
Thursday, April 11, 2019

A Day in My Life

My day started much earlier than I anticipated. The cats woke me up at 2am and I could not fall back asleep. At 4am, I decided I should get up, make coffee, and snuggle on the couch with Colbert and Jelly.

I haven’t been spending much time with the cats lately so the time with Jelly was much needed. I even brushed Christmas’ teeth and threw some treats to both of them. Let’s just say that morning, I was the best cat mom ever.

Then I went for a 6 miler in my hood. I was slow but I enjoyed the run. After all, I had a new episode of my favorite podcasts to listen to.

The workday started off with a flute lesson. I love my flute students!

The 4th graders are playing ukuleles. They’re at the point where I can set them loose and they can jam with a buddy. They love it and I love not having to do direct instruction all day!

At lunch I went outside and drank my coffee on the loading dock. One of our custodians donated some picnic tables and placed them there in case teachers wanted to eat outside. It was so beautiful! I don’t normally get outside during the day but I want to start taking advantage of the opportunity whenever I have it.

The afternoon was full of classes and then my favorite (kidding) part of the day… crosswalk duty.

Loook, I match! Hahahaha!

After work, I went home to teach four piano lessons. It's a long night but it's good money!

When my lessons were over at 6, I quickly showered and headed over to Bree's house to hang out!

I got home kind of late for a school night and ended up going to bed after 11. I was so tired, but unfortunately, I woke up at 3:30am and could not fall back asleep. FREAKING A! So I started my Wednesday the same way I as Tuesday... with coffee, Colbert, and Jelly. 

Is today going to be Groundhog Day!?


  1. I love that you have a talent such as teaching piano that can be a side hustle! In my entrepreneurship class I tell my students to develop some kind of talent that can make you money. I often use you as an example ( I dont use your name of course).

    1. I feel honored to be used as an example! Yes tutoring or teaching music lessons can help you earn a lot of money!

  2. I listen to Pod Save America, too. It's the only Podcast I consistently come back to!

  3. Dang those early kitties - my cat woke my up early today too. Just so I could look at her cat bowl. She hates it when it's only half full. Sigh. Kudos on brushing your cat's teeth. I would never even try to attempt that!!

    1. Well to be honest he just kind of licks the chicken flavored toothpaste off the brush but it's better than nothing, right?

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