
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Weekly Workouts!

Last week I was dealing with some heel pain and the beginning stages of plantar fasciitis. I usually get a case of PF once every three years or so.

When I feel it coming on, I stop running and go to my chiro for a couple sessions of ART. So that's what I did  and luckily, it hasn't turned into full blown PF. But I'm still nursing it!

Instead of a ton of running, I am doing a lot of lifting as well as the arc trainer. The arc trainer is boring but it's no joke. I can get my heart rate up really high and get in a good sweat session. It's not enjoyable but 
Lady Gaga videos make the arc trainer more fun...

Saturday- 6 hot neighborhood miles. I  just needed to run and I wanted to try out the 'ol foot. Luckily, I ran with no pain and experienced no pain the rest of the day. Hopefully I wake up tomorrow morning with no pain too!

Sunday- 60 minutes on the arc trainer. I woke up with no heel pain! I really wanted to run, but I am proud to say I played it safe and spent an hour doing intervals on the arc trainer while watching Lady Gaga videos.

Monday- 1 mile run, 35 minutes arc trainer in the morning, then 10 minutes in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I felt a little bit of pain on the side of my heel during my run this morning. My run was supposed to be 6 miles. I stopped short because I don't want to run with even a little pain. I didn't have much time before work so I was only able to get 35 minutes in on the arc trainer. Don't worry, I went back after work between therapy and my chiropractor session for another 10 minutes. I may be messed up in the head... Who goes to the gym for TEN MINUTES!? Me.

Oh, later that night I vacuumed and logged it on my Garmin, just for fun. I hit a vacuuming PR... My whole house in less than 15 minutes!!!

I went to the chiro that night and he scraped the shit out of my foot and really annihilated my calves. I think I will have bruising.

Tuesday- 60 minutes on the arc trainer. Again, Lady Gaga made it more bearable. I really like that song, Telephone!

Wednesday- 5 miles on the AT after school. I felt soooooo good. I parked at Sherwood and ran up to the overlook. More pictures and stories from that run here.



Thursday- 60 minutes on the arc trainer. I had a little heel pain in the morning but nothing too bad.

Friday- Lifting & 30 minutes on the arc trainer. My foot felt fine but I want to run some trail tomorrow so I wanted to take it easy. I went to the chiro at lunch. That will help things too!
How were your workouts this week?
Did you ever track your vacuuming?


  1. How did your trail run go today? How's the foot? Better I hope!

    1. Trail run felt so good. Felt the heel a little this morning. My chiro thinks it's getting a lot better. He scrapes it twice a week.

  2. I've only used an arc trainer a handful of times (well, less than a handful. Maybe twice?), but 60 minutes is insane!!!! I think I lasted 10.

    I managed a 2 mile run today and then did level one of Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 dvd. And now I'm lying on the floor, unsure if/when I'll be able to get up.

    And vacuuming totally counts!

    1. Omg Jillian is hardcore! Did you watch The Biggest Loser back in the day? Paul and I loved that show.

    2. I've never watched The Biggest Loser, but doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred in 2008 is what started my 'fitness journey' (for lack of a better phrase) I made it through those 30 days, I'll never undestand, as I don't have that willpower now!
