
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thinking Out Loud

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Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up! I missed it last week which ruins my TOL streak... *sniff sniff*. Anyway, glad to be linking up again this week!

1. I am 31. I will be 32 in July. Every summer, I have the same problem when buying shorts. How short is too short? I don't want to look dowdy, but I also don't want to look like someone who forgot to put pants on... which is what most teenage girls look like during the summer. Their shorts barely cover their ass cheeks. I'm very comfortable wearing short shorts. I know they look fine on me. But... am I too old?

When must I stop!?

2. 28 more days of work until SUMMER VACATION! Summer vacation plans: Take my ACE certification exam, spend 9 wonderful days in Hawaii, and reconnect with friends who I do not make enough time for during the school year. You know who you are.

3. When I was in Boston and the ensuing days, I had zero time to read and comment on blogs. I barely had time to reply to comments on my own blog. I think I am caught up now, but I do not like that I felt like I had to keep up with reading, commenting, and replying. I should be able to take a few days off here and there without the guilt.

4. I have been sick since Sunday. What have I done to deserve this? Sore throat, runny nose, cough, headache, and chills. No fever. It's not strep. There was absolutely no way I could take a day off this week... which hasn't helped me get any better. My students are approaching their spring concert and our rehearsals this week were extremely important.

Scotch and generic Cheezits are my meds. Three nights in a row!

Jelly is trying to nurse me back to health.

5. I saw this on Facebook last night and I just had to share it with you. If you get it, you are of my generation!

So how do you know if someone is too old for short shorts?
Do you have off during the summers?
Are you able to take a few days off from blogging without worrying about "keeping up?


  1. You look great in those shorts! Keep rocking them!!! I don't think you should feel guilty about blogging. Being present in life is very important and necessary. There are days I don't even look at Bloglovin. I try to catch up but if I don't, I don't!

    1. Confession: I skip reading blogs on Wednesdays because I just do not care what people eat hahahahaha

    2. Buahahaha I knew it! Yes, I agree, keep rocking the shorts! You are probably suffering from the same allergy problems as me. They started in Virginia and followed me all the way up to Massachusetts!

  2. I think the length of your shorts is just fine! I'll be 30 next year and sometimes I run into the same problem of questioning what I'm wearing, buuuuut as long as you feel comfortable and don't notice any raised eyebrows, I'd say you're doing okay :)

    1. I know, there are other things to worry about besides short shorts... I don't want to look like I shop in the juniors department (although I do for most of my pants and shorts!)

  3. I think your shorts look great!! My thighs/ass always eat my shorts so I tend to stick to longer and lighter material shorts, but that's just me! Also-super jealous of you Hawaii trip! How fun. Blogger guilt=real thing. Don't sweat it though.

    1. My butt is bubbly so I have to be careful with skirts. They will look fine from the front but then they ride up in the back due to my bubble butt!

  4. I always have the same thought on the whole shorts after 30 dilemma. I have found the Old Navy 5" shorts to be the perfect length! Yup, we are actually taking a break from blogging today too. I don't mind commenting on other people's blogs though but it can me exhausting to try to keep up with your own blog everyday. We normally don't blog on weekends, so that helps. We are thinking about eliminating one blogging day throughout the week too.

    1. I think most bloggers take off on the weekends. I probably should. I blog every. damn. day. I wanted to try to do that for the first year of my blog... but that will be up in June and in the summer I have all the time in the world to blog!

  5. I wear shorter shorts, but super short. I'm already short so longer ones make me look dumpy. I definitely don't get summers off, but I'd love to! As far as blogging, I have in the past felt guilty but I'm working on that. Hope you feel better soon! Mmmm, love cheez-it's!!!

    1. Yah I guess shorter people have to go a little shorter right? I am 5'5 so I think that is sort of normal height. I have a longer pair to wear on work dress down days hehe. They're my "teacher shorts".

  6. Sorry that you've been under the weather recently. Hope you feel better soon. Love that pic of JT

  7. Seeing that picture of JT around the internet always makes me smile!

    Your shorts look perfectly fine! Thirty is too young to worry about age appropriate clothing. As long as you're not wearing them to parent-teacher conferences, you're good to go!

  8. Your shorts are great! I don't think they are too short at all. If your buttcheeks were hanging out, that would be a different story, but I don't think anyone should wear shorts that short. I'm not even a prude, it just doesn't flatter anyone's behind. Your legs are amazing! Show them off.

    Don't worry about not commenting! I feel the same pressure sometimes too. My life has become so hectic and busy the past few weeks, I've hardly had time to sit down and blog. The only time I get is in the morning before work and at dinner. Sometimes not even then. We don't take it personally! We understand that life is incredibly important.

    1. There was a girl running in front of me in Boston whose butt cheeks were hanging out. She was wearing like black boy short underwear. There was more exposed than what would be exposed if one had on a bikini. I couldn't believe it! I mean, she looked GREAT but seriously!?

  9. Okay, so I am going to be 49 this year... I still wear short shorts... I have a friend who is early 50s and still wears them and looks great... I will NOT conform to something because someone thinks it is age appropriate or not... they used to say women of a certain age should not have long hair... I call BS! :)

    1. Good point! You know what else, I think runners are more comfortable in short shorts because more than likely, we wear them to the gym or outside on runs in the summer.

    2. On a side note, I don't have the best legs (always a work in progress), but I can tell you my legs are in better shape now than when I was in my 20s!

  10. As long as you got the legs (and you clearly do) I would flaunt them! I love blogging but it can be stressful to keep up and comment on every ones blogs. I always feel guilty if I forget to comment one day, but sometimes I'm so busy and it just slips my mind! I always take the weekends off from blogging though

    1. I should take the weekends off. Everyone else does. Why do I try to be an overachiever????

  11. Just found your blog through TOLT and I love it! Those shorts look great on you! I know some 30 y/o and some 15 y/o who don't know how to wear the proper length shorts. The amount of butts I see in school everyday is ridiculous! Keep rocking those shorts girl!

    1. Oh my word, I cringe sometimes when I see teenagers and wonder if their parents know their daughters are wearing shorts that don't cover their bums!? Are you a teacher?

  12. We are almost the exact same age! And no, I think you have at least several good years of short shorts left :)

    I've only been blogging for a month and already I feel the "pressure" of keeping up. Had no idea it was like this! Glad to have found your blog!

    1. I am sure you will find your own rhythm for your blogging. I learned so much the first couple months!

  13. That is cool that you have 3 day weekends in the summer! I am not sure how old you are but I have seen your pics... I think you can still pull of the short shorts. It's different for runners. ;)

  14. i've given up on shorts. no, that's saying it too mildly. i hate shorts. i look terrible in them. i do skirts. they are what i need to survive the summer. and sun dresses. this reminds me i need to stock up on both....

    i heart justin :)

    1. I bet that is so comfy! During the school year, I live in leggings and comfy dresses.

  15. Keep rocking those shorts! I have the same issue...I feel like really short-shorts make me look like I'm trying too hard, but I have NO BUTT, so longer shorts look super lame on me. I say we stick with short-shorts and wear them proudly! lol

  16. bloggers guilt can go eat a protein pie....protein pie because they turn out like stones.

    Jelly looks extra delicious right now.
