
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A Day in My Life

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Hola, Meg Go Run Readers!

Sometimes, it's weird to think I have readers... people that read my blog every day. I know you are out there, and you may not comment. It's hard to believe there are people who are strangers to me that know a whole lot about my life!

Are you ready to hear a whole lot about my Tuesday? Well buckle up, it's a Day In My Life post!

My day started at 4:15. Yes, that's a little earlier than normal. I was dreaming that I was in my new car and Jelly was scratching on the door. In actuality, Jelly was scratching my bedroom door. I got up to feed him and then I was just up for good.

Christmas wanted fed... Chrissy, you don't get fed at this hour!!!

I had exactly two Keurigs left. I wanted to save one for Paul, but this happened....

So I had to use the last two. When I was at Rutter's the day before, I put a bunch of these in my pocket! That's not stealing, right!?

I hit the gym to lift and do a deck of cards workout. My right achilles was a little sore... I don't know why. I decided to take the day off running.

We had a professional development day at work. The first three hours was listening to a speaker talk about reading and writing research. It was good info, but I have trouble sitting for three hours straight. This is my "OMG I HAVE TO SIT FOR THREE HOURS???" face.

At lunch I went to Wal Mart and stocked up on those Keurigs I ran out of... They are my fav!

My afternoon was much better than my morning. I got to catch up and collaborate with my friend Karen, who has my job at the other elementary school in our district. I love her and she is so wise!!!

After work I had therapy. Then I needed some chips, olives, and cider to replenish all the calories I burned via self reflection!

Dinner was quiche (what else is new) and sleep was early (again, no surprise).
How was your Monday?


  1. Chips, cider and olives sound like a perfect post therapy treat :)

  2. Monday was pretty awesome. We had a fun day (blog post coming tonight!). Do you cats get fed at different times?

    1. They get fed at the same time but they get fed A LOT. I can't wait to read about your Monday!

  3. I am one of those who knows a lot about your life, but only comment sporadically. I'm trying to make an effort to do it more! It's currently 4:04 am and I have been awake since about 1 am. Finally gave up at 3:30 and made myself coffee and was thinking about you and your sleep troubles as I did that. I'm happy this is unusual for me.

    1. No need to feel like you have to comment. I mean, I do like your comments though. :) Oh man I am so sorry you couldn't sleep. I'm glad it's unusual. Remember, you will get good sleep tonight because you will need to catch up.

    2. I feel like I talk to my husband about you like I know you, so commenting is the least I can do :)

  4. Oh, stuffed olives. I used to hate olives and now I love them!
