
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Happy Wednesday!

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...My blog posts are always scheduled ahead of time, but when I went to bed last night, I realized I had nothing scheduled for this morning! I shrugged my shoulders and figured I'd write something when I got up! So never fear, if your daily Meg Go Run wasn't posted right at 5:30 today, I am still alive!

We have another snow day. In Central PA, we're supposed to get lots of snow for the first half of the day and freezing rain for the second half of the day. This winter just keeps on delivering the weather.

My plans for the day are to go running, grocery shopping, buy a dust buster on Amazon, and clean my house. I would basically like to be as productive as possible.

So that's it, just popping in! Oh, I had a photo shoot with Christmas this morning. Some mornings he likes to cuddle with me in bed. He hops right up and curls up under my arm...

Happy Wednesday!


  1. well phew! I wondered where the heck your post was! Glad you are A-OK. Enjoy that productive day. Not even a school delay here, despite the threats of the same weather you are having.

    1. Did you get anything? We got all the snow promised, and it's icing now, as promised.

      Sorry to scare you! Working on tomorrow's post now. It will be on time. :)

    2. A little bit of snow, and then some slushy rain. Not much of anything exciting at all. Hope it's clear Thurs morning. I'm actually going to run outside. Gasp!!

  2. Lucky you having the day off! We went until noon than had an early dismissal. I think that was the worst part of the day though. I live about 30 miles south of where I work and it's pretty calm here. Nothing is happening. I'm glad to have the extra time at home with my girl.

    1. Hey, at least you won't have to make up your day! I'm glad you are home with your Baylee. <3

  3. Your arms look buff! And Chrissy looks adorable!

    It's 86 degrees here now but I wish we had snow! I can't believe it's so hot and it's not even March :(

  4. Also came here to admire those strong arms!

  5. I wouldn't mind a snow day with a snuggly cat :)
