
Monday, April 8, 2019

A Supersized Weekend Wrap Up!

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Good Morning!
Since I had a personal day on Thursday, I have a supersized wrap up for you!


Thriday, what a magical day! For once, it wasn't hard for me to get out of bed because I knew I would have an easy work day and a fun evening.

First, a 6 miler in my hood. I haven't been posting weekly workouts but I have been keeping up with running and lifting. This run was slow but I wasn't trying to break any records, so it was okay. I can't tell you how much running has been helping me stay mentally sane!

Normally, my work day would have been very busy, but many of my classes were on a field trip. I had a lot to do, so I wasn't bored or anything. It was just nice to have a day where I didn't have to be "on" the whole time.

I was a rebel and wore leggings and sneakers to work.

Lunch included peas. I'm really into peas right now! 
With lots of salt, of course.

After work, I had three piano lessons. At 5:45, it was officially the weekend! I headed over to my friend Sarah's house. She's the art teacher at our school. While we are friendly at school, we never hung out outside of work. We drank wine, ate hummus, and talked forever! It was great to connect with her and now we aren't just "work friends" we are "real life friends"!

When I got home I had dinner. There's a piece of fish under those peas. 

I slept until 10:30 and didn't get out of bed until 11:00. WHO AM I!!!??? That's 11 hours of sleep. I felt AWESOME! No guilt at all!

I did some blogging while I drank my coffee. I was actually in the mood to blog! I have some new posts scheduled for you this week.

Soon, it was time to COOK. Cooking is so much fun, especially when you have a whole day with nothing to do!

Besides some roasted potatoes, hard boiled eggs, and sausage, I made...

Cous Cous Explosion: Cous cous, roasted onions, peppers, and mushrooms, peas, broccoli, and chickpeas

Cauliflower Casserole: Riced cauliflower, black beans, chick peas, cranberries, walnuts, and a dressing made with dijon mustard, lemon juice, and honey.

Spinach/Feta/Sausage Quiche

Turkey Bacon/Chedder/Pepper/Onion/Broccoli Quiche

After all of that cooking, I wasn't quite done being productive. I cleaned my whole house! Outer order, inner calm. It always feels good to have a clean house. Our house does not have clutter but there is cat hair and litter everywhere...

Around 4:00 I went for a run. I felt slow, but I averaged an 8:12 pace. It was drizzling in the beginning, but as my run progressed, it started raining harder and I got cold. I banged out 6 miles before my hands got too wet and numb!

Then it was time to do my nails and watch Survivor. It is really hard for me to get into this season of Survivor, but I will stick with it.

Still not biting my nails!

In what would probably be my last act of productivity for the weekend, I turned on Amy Schumer's stand up special on Netflix and folded laundry. I actually love folding laundry! (I'm not kidding!)

I only slept for 3 hours but at 7:00 I decided to just get up and take on the day. 

I met my dad and my brother to run 12 miles on the AT. We started at Clark's Ferry and ran to Peter's Mountain and back. The run starts with a 1.5 mile climb. Then it gets really rocky... like climbing over boulders and through crevices rocky. The trail gets run-able for a few miles and then gets rocky again as you approach Peter's Mountain. We took our time and had a lot of fun!

When I got home, I did some more housework and then some odds and ends on my computer. It was nice to have some time to get my life in order a bit.

I'm killing it on the sleep this weekend... I slept for 12 hours on Saturday night! I got up and made coffee, then headed North to meet my friend Meranda @ Fairytales and Fitness for brunch. We chatted forever! I am thankful for her friendship! It's amazing that through blogging I have been able to meet some real life friends!

I got the breakfast special... Two pieces of French toast, two eggs, two pieces of bread, two pieces of bacon, two pieces of sausage, and home fries. No, I didn't eat it all! I just wanted a variety of items to pick at!

I stopped at the gym on the way home to lift. I didn't really feel like it but I did it anyway.

Apparently, I wasn't quite done with being productive for the weekend because when I got home, I did two hours of yard work! My front yard is in order and soon my backyard will be in order as well.

I feel like this weekend was the perfect combination of productivity, friend time, and SLEEP!
What do you order when you go out for breakfast?
What's the longest you ever slept?
Do you like Peas
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. I am so thankful for your friendship too! I am so sorry that I didnt even notice your nails ( shame on me)! I wanted to ask you what polish you like. I usually do the gel polish because it lasts a long time
    However my nails become very brittle when I remove it and I know that cant be healthy so I was looking for just a regular type of polish. I've tried several and I cant find anything that lasts past 8 hours without chipping. I even put a top coat on.
    I have some of that cauliflower rice in the freezer. You just gave me some ideas for some new recipes. Thank you!

    1. I have chipping problems too! I honestly can't recommend any that don't chip. I do a top coat as well and my top coat is OIP so it's GOOD. The top coat does make them last longer for sure. Normally there should be blue cheese and celery in that riced cauliflower recipe as well but I didn't have any!

    2. My top coat was not OIP but my polish is, which makes me made cus like you said, that is suppose to be a good brand. I've tried others that are labeled " no chip", and they wore off with in the day.

  2. Wow, you were really productive! I'm impressed you got in all that cooking and all that housework. The food all looks amazing. And how cool that you and Meranda got to meet up :)

    1. You know how sometimes you get on a roll and you just want to keep going? That was me!

  3. There was couscous and cauliflower on my dinner tables recently, too! We're just getting into the cauliflower rice thing...My husband LOVES white rice and has been good about this substitute but we had it in a burrito bowl dish last night and his enthusiasm seems to be waning, haha.

    Those quiches look TASTY. And I'm totally with you on the breakfast thing, give me a little bit of everything, please.

    1. The only bad thing is cauli gives me gas so I have to time up when I'm going to eat it hahaha!

  4. What a productive and fun weekend.
    I love that you run with your Dad and brother!

    I usually order the granola with yogurt and fruit or a veggie omelette when we go for breakfast :)
