
Sunday, January 13, 2019

What's on My Facebook Wall

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Here we go... your monthly Facebook wall check in!

I actually don't get hangovers because I don't drink so much that I would get one! The worst is I'll wake up in the middle of the night thirsty. That's how I know I had one two many glasses of wine!

Paul doesn't let me mother stray cats. I understand why!


This one never gets old!!! I actually haven't researched JonBenet in a long time. Maybe I should check in and see if there are any new clues!

Yeah, my Momma rocks!

Another one that makes me laugh EVERY. FREAKING. TIME!

Have a great Sunday!


  1. I heard recently that the Jon Benet Ramsey brother was suing that news station that interviewed him last year ( was it CBS?), because they portrayed him as creepy and made him look guilty. I don't know all the details as I only heard it second hand.

    1. I think Burke portrayed HIMSELF as creepy lolololol!!!

  2. I saw just a couple of days ago that a guy in prison who's been considered a long time suspect confessed to Jon Benet's murder to a friend. He lived down the street, and before she was discovered told the friend he had hurt (killed?) a little girl the night before. He's in prison for child molesatation/porn and when arrested he had over 300 pictures of her, including autopsy pics. You may already know about him but maybe not about the latest.

    1. Woah I know nothing about that! Time to check out reddit...

  3. Seems like there could be some credibility in his story but still doesn't address all the other weird stuff like the ransom note, the Ramsey's behavior, etc. the guy who confessed name is Gary Olivia.

    1. Yeah. For a long time I have been a firm believer that the parents know exactly what happened to JonBenet.
