
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The ABCs of... ME!

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Before we get to our regular scheduled blog post, I promised Fairytales and Fitness that I would post a picture of myself demonstrating the IT Band stretch my PT taught me. The IT Band is still somewhat of a mystery to me, and I never really “felt” it being stretched when I tried the stretches I found on Google. But this one… this one, I can really feel it!!


Be sure your hips don’t roll forward and back.
Notice how my left leg is straight and still aligned with my body?

Okay, I hope this helps! Or at least got a laugh out of my ridiculousness. Maybe I should start every post off with an awkward picture of me trying to stretch my IT Band.

Now, to our regularly scheduled programming…

Alright, this is a new idea I had for a blog series so you could get to know me a little bit better. I urge other bloggers to join in, too! All you do is go through the alphabet and think of words or phrases that describe you and your life. (I’m sure you had an assignment like this in middle school language arts class, right!?) I’m not going to do the whole alphabet in one post, I’m going to break it into chunks. So here is Part I of a new series I created called…

 For better or worse, that is often how I operate.

 My husband often tells me I'm funny, and that my sense of humor is "blunt". 
(Not to be confused with rude!)

 You thought I was going to say cats, didn't you? 
Well, surprise. I really like cake, too!

 I tend to set my mind to certain things and nothing stops me.

I like to be early for things. That is not to say I am never late.
 But I'd prefer to be early than to be on time!

 I walk fast, I talk fast. If my ass isn't on the couch, it's moving fast.

*Will you join me in this new blog series? I’d love to learn more about you!

*Or just comment here and describe yourself using one of the letters from above!


  1. Hey Thanks for the demonstration! I'm going to the Dr this morning! Hoping for a speedy recovery. If I had to pick a letter right now it would be "E" for excruciating pain! But hopefully that will soon change!

    1. Ugggh I hope you find some answers and a plan to get you out of "E"xcrutiating pain! I'll be checking your blog for updates!

  2. I need to try that stretch! I'm with you on having to be early to things. If I'm right on time I actually feel late!

    1. I know! I need a few minutes to relax before things, that's another reason I like to be early.

  3. This is great! I may join in. I read your last post about your knee and I am so happy for you!! I read it on my phone and was unable to comment. CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to read about your running.

  4. I am always early too. I'm definitely the insane person who arrives to everything 30 minutes early just in case. Lateness is a giant pet peeve of mine.

    1. It's my pet peeve too. Except sometimes my husband makes me late for things.... shhhh!

  5. I am a fast walker, too! I haaaate being behind slow people! It's funny, because I'm a pretty slow runner, but I sure do speedwalk!

  6. I think this series is so fun! I'll definitely be joining in the future! I would have to agree that C is for Cake... or cupcakes... or Courtney... haha!

    1. Yes of course you would agree for C haha!! I try to eat mostly healthy, but life is no fun without a slice of cake (or cupcake!!!) each day!

  7. I AM TOTALLY AN ALL-or-NOTHING person! It's either great or.... Not so much! HA HA. How do you feeling about your all or nothingness?

    Oh and I AM TOO BLUNT for my own good. It actually gets me into trouble, except.. I never even notice the trouble, I just laugh and laugh. LOL!

    1. We are so alike! I am at peace with my all or nothing-ness :)

  8. For me, A is for ageless (I wish! But people always think I'm younger than I am), B is for brilliant (maybe I should change A to arrogant), C is for creative, D is for doggie momma, and E is for Elisabeth. I might try this out on my blog at a later's fun!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Haha and then when you get to M you can have "modest" :)

  11. I'm with you on D for determined! I feel that way about a lot of things I want to do and accomplish!

    1. Definitely a good quality to have! All my bad qualities are coming in the next round... lol
