
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A Day In My Life

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Despite technically being able to sleep until 11am, I woke up at 4am... and never fell back asleep!!!! Whatever, Monday. I'm coming for you!

I spent the morning giving the kitties some attention, drinking coffee, and actually BLOGGING! I'm trying to blog every day this week, so come back and see what's going on!

Chrissy got his teeth brushed!

Jelly, wake up!

I love opening the front door in the morning and letting the sunshine in!

As I fiddle faddled on my computer, I made two quiche. (Spinach, feta, and italian sausage.) I ate some of it before I remembered to take a picture!

I had quite the long to do list which covered everything from taking out the trash to cleaning the microwave. I tackled a few things including running a load of laundry. Guys, I LOVE folding laundry! (For real!!!)

Then I headed to Trindle Road for a trail run. It was absolutely gorgeous- green and luscious! There were all sorts of beautiful spring smells as well. Luckily, despite a lot of tall grass, I didn't see any snakes. I did see 6 deer, 1 bunny, and 1 cat. It was a big 'ol Maine Coon! I hoped it wasn't too far from home.

I ran 3.5 miles out on the trail... all the way to this ridiculous sign. 

Around mile 3 is my FAVORITE part on the AT. These skinny trees are just so cool. I love this section.

I wanted to run farther but I had therapy at noon so I needed to get my ass home and cleaned up. It's not a successful trail run unless there's a little blood and a little mud!

Therapy was absolutely wonderful. I love my therapist! If you live in the area and need a rec, let me know and I can hook you up!

After therapy I went grocery shopping. I only needed a few things. Since I'm only shopping for one right now, I am learning just how much of certain items to get. For instance, last week I got 3 bananas and that proved to be too many as one went bad. This week I played it safe and only got 2 bananas.

I got all this at Aldi for just $23!

Then I headed to Big Lots. I like to get Drunk Girl Salad toppings there.

I also needed some K-cups. This pack of 80 was originally $24 but since the box had been opened and taped back shut, it was only $19! Score! That's only 23 cents per K-cup!

My back yard needed mowed so badly and the grass was finally dry enough that I could do it. I ended up doing the front yard as well, weeding, and just making the outside of my house in general look nice. It was an absolutely gorgeous day so I was happy to have outdoor work to do.

Look at my cute little house!

I painted my nails. Prettttttty! I'm so glad I stopped biting them. Painting them is fun!

One thing I like to do at the beginning of the week is lay out all of my workout clothes and my work out clothes. It saves me time in the morning. It makes me feel relaxed. It feels like I can handle the week. Outer order, inner calm, right? Plus, it's fun to pick out outfits and jewelry!

That night I watched vlogs and ate dinner!

It was a fun and productive day!
Tell me something weird about you!


  1. I'm so glad you love your therapist! I don't 100% love mine but she was my third therapist in a couple of years due to one's maternity leave and then my office location changing... I didn't have it in me to shop around and now it's been a year!

    I love how much you love folding laundry :)

    1. I got my therapist on the first try and I consider myself sooooo lucky because I heard you are supposed to look around for the right fit. It's funny, going into it I wanted a woman in like her mid 50s. I found a man who is just a couple years older than me. Hey, he was the first person with an evening appt and I'm glad I took the chance because it is working great.

      I should fold laundry as a side hustle. I bet people would pay me to do that.

  2. Wow that's a lot for just $23! I used to waste so much food, so I've started buying only the basics when I do my big grocery shop on the weekend. Then I walk to the grocery store that's on my way home from spin class to fill in the blanks during the week. I waste so much less food this way! My biggest problem was that I would decide what to make for dinner during the whole week on Saturday, but then come the week I wouldn't want the things I bought ingredients for!

    1. It sounds like you have it figured out! I hate going to the grocery store during the week but I definitely could if I have to. I'm scared to make a whole family pack of chicken. What if I don't eat it all and it goes bad. I would feel doubly terrible to waste meat. I feel sick just thinking about it.

    2. You could freeze what you don't think you'll be able to eat during the week!

      *I* think I have it all figured out, but I wonder what the people at the grocery store think when I walk in sweaty and gross haha!

    3. Oh come on we all go to the grocery store in disarray from time to time!

  3. That sign is hilarious! So it's just that one spot you need to be concerned with? haha During my race taper I had my fingernails painted for a few weeks. I didn't use a top coat and they got so discolored! Now they are scary looking.
    As for the previous chicken comment - my freezer is chock full of raw chicken and hamburger. And also chopped up bell peppers, shredded cheese - you name it, I freeze it! Your house looks great :)

    1. I think there is like mesh there because there's a pipe or something and someone is just trying to cover their ass in case someone falls. Which is funny because there are much rockier areas one should be concerned with!

      My nails are discolored as well. I do two coats of polish and then a clear coat on top. But my nails are sort of orangey. I did not bother to figure out why that is yet.

      I will have to make sure to freeze things, thanks for the tip!

      Thank you, I love my cute little house. :)

    2. "shopping for one" - what did I miss? Another freezer tip - when your bananas turn brown, peel them and toss those in the freezer too. Frozen bananas are yummy in smoothies!

  4. Oh please come fold my laundry! I do it because I am OCD and I want things done and orderly but I hate it. Rick helps when he is home but mostly I do laundry during the day when I am at home working. I am not sure if this is weird or not so tell me if it is....but I LOVE being up super early. Even on the weekend. Like 3 am early. I feel like I am up before everyone (well, basically I am) and I have so many hours in my day!

    1. I think 3am is VERY early! What time do you go to bed? I do like feeling like I am up before everyone, but I get that feeling at 5 hahaha!
