
Saturday, May 3, 2014

An impromptu rest day.

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I wasn't going to take a rest day on Friday but that's what I ended up doing. I originally thought I would sleep in and run after work. However, I have been sick since Sunday and while I thought I was getting better, work on Friday was rough. I was so fatigued, lightheaded, and couldn't focus on anything. I don't know how I made it through the day.

The drive home from work woke me up a bit. When I got home, I laid out my running clothes and tried to pump myself up for a run. "I'm not going long," I told Paul. "Only 3-4 miles." But then I thought to myself... This is ridiculous. I am sick. There is no reason to run right now. If I ran now, I would be running junk miles.

Actually, yes, I would have regretted that workout!

I figured it would be best to just shower and relax for the rest of the night. I'd be running the next day. If I rested now, I'd have more energy (and hopefully not be sick!) for a kick ass run on Saturday morning.

I used to never take rest days. I used to run lots of junk miles. I am glad I've seen the light and pick quality miles over quantity. (Most of the time. I'm not perfect.) I want to be strong and I want to be able to run forever. The only way that can happen is if I take care of my body and give it the rest it needs to repair, recover, and come back stronger! 
How do you decide when you're too sick to run?
Do you plan rest days or do you just listen to your body?


  1. I don't know...I think you just know when you know. There is a difference between mildly under the weather and lethargic versus exhausted and really ill. I don't really enjoy taking a rest day either. I get bored and lethargic, so I try to take one during the week when at least I have work and other things to keep me preoccupied. I force myself to rest because I know I'd be doing a disservice to my body if I don't. Your body NEED some time to recover.

    1. I am with ya, I normally have to force myself to rest as well! The only time I ever kind of want to is when I am sick.

  2. i have the opposite problem! i get lured into taking too many rest days. there are always a million other things that want/have to do and then i get to the end of the week and wonder where all my running went.

    good for you to listen to your body and rest! it will pay off in the long run :)

    1. It is definitely hard to find a balance sometimes! Life gets in the way all too often...

  3. Way to play it smart! I think running helps me avoid getting sick, but when I DO start to feel sick, I need extra rest to get back on my feet asap. I hope you're feeling better!

  4. I'm with Ali and I think running keeps me from getting sick. As soon as I feel that tickle in my throat, I go for a good sweat session. I haven't been sick sick in years. I've had stuffy noses and been annoyed by it, but that's about it. You are so great about listening to your body. I wish I could do that as well as you do.

    1. Wow you are so lucky to never get sick! Especially with working at a school. I never get stomach sick but I always get sore throat/headache combos that last for 1-2 days. Rarely do I get sick for a week like this. Although I bet if I was able to take a sick day or two to rest up it would not have lasted as long.

  5. Oh, I know how you are feeling! I had just started running and working out again and then got SICK! There's nothing I want more than to run right now, but I'm so exhausted and can't BREATHE that I know it would be stupid to even try. And if I did JP would probably start chaining the door so I don't do anything stupid. I would probably end up miles away from home and having an asthma attack. So, instead I'm just sitting home and resting.
