
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

32 miles in 5 days!

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**Yesterday I claimed it to have been 31 miles but apparently I can't count...

Let me just say, even though I thoroughly enjoyed every mile I ran on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (WOAH A FIVE DAY STREAK!), I do not plan on cramming 32 miles into 5 days again anytime soon. Don't get me wrong, I feel great, but I have been neglecting my strength training, and I don't see the need for me to be running 5 days in a row at this point.

BUT.... it was fun!

Wednesday and Thursday were two normal 5 mile runs around my neighborhood before work. I ran my normal pace at my normal effort and I felt great.

On Thursday evening, I checked the weather forecast for the next day. There was going to be lots of rain, but there would be a break between 6am-7am... my running time! Perfecto! So I "slept in" until 6am on Friday. When I awoke, it was a torrential downpour! I went out for my run anyway since it was pretty warm out. And you can't get wetter than wet, right? I was running through 8 inches of standing water at several parts of my neighborhood 5 mile run. It was literally like running through a stream. I felt so alive, though. I am glad I bucked up and did it!

Saturday was LONG RUN DAY! I ended up playing mental games with myself. I wanted to get in 8 miles... but as I was approaching 8, I realized it was actually going to be 8.1 until I got back to my house, so I might as well keep going and make it an even 9 miles. But when I got to 8.6, I felt good and thought I should just keep going until I hit the double digits. I finally stopped at 10 miles. Woohoo!

Mission accomplished!

Saturday evening, I ran again! But I had a good reason. I attended the Spring Formal Prom Run and got in 3 tipsy miles in a formal gown, running shoes, and tiara!

Not our normal running gear... But who likes being normal?

I was psyching myself up to take a rest day on Sunday (some people have to psych themselves up to exercise, I have to psych myself up to not exercise), but I didn't follow through. Instead, I ran 4 miles around my neighborhood, which turned into a progression run! Here were my splits:

And the finished product....

The thing I am most pleased about with this progression run was that I felt so STRONG during the entire time. I wasn't putting forth full effort. This is a good sign. Isn't it funny how one week you can feel really crappy and another you feel great!?

Tell me about an awesome run you had recently!


  1. You rock!! I'm excited to start doing long runs on the weekend! The past two Sundays I have ran 6 miles, so I'm hoping to get 7 miles in this weekend, we shall see!! :) I love that running can do so many things for us!!!

    1. Good luck on your 7 miler! You can do that in your sleep. ;)

  2. Great job Meg! It seems like you knee is healed nicely. :D That Prom Run sounds totally fun. So what's the deal on anti-chaffing prom dresses??? LOL

    1. I didn't chaffe??? How did that not happen?? I was even earing black thigh highs, which oddly somehow stayed up the whole run...

  3. I'm still in awe of people who can tack on a few extra miles to their long runs...I always plan my food/drink/route situation precisely, so I don't have "room" for extra mileage usually. But I like the idea of being able to just keep going! Maybe I'll get there someday. Great job on your runs this sounds like you kind of wanted to show yourself that you're fully BACK after the knee fiasco, and you totally are!!

    1. You know me too well... I keep pushing myself a little harder to see if I can do what I used to be able to do! I totally understand not having room for extra mileage in long runs. For me, 8 is more of a mid distance so tacking on 2 was no big deal. But if my run was like 13 miles, I prob would never shoot for 2 more miles at the end. Like you said, I'd run out of water, food, and mojo! (And pod casts!!) ps. Sad news: Dan Savage's pod casts have started to annoy me. :(

  4. What awesome runs! I am jealous of those splits! After my sucky run on Saturday, I had an amazing run on Sunday! Woo hoo!

    1. YAY! I think emmeline was right... when you have a sucky run it just means an awesome one is around the corner!

  5. You're so fast! I hate you! Ok. Not really. I adore you. But I am very very jealous. :D Way to kick butt!

  6. I am a jealous hater that you can just tack on miles like that! About halfway through every long run I always think "YEAHHHH I love running, gonna run so many miles, definitely adding on at least one or two to the end! Running is the best!" and then I get to my last mile and I decide it's best to just stick to the plan and sit down as soon as possible.

    1. Well just keep in mind I only tacked on because I felt good and only planned on 8 miles anyway! Now if I had planned for 13, no way would I do 15!

  7. so much running!!!! love it.

    i love that you planned on doing 8 and just kept going....those are the best kinds of runs ever!

    1. Yes, I was trying to be an overachiever with myself hehee

  8. That is a hardcore five days. Great job. I would have loved that run in the rain, we don't get much of that in AZ lol.

    Awesome run - had a gnarly trail run this morning, got my a $$ kicked, posting full report and pics tomorrow.

  9. So jealous of all your running time! I still have to take it easy- I hate being sick!! That prom run sounds like so much fun!

  10. I ran every single day for two years. No rest days. I must have been certifiably insane, as I can't even imagine running five miles once let alone 700+ days in a row!

    1. Girl, I was right there with you! I am happy I still love running after all the over training I used to do!

  11. Aw thanks girl! Can you make weight training more fun by doing it in circuits or incorporating plyos? I learned to like weight training but what I LOVE about it is that it HELPS me be faster with my running,

  12. This is great and I am so happy for you at how strong you are getting!

    I can't wait to get my weekly mileage back up to 20-30 a week.

    My mom and I did 7.8 miles this weekend at the beach and that has been the longest run i've had since my injury!

    Hey, be sure to check out our scavenger Hunt! With all those miles you're logging you'll be sure to find things on the list!

    1. I saw your scav it's so cute! I was thinking about doing it. 7.8 is no joke! Congrats girl. Injuries suck but comebacks ROCK.

  13. No running for me (yet!) but I've been doing some great strength training workouts lately. Me and my man shoulders. :D Your running sounds great though. I'm just so happy for you...what an epic comeback after your surgery!! :)

    1. LOL I can relate to your man shoulders. I did too many lat pull downs when I was injured and now I have man lats!!!

  14. Love that progression run! and the formal dress run is funny, I can't imagine doing that :)
