
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Weekly Workouts!

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Hola! I had a great week of workouts. Here's what I was up to...

Saturday- 3 treadmill miles and a deck of cards workout It's been awhile since I did a deck of cards. I was scared it would be hard, it but was fine!

Sunday- 8 miles on the AT with Allison. We ran from Scott's Farm to the Cumberland Valley Overlook and back. I didn't have much energy because I hadn't eaten much the day before. I need to fuel better!

Monday- 5 treadmill miles. I was going to do six, but midway through my run it dawned on me that I was pretty sure I forgot my work shoes at home. Sure enough, I had. So I cut my run a bit short so I would have time to go back home to get my shoes!

Tuesday- 6 morning miles on the road. It's been a long, LONG time since I have done a morning neighborhood run! I think the last time was on Christmas! It was chilly and the cold air made my throat hurt a little bit.

Wednesday- 8 PAIN FREE NEIGHBORHOOD MILES!!! This run felt soooooo good. I felt like I was just plodding along but I was doing 8:30s. Those progression runs on the treadmill are paying off!

Thursday- Lifting at Planet Fitness. It had been awhile. I was so tired. Like a zombie. But for some reason my muscles felt really strong!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Wonderful workouts! Yay for pain free running, Megan! My week was good. 4 run + walk days; 1 swim day; 4 yoga sessions & 2 days of only strength + yoga (trying out having strength on it's own day instead of doing it after cardio...jury is still out but I think it would be good to do this because I feel less rushed with the workout and gives me a cardio break).

    1. Yeah I agree with that, you need a cardio break! I *generally* do not cardio and lift on the same day. I mean, a deck of cards workout creeps in there from time to time...

  2. You have been getting quite a few miles in. Yeah on the pain free miles too! I really, really have to get back to the gym. I did lift weights at my house, so that was a win. It's something! I have run a bunch of miles this week. Way more than I have in the past!

    1. I need to catch up on blogs! Tomorrow! Yes I have been running a lot and feeling good.

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