
Friday, June 7, 2019

Summer Goals!

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My 14th year of teaching is in the books! Today is my last work day of the 2019-2020 school year. 

I'll be frank with you, this has been the most challenging year of my teaching career. I have never been more ready for some time away from school! (Note: It has nothing to do with the students! I love my students!)

Don't worry, I have some fun summer goals to keep myself busy!

1. Visit new trails. I'm a creature of habit, so I keep running the same trails near my house over and over again. In the summer, I have a lot more time to explore. I'd like to try a new trail once a week. Who wants to join me?

2. Run up Flat Rock by myself. Andrea and I hiked to this amazing view this past March. It was challenging and I think I would feel a great sense of accomplishment if I was able to run it alone.

3. Spend lots of time with friends. Come on, as adults, we all know this is easier said than done! But I mean it. Please friends, hit me up! Because I am going to hit YOU up!

4. Learn how to cook tofu. I've been in a recipe rut and I have been meaning to try to incorporate tofu into my diet anyway. I love cooking, so this will be a fun! I got a head start this past weekend...

5. Learn the Maple Leaf Rag on the piano. I've been wanting to learn this song forever, but every time I sit down to try to work on it, I get frustrated because it is HARD! I am going to have a lot of extra time on my hands this summer so I want to get better at the piano and learn this song. Perhaps I will record myself playing it at the end of the summer and then you can all see whether I practiced or not!

So far I can play the whole first section but not fast enough and not always on a steady beat. But I am amazed with my progress so far. I think I have worked on it for probably 3 hours total. Three more pages to go...

Yeah, that ain't nothin' but a thaaaaaaang....
Do you have any fun summer goals or plans?


  1. Yay for the last day of school!
    This summer unsigned up for some Summer PD, so there is 5 days of commitment right there. The topic is career development so for 3 of those days I will be visiting businesses.
    I'd like to really focus on self care as much as possible because I have just been exhausted since this year started in January.
    Please hit me up, I'd love to get together with you. I obviously can not keep up with you on a run but I would love to hike some trails with you.

  2. Nice! Maple Leaf Rag is definitely on my bucket list, though my skillz aren't there. Gimme Some Oven's baked tofu is my favorite way to cook tofu.

  3. Sounds like a great list of goals for the Summer! I love the variety :)

  4. Yay for favorite time of year. I know you will fill your summer with fun plans and adventures as you always do. My goals are to spend as much time outside as possible, hike a bunch to prep for our trip and just enjoy the beautiful Colorado weather. I feel like summer goes so fast but this year we have no trips planned until September so I think that will help. Sometimes when we go away too much it makes the time feel like it slips away.

    1. Lots of vacations do make the summer seem fast. I'm going to the beach for a few days, that's it!
