
Monday, June 2, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up! (Let me tell you a little story...)

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Let me tell you a little story about a cat named Christmas...

We have a window right above the head of our bed. When it's open, Christmas likes to lay on it. When he is done, he will jump down onto the bed. Early Friday morning, I awoke to Christmas jumping onto my face. His back claws went into my lower lip. OW! I quickly went to the bathroom to clean my bloody wound. Thanks a lot, Chrissy! Stabbed in the freaking lip... I still love him!

Anyway, let's look at some highlights from the weekend!

We both stayed in Friday and Saturday night. And by both, I mean me and Christmas.
Just kidding, I meant me and Paul.

This was our dinner Friday night. I ate half of this puppy in one sitting and still felt great!
I can really pack it in if I want to. (That's what she said.)


We just started watching the television show Fargo and we are in love!
I love the music, I love Billy Bob, I love the character Lester...
I can't wait to see where the story goes.

That's 6 lbs of ground turkey! Oh, and bacon and cheese because, why not?

I got carded at the liquor store for the first time in at least 2 years!
So I am going to wear this dress and minimal make up every. single. day. this. summer.
I am sure the clerk didn't think I was a day over 17.


I drove up to my hometown of Millersburg on Sunday to visit my grandma and go for a run.
The visit was very nice and then later on I got in a strong 11 mile run on the back roads
of Millersburg. As you can see, there are lots of  beautiful fields! I passed a lot of Amish farms as well and they were all out enjoying the beautiful weather. I would have taken a picture but they don't want their pictures taken.

Tell me a highlight from your weekend!
When was the last time you got carded?
What's the most pieces of pizza you at in one sitting?
Are you watching Fargo?


  1. We have Fargo on the DVR ready to watch! I am glad it's getting great reviews. Rick and I are like you & Paul....LOVE Seinfeld :) We have been struggling to find a good new show and once we get started on it, I am sure we will love Fargo, too. Orange is the New Black starts again on the 6th.

    1. I can't wait for Orange is the New Black! :)

  2. Never heard of the show Fargo! One thing i'm proud of this weekend is that I finally got my swimming pool cleaned up (for now). There was so much pollen in it it was ridiculous!

    1. The pollen has been so bad this year. It blows in our open windows and covers my piano- I have to dust the pollen off of it before lessons each night.

  3. I have been loving Fargo too :) My pizza capabilities are pretty gross...Joe and I get two pizzas and each eat a whole one by ourselves.

    1. I don't know why pizza is so easy to devour??? Your pizzas always look really good!

  4. I also had pizza this weekend - lots of it! We celebrated JP's birthday with my fam this weekend and got pizza, and then on Friday, JP had to go to Rhode Island for something and brought me back some party pizza (the kind without cheese)! I could eat a whole box of that!

    1. Party Pizza... I vaguely remember you posting a recipe about that! Cheese is sooooo good though!

  5. Awww Christmas is posing in the pic with you :)

    Do you ever feed your cats Temptations treats? I usually feed Cecil a mix of Greenies and Temptations. Over the weekend I noticed that the Temptations bags have new packaging and the pictures on the front of the bags are now pretty hilarious!

    1. We just started reintroducing treats to the cats (they are on a diet). Usually we get the soft kind and I don't think they are temptations... But I will check out the bags next time I am in the cat food aisle!

  6. I always get carded since I look approximately 17. The bouncers at the bar also look at my ID for much longer than everyone else's. I have even had one ask me what my zip code was because he thought it was a fake. I guess I will use that to my advantage when I'm 40.

    Fun fact: my step-aunt went on a date with Billy Bob. They went bowling and Woody Harrelson showed up. They are not dating anymore, so I'm guessing it wasn't an awesome date?

    1. You do look really young! :) That Billy Bob story is amazing! How did she meet him??

  7. Ha, I got carded buying one of those mini bottles of wine (I don't know if you have them over in that part of the world, but they are small bottles with just one glass's worth in) and I was like, really?!?! If I was underage, this is what I'd be buying?!

    I would absolutely kill for that pizza right now. In fact, I'll take two!

    1. Yes we have those little bottles! I am a fan because normally I buy boxed wine (cheaper!), but save the little bottles for when we go somewhere BYOB and I only want to bring one glass. I know after you rock your competition you will house ALL THE PIZZA!! :)

  8. Oh gosh that pizza looks awesome! Congrats on getting carded ;) I got ID'd once last year and I pretty much squealed, lol. Looks like a beautiful run!

    1. I think that's how we know we are getting old... getting ID'd literally makes our day!

  9. Oh thank you, I did have some make up on. No make up = scary situation hehe.

  10. I love that pet owners totally don't care about the pain pets put us through. A punctured lip? No big deal. An accidental claw in the eye thanks to a bird who shall remain nameless climbing down my hair into my face? I still love him!

    I'm not yet at the age where getting carded is fun. It kind of annoys me; I always get scared they'll think my ID is fake! haha

    1. Archie!!! Did you have to wear an eye patch? There is a fine line... I used to hate getting carded.

  11. ok, now i want pizza :)

    love that dress!!!

  12. I am going to use your lip injury as further evidence in our ongoing marital dispute about getting a cat (J wants one. I do not). Just kidding. Kind of.

    I love going out to eat in Denver because they card pretty much everyone. No one in this tiny little town cards, ever, and it makes me feel super old.

    1. LOL about the cat thing. I could give you a TON more ammunition girl. Read this: If that doesn't make you not want a cat, I don't know what else to say hahaha! The state store usually does NOT card me. I mean, the past 50 times I have been there I have not been carded. Now, the Wegman's grocery store cards EVERYONE. It does not matter if you are 30 or 70, you get carded. So I'd never feel smug about that one. But the state store- felt a little smug right there hehehehe
