it comes to medical stuff that it's a *really* good thing I've never broken anything or had to have surgery. I would be insufferable to those around me! :)

    1. Well then for your sake (and maybe especially Adam's!!!) I hope it never happens to you!! ;)

  5. Having days off work is seriously the best part about having surgery or breaking something. Oh you made me laugh!

  6. I hope his shoulder mends quickly! I love how active and positive he's staying.

  7. What a wonderful role model to have in your life!!!! :)
