
Friday, May 2, 2014

Ouch, my ASS!

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If you guessed from the title of this post that I have finally lifted lower body for the first time since early January, then you are correct! I have a baaaaad case of the DOMS right now! My quads are fine. My hammys are fine. But my glutes feel much like they do after a marathon. Every time I sit down, I am reminded of my work out on Wednesday.

I took it quite easy on myself and my knee. I have to reiterate that my knee is NOT totally better yet. I tried to do a lunge on Tuesday night and I almost cried. I cannot lunge right now, and I don’t see myself being able to for several more months. (Fun Fact: My surgeon told me I would be totally back to normal after 6 weeks. HAHAHAHA!!!)

These are the 4 lower body exercises I did that were very knee friendly:

1. Leg Extension machine
2. Hamstring curl machine
3. Leg Press
4. Kettle bell swings <----  The reason for my ass pain. That's right folks. 45 swings with a 10lb kettle bell have my glutes in as much pain as they were after Boston. Crazy, huh!?

I hope to be able to squat soon and then I won’t have to do the leg extension and hamstring curl machines. For now, they will have to do.

My knee felt fine during my workout. I was using about 1/3 of the weight I was using back in January. I felt like I wuss loading a mere 50lbs onto the leg press machine. I was convinced people were judging me. (But we all know Planet Fitness is the Judgement Free Zone so there was NO judging going on.)

After my workout, and then for the rest of the day, my knee felt a little weird. That’s the only way to describe it. Later that night, I felt a pulsing sensation that I have felt before and my knee was a little achy.

I do plan to lift again but not do the leg press machine. I think that is probably what caused the achy feeling in my knee. I only want to do what makes my body feel good, not just during, but after my workout. Of course I am itching to jump right back in where I left off (I am convinced my legs are big globs of cellulite right now) but I know I have to be patient!
Have you ever taken a substantial time off from lifting a certain body part?
What are your favorite lower body exercises?
How often do you train your legs?


  1. Unfortunately I did have to take a good bit of time time off after my knee surgery, I don't remember exactly how long but it was too long! I also had to take a good deal of time of due to tennis elbow (I was not even playing tennis!) I have been in full swing with total body workouts now for quite a few months and happy about that!

    1. AWESOME! Was there anything that took you a LONG time to be able to do? Like right now I feel lunging is NEVER going to happen for me!

  2. There's nothing quite like the feeling of not being able to sit down without taking 25 minutes. I love leg day. I always feel the strongest!

  3. I totally know what you mean about feeling like a wuss! I started squatting again after way too many months off and I feel so ridiculous. I want to wear a sign on my back that says "I can really lift SO MUCH more than this, just give me a few weeks to get back to it!"

    1. The funny thing is I am sure we are the only people who care! No one is prob looking at us but we're just afraid they are!

  4. Weight training, what is that? I don't do weight training even though i should. I do body weight squats and lunges and that's about it. I try to do them a few times a day while I'm at work

    1. Well that is certainly better than nothing. Squats and lunges are great for runners!

  5. i had back surgery and at first my surgeon was like...6 weeks off is all you'll need. that turned into 8 weeks...and then we'll start PT...and then another 8 weeks until you'll be allowed to ease back into everything. they always over promise :)

  6. I can't wait to be able to do lower body lifting again! My surgeon said three months back to's been more than five. Haha, I guess our bodies have their own opinions on recovery time. ;)

    1. Ugh I can only imagine how frustrating that was! I hope you are back at it.

  7. It's so good you found lower body exercises that don't bother your knee. Kettle bell swings and dead lifts are often. I have actually never done a dead lift. I want to learn.

  8. Funny because that is exactly my sentiments at this moment. I got a cortisone shot this week and I don't know if it's working or not!

    1. Ugh I hear they hurt! I hope it is working so that the pain is worth it.

  9. I would love to know how you do kettle bell swings that help you ass! Do you have a link or video or anything you could share??

    1. I just do the squats with the kettle bell and swing it up. When I come up from my squat I use my ass just as much if not more than my legs. I only used a 10lber but I used to use 15.

  10. I am wondering the same thing as Ali: plus, what weight kettle ball should I use?

    1. I just do the squats with the kettle bell and swing it up. When I come up from my squat I use my ass just as much if not more than my legs. I only used a 10lber but I used to use 15.
