
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Oh Tuesday, you’re messing with my emotions!

I headed to the gym dark and early. I really wanted to run but I didn’t know if I should. After an epic eleven miler on Sunday with Allison (which included four climbs) my ITB was a little angered. I could even feel it on Monday. But when I woke up Tuesday morning, it was fine. Should I try running? I had to do at least a mile or two to test it… and to stay sane.

Lucky for me, I was able to do five miles no problem. I only stopped because I didn’t want to push it. Boy did I have a nice runner’s high after that! Seriously, I don’t know how I would stay sane these days without running.

So everything started off well. However, the first wrench that was thrown at me was while I was getting dressed for work at the gym. I realized I DID NOT PACK UNDERWEAR!!! What an unfortunate thing to forget. This has happened before and I survived. I guess going commando isn’t the worst thing in the world.

Since I was out of K-cups at home, I decided I would splurge and get a Dunkin coffee from the gas station on the way to work. I don’t like to waste money on coffee but I was in serious need of a nice huge cup of liquid happiness.

Unfortunately, when I was halfway to work, I squeezed the cup a little too
 hard and the top came off. I spilled half of my coffee all over my nice winter jacket, my pants, and my car seat. All of these things are black in color, however, I didn’t want my nice coat and my new car seat to smell like coffee forever!

I pulled over and got a towel and some water from the back of my car (trail runners always have towels and water handy) and started to clean things up. At least I still had half my coffee left… until I knocked it over by accident and it poured all over the street.

What a freaking morning!

Don’t worry, I bummed two K-cups off my colleagues and was able to have my regular morning and afternoon coffee.

The rest of my day went smoothly, thank goodness! I am now drinking wine and there are to quiche in the oven. So I really can't complain!
How was your Tuesday!?
What's the worst thing you spilled in your car?


  1. I once knocked over a red-colored slushy drink from Sonic onto my friend's feet in the back seat. In my haste to grab it I stabbed right through the side of the Styrofoam cup, so tilting it upright didn't stop the explosion. And since I was at Sonic I had to ring the buzzer to request more napkins and then just wait.

    1. Omg!

      So you can't get out of your car at sonic? I have never been to one!

    2. You can get out but it's just a drive in place so there aren't napkins anywhere that you can grab yourself. I hadn't built up my intense supply of glove compartment napkins yet!

  2. Don't ever spill milk in your car. It'll stink for months!

    1. Omg you are so right! I consider myself lucky!

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