
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Random Thursday Thoughts

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Hola! I am actually typing this blog post on Tuesday, but if I titled it "Random Tuesday Thoughts" you would be thoroughly confused, right!?

Okay let's just do list format today because I just had a glass of sangria with a shot of vodka in it and I'm feeling "list-y"...

1. It's teacher appreciation week! I got this epic, unsigned card from a student. I love it. Is that me? Is that what I look like? I don't care. I love the simplicity of it. "Ms. Michael I like you". Straight and to the point!

2. Instead of a Secret Santa, our faculty does "Covert Coworkers", where you get a bunch of small gifts for a colleague throughout the year with the big reveal right before summer break. I have to tell you, my Covert Coworker has been hooking me up. But I was so touched by the letters I was given this morning. Someone loves me. I'm someone's friend. I freaking needed that. Oh, and I needed a quiche cookbook, too!

3. I'm trying to enjoy the nice weather as much as possible. Whenever I can, I sit out on my back porch. In fact, I'm on my back porch right now typing up this blog post. I think I will eat dinner out here, too! Too bad my porch is not screened in. Then the cats could join me.

4. Here's a pic from Hyner that I just found. It's one of the many screen crossing. Damn, there were good photographers at this race! The race is already sold out for 2020. My brother is running the 50k and my dad and I are doing the 25k. It will be a family affair again!

5. Thanks to everyone who is sticking by me and has continued to read Meg Go Run even though I don't post every day. I'm so glad I didn't quit my blog. That would seem so final. I think simply wrapping my head around not being beholden to posting every day has helped me. I can write when I feel like it and ignore it when I need to. It's working for now. That being said, I have enjoyed posting every day this week. So as always, thanks for reading!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Covert co-workers is such a sweet idea! You need those things throughout the whole year, not just at holiday time.

    I don't get outside to relax nearly as much as I'd like but I do have a doggy who gets me outside with her. We actually bought a cool convertible bench that turns into a half picnic table, which has been in the living room for weeks because we haven't bothered moving it outside, haha. Once we do, I want to enjoy eating in the front yard while doggy plays. Better than eating on the front porch steps with the dog investigating my every bite!

    I've enjoyed you posting every day this week, too!

    1. I wish I had a dog, it will def give the extra excuse to get outside. And go for walks, of course.

  3. This is completely unrelated to my above comment but I just signed up for my first trail race (well, not first if you count the canyon run I did in Arizona earlier this year). Just 3.4 miles for me to start with!

    1. That's awesome! Do you have trails nearby you can train on?

    2. The run is actually on Saturday, hahaha :-) But I have run on trails before, I love running in the woods in the summer to stay in the shade. There are some trails 1.5 miles from my house so when I'm in good running shape I can run there, gets some woods time in, and run back home. I've also run on some mountain bike trails before, which I'm not sure was the best idea but it sure was fun!

    3. That sounds perfect! Have a great race!!!

  4. Always enjoy reading your blog - keep posting.....but only when you want to! :-) x
