
Monday, June 3, 2019

Weekend Wrap Up!


Happy Monday! 

This is my last week of school before summer break! 


Here's what I was up to this weekend...
What a glorious night of sleep I had! I woke up naturally about 3 seconds before my alarm went off. Isn't it weird when something like that happens?

Since I have been easing off the running a bit due to some heel pain (I don't want to get full blown plantar fasciitis), I headed to the gym. I had an hour long date with the arc trainer.

The arc trainer isn't fun but it's a good workout. I can get my heart rate pretty darn high. In fact, maybe I get it too high!

The best part of the work day was ripping the month of May off my calendar and finally exposing JUNE!!!!

Lunch outside with my friends was fun too!

Luckily, I had a lot of fun stuff lined up for the evening. First, I went to an open house my physical therapist was having. My friend Allison goes to PT at Pivot as well, so we went together.

I wrote a post several months ago about my experience at Pivot Physical Therapy, and I can't recommend it enough! It was nice to catch up with my therapist since I hadn't seen him in several months. (That's a good thing though, that means I'm healthy!)

Then Allison and I headed over to Sakura for some sushi! Sushi, wine, and girl talk. What more could one ask for on a Friday evening?

I tried a roll with fried banana in it! It was interesting, and definitely the weirdest item I ever had in a sushi roll!
I slept until 10am. Who am I!? I relaxed and drank some coffee as I contemplated what to do for a workout. I really didn't feel like being cooped up in the gym on the arc trainer. I wanted to be outside in the scorching heat! 

Also, I  just needed to run and I wanted to try out the 'ol foot. Luckily, I ran 6 neighborhood miles with no pain and experienced no pain the rest of the day. Hopefully I wake up tomorrow morning with no pain too!

That afternoon, my SIL and I had our joint piano and violin recital. The students did an awesome job! I only had 4 students able to perform this year.

After the recital, I went to get my haircut. My stylist, Karen, moved salons, and this new place was very fancy! Karen gives me the cute little punk cut I'm always rocking. She does such a nice job with my hair and she's fun to talk to! Hit her up at Studio NOVA on the Carlisle Pike! It's in the little shops beside Rite Aid.


They serve wine.
This is the before shot. Look at my poofy, long hair!

I was so scared to get out of bed on Sunday. What if my foot hurt? Luckily, it did NOT! I was so happy!

I didn't have any big plans for the day. I ran some errands in the morning, including a much needed trip to Aldi.

Of course I wanted to run but I knew I shouldn't. It was hard, but I made myself go to the gym and do intervals on the arc trainer for an hour. 

I watched Lady Gaga videos the whole time and it ended up not sucking too bad.

Later that night, I did some cooking. I made...

Basic Bitch Quiche
(turkey bacon, broccoli, cheddar cheese)

Spiralized Sweet Potato Fries
(Well, I didn't cook them, I just have them all prepped for when I am in the mood for them.)


This was my first attempt at cooking tofu. It went well. I put it in leftover pad thai.

I hope you all had a great weekend!
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
What's the weirdest sushi roll you ever had?


  1. Yay for no heel pain!! That is great news. Fun weekend you had. I think I might like the banana in the sushi! I would totally try that. My weekend was seeing Wicked (for my 5th time) on Saturday. It was wonderful. Sunday we watched our nephew play baseball (at the fields that are only about a mile from our house) which was nice. Oh, and we got a hot tub so I was in there... A LOT!

    1. Wow, is Wicked your favorite musical!? YOU GOT A HOT TUB!!!! So awesome!!!!

    2. Yes, Wicked is my favorite musical! I absolutely love it and the cast this time was amazing. Last time the Glinda was a little too hyper and this one was perfect.

  2. Last week of work before summer break!!! I am excited for you!

    I slept SO much this weekend. IDK what was up with me last week but I was so tired all week and napped on Thurs night, and then I napped Saturday and Sunday afternoon. I am feeling back to my normal self today so that's good. Adam had been sick a couple weeks ago so I wonder if my immune system had caught something and even though I didn't have the symptoms of a cold it was trying to fight it off.

    That tofu pad thai looks good! Did you like the texture of the tofu?

    1. Well I hope you are all caught up on your sleep now. I bet Cecil enjoyed that. :)

      The texture was totally fine. I think I am going to brown it more next time and make smaller cubes because I want it crispy!
