
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

My New Bedroom!

My life is about to be full of new beginnings. One way I helped myself be excited to start fresh is by redoing my bedroom! For the past 10 years or so, the walls of our room were a bright blue and all of the artwork, bedding, and curtains were brown. It was cool in 2010 but not so much anymore. It was time for a change!

I wanted to transform my room into an oasis. I wanted it to be relaxing, stylish, and fun. But 36 year old fun... not 20 year old fun or anything like that!

My vision was grey with yellow accents and a light pink as the secondary accent. I thought that would be perfect for me.

I got lucky when my friend Katrina offered to help me paint. She is really good at painting as she did her whole house! She is also pretty handy and DIY in general, so I felt like I won the lottery when she seemed excited to help! She even met me at Lowe's and helped me pick out the perfect grey color for the walls.

We spent the afternoon painting the walls a light grey. Then we went back to the store to get a white paint for me to do the trim at a later date. The trim is currently white but it is a really dull, sort of eggshell white. Katrina thinks something brighter will make everything pop and I agree. So doing the trim is on my to do list...

The next two weekends, I went out and about looking for the perfect bedding, curtains, and decorative items to make my dream room into a reality. Luckily, I was able to use some items I already had as well. Here is what I ended up with!

Bedspread/Sheets/Pillowcases: Clearance from Kohl's for $59.99. I always forget how much bedding costs until it is time to buy bedding. Sadly, that is a really good price for what I got. The thing is, bedding can COMPLETELY transform a room, so it is an important part of the redecorating process!

Throw pillows: I got these at Wal-Mart. They were super cheap. I saw some cute pillows at Home Goods but they were like $15-$20 each. That is insane. These were $6 each.

Grey Fleece Blanket: $20 from Wal Mart. I get cold at night so I like having the option of more than just a bedspread. So far, it has done a good job keeping me warm!

Yellow Throw: $19.99 from Amazon. This is totally for decoration and to tie some more yellow into the room.

Lamps: $19.99 each. I loved them the minute I saw them at Ross and I thought the price was right. However, I didn't buy them right away and ended up going back later to pick them up. I like how they have very clean lines and are simple.

Curtains: $19.99 from Kohl's. All the right colors and such a good deal!

Mirror: Kohl's, $18. (Thanks to Kohl's cash and a 30% off coupon!) I thought I would get a smaller mirror and feared this one would be too big. It ended up being perfect for the space

Resist Artwork: I bought this from Etsy a couple years ago to commemorate the Women's March on DC I attended with my mom and my friend Andrea. The colors go perfect with my room and the art is something very meaningful to me. I moved it from our living room into my bedroom. This is where it belongs.

Shelf: $14 from Wal Mart. Paul hung it for me!

Knick Knacks: The little sprout was from Ross for $5, the pink jar has a candle in it and was a gift from a student.

Flower/Vase: I am super proud of this creation! I basically saw something just like this at Target for $30. I thought to myself... I can make that! So I went to the Dollar Tree and bought the vase and two sprigs of yellow roses. The little tie I put around the vase is from the decorative balls I have on my other dresser. Look at me! I can make things!

Wall Hangings: These are from when Paul and I decorated back in 2010. They are from Wal Mart. They were brown but I decided to spray paint them white. I wonder what the Chinese symbols mean? Anyone know!?

Candles: Both are from Ross and they smell divine!

Coasters: Another Ross find. I decided I needed coasters because I drink a lot of wine in bed...

AT Art: I got this at a craft show several months ago. I moved it into my bedroom because it totally went with the decor!

Vase w/ Decorative Balls: Marshall's! The vase was $8.99 and the decorative balls were $6.99. I guess that is a little pricey for something that is just for "show" but I wanted more yellow and I wanted something on the dresser for height.

Grey Decorative Box: I had this in our breakfast nook and just moved it into my bedroom.

More Wall Hangings: Another item from when we decorated our room in 2010. They were originally yellow and I spray painted them brown. I simply spray painted them back to yellow!

There you have it! My tiny little bedroom! I want to incorporate one or two more pink accents. Suggestions? I don't want to do a pillow. Possibly more artwork? There is a lot of space left on the walls but I want my room to be simple and not have a ton of "stuff". Perhaps it's perfect the way it is.

I also want to show you my furniture and my thoughts on possibly updating it, but I will do that in a future blog post! So stay tuned for that because I really want your opinion!
What was the last room your decorated?
Is your bedroom and oasis or... something else?


  1. I love the color scheme! It's calming and mature and pretty. We just painted our house a light gray too. I'm a big fan of the color! And all the little details look like they make the room a nice oasis.

    1. Thank you Ali! I love it. I'm glad you think it looks mature. That is what I was going for.

  2. I love everything about this! The colors are such a good combination and definitely relaxing. When you texted me the pics earlier I thought it was a light blue.
    We are still in the process of redecorating our bedroom. We got a new bed and new nightstands and mirrors around Thanksgiving. However, the dresser we ordered was not the right size for the space so we are currently using our one from the spare bedroom ( that does not match at all but is the perfect size). Weve decided to just keep this one and paint it in the spring, which we havent done yet.

    I love how you repurposed some of your decor by spray painting it. I have a shelf I am hoping to paint and some picture frames I'm hoping to change out. I dont know why this is all taking me so long to

    1. Spray paint is a secret weapon for sure! I mean even if you see something while you're out and it's not the right color, you can wonder hmmmm can I spray paint this?

  3. I think the bedroom came together so beautifully! I think bedding is really expensive too. I bought our latest set of sheets from Target and our comforter from Amazon where I found decent deals. I used to think of sheets from places like Target would be super low thread count and uncomfortable - because I think they were like that back in the day. These days they are so comfy and nice! Bedding is one of those things you can justify the pricing of when you think of "cost per use" vs overall cost, haha! When we bought our new couch it was more than I thought we were going to spend but I sit on it every day so it's cheap using the cost per use model hahaha!

    I love your vase filled with the balls. I am really weird about what I'll spend money on. I don't think twice about buying overpriced lipglosses but I've needed a second bag of decorative balls for a vase in my living room for over a year and I just haven't spent the $5-10 to get it! You have inspired me to just buy the damn things.

    1. (I don't know what happened but the comment box stopped letting me type and wouldn't let me add my name. Keeping with the anonymous name, here's a hint: it's cecil's mom.)

      Anyway I love the color scheme you chose. They yellow is great for spring and summer but the grey will pull things together for fall and winter if you decide to keep the same theme all year long!

    2. I like your cost per use model haha. Get those BALLS girl you spend $7 on celery juice hahahaha!

  4. I love what you did with your room. I really want to decorate more in our home, too, but I usually get decision paralysis. LOL

  5. I love this! It looks great and those colors are so nice together. Maybe the lampshades could be switched our for more pink? Or if you find another throw you like that has pink in it it could be switched out for the grey one.

    1. Great ideas, I will keep them in mind. Thanks!

  6. Everything looks so nice! What a great job you and your friend did. I got a new comforter last year and the change is huge. You should have given us a before shot for reference! Aren't pillow prices crazy?

    1. I totally forgot to do a before! I'm sure I have old pics of my bedroom... I will look for them and include them for my furniture post. :)

  7. It looks very cool and updated! I love the gray,yellow and pink combo. Haha, for more pink accents you could slippers or a fluffy pink rug? Or just two more pink candles under the 2 lamps. Or buy nothing at all, as it looks great already!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions, Lila! I think I could possibly do more pink candles. That would be easy and CHEAP.

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