
Thursday, May 30, 2019


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Happy Friday!!!
Here's what's going on with me...

Current Running Situation: I was starting to get some pain in my right heel so I am easing up on the running right now (as in I haven't run in 4 days) so that I don't get plantar fasciitis! I've also been getting ART at my chiro to help speed up the process of the heel pain going away. In the meantime, I'm lifting and using the arc trainer.

Current Sleeping Situation: Not great. This week, I had one of the worst nights ever where I only slept for 50 minutes. 50 FREAKING MINUTES!!!!!!!!! I felt sick the whole next day.

Current guilty pleasure: I bought a shirt I don't need. Thanks, Mom!!! Find it, and similar shirts, at!

Current drink: Watermelon seltzer water, white sangria, and a shot of vodka. It is so refreshing! What should I call it?

Current favorite TV show: Survivor is over and Big Brother doesn't start for several more weeks so I'm out of television shows. I've been watching John Oliver on Youtube and of course Kristina's vlogs!

Current triumph: I really can't think of anything I feel triumphant about! Ummmm... I have been doing some soul searching as of late. Lots and lots of self therapy! Real therapy helps, but so does all the thinking I do on my alone time.

Current indulgence: I got myself chocolate covered coffee beans. Yummmm!

Current food: Pad Thai! I've been going to the Bon Bon Cafe a lot. For $7.95 you get a huge portion of spicy shrimp pad thai with enough leftover for a second meal the next day.

Current excitement: 5 more days of work until SUMMER!!!!

Currently listening to: Right now, I am literally listening to my cat cry because he's "hungry".

Currently needing: Some new ideas for meals to make for myself. Don't worry, I'm still eating quiche but I think I need to change it up...

Currently thankful for: My new vacuum, a Shark Navigator. It's lightweight and really sucks up the litter and cat hair. I love it! You won't believe it, but it only takes me 15 minutes to vacuum my whole house! (If I'm booking it.)

Currently enjoying: The warm summer weather! I have been spending as much time outside as possible.

Tell me something current about you!


  1. The drink should be called Summer *something* - I was thinking Summer Spritzer but does a drink need soda water to be called a spritzer?

    Do you like curry? You should try curry chicken or curry tofu. I consider curry tofu an Ali dish - I started making it because of her and I really like it! I think she experiments with different kids of curry but I LOOOOVE the yellow curry from Trader Joes (the TJ's brand one). It's incredible! Perfect over a bed of rice or even just a bed of veggies!

    1. Well the seltzer water is bubbly so I think we can call it a spritzer. I like that! Summer spritzer. Thank you for reminding me about tofu! I should experiment with cooking that this summer. I do like curry!

  2. Such a bummer about your heel...has the rest been helping? What is going on with the sleep? Are you still taking trazedone? That is a super cute tank! As far as recipes...we do so many things on our smoker. But lately I have been experimenting with some salads. We did grilled chicken, asian salad mix, craisins, slivered almonds and honey mustard a few weeks ago. Tonight we are doing a greek salad so grilled chicken, salad mix, roasted red peppers, kalamata olives and (for Rick) feta. I got a dill dressing to use. I also like making pasta salad and put in some kind of protein and all kinds of veggies. Have a great Friday and weekend!

    1. Yes, resting definitely helps my heel! Yesterday it felt nearly normal and today it feels normal. But I didn't run, I did the arc trainer. I am going to try to arc train a few more days before running again. Just to be careful!

      I am taking trazodone but I was out of it that night. Sometimes the traz doesn't work though even if I do take it. I think I will sleep better in the summer because work has been such a huge stressor. Your salads sound really good!

  3. The Run PA tank is awesome! My mom was born in Philadelphia, so I hope someday to do the Philly Marathon.

    Hot weather hit London today so the wheels came off during the last mile of my 3 mile run this morning. But I'm doing a runstreak with a FB group I'm in, and am super pleased to have made it through day 6!

    Fingers crossed that once school is out your sleep improves too.

    1. Nice job on making it through the streak in such hot weather!

      Philly marathon is great. You need a run PA shirt!
