
Friday, November 9, 2018

What I Wore AFTER Work This Week!

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Friday!? Already!?

I am linking up with Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness!

Last week I showed you what I wore to work each day. To show you the other side of the coin, I'm going to show you what I changed into AFTER work a couple days this week.

Sometimes I will juxtapose it with my work outfit, just to fully appreciate the difference between Work Megan and After Work Megan!

~ Monday ~

I got a lot of compliments on my outfit! I had to tell everyone the skirt was a hand me down and my top was from Good Will! It does not have to cost a lot to look put together!

After work, I wore my favorite pj pants, an ugly sweatshirt, and ugly socks! I did a lot of cooking and I was comfy. That's all that matters!

~ Tuesday ~

(I forgot to take a picture of what I wore to work, so you just get the after work picture.)

I had piano lessons after school today, so I couldn't go "full" jammy mode right away.

Luckily, my piano clients do not care if I teach in my sweats!

Of course I changed into "real" jammies after piano lessons to watch the election results. It was stressful!

~ Wednesday ~

Despite only getting three hours of sleep, I looked very put together.

I took a 1/2 sick day because I was so tired. This is what I wore later...

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you change into after work?
Do you wear "real" clothes at home?
 I NEVER wear "real" clothes at home!


  1. Thanks for linking up with us again! I really like your Wednesday outfit, it looks nice on you. Often i run after work, so I will change into running clothes. If not I usually stay in my work clothes until it's time to change for bed. Now that it is darker earlier I suspect the jammies will be going on sooner than usual! Have a good week!

    1. Thank you! Those black pants have tiny pinstripes too so they look cooler in person. I'm surprised you wear your work clothes if you don't go running. Are they very comfortable to begin with?

    2. Ya know, I've made a pact with myself this year that if something was not comfortable, I was not going to wear it. Life's too short ( and the work day is too long) to be in uncomfortable clothes...haha. I wear dresses almost every day, so that helps! I think today was the last day I'm going to be able to wear my dresses (without tights). Now I'm going to have to bust out the winter dresses! I participate In #FashionFriday on Instagram with Kim@runningonthefly. You should check it out and even participate yourself!

  2. I change into workout clothes once I get home. Even if I don't workout, they're comfy, and since I have a lot of them, I have choices.

  3. I do wear regular clothes at home because I work at home. When the work day ends for me (generally around 4:30 pm) I take a bath and then flannel pants and a sweatshirt! On the weekend I wear normal clothes even if we are home all day. I just can't wear "PJs" all day :) It's a thing with me.

    1. Ooh I didn't know you take baths! Do you have a big luxurious bathtub?

    2. No, and it's a big joke with Rick and I because it's not a great big tub but there I am .. like 1/2 my body out of the water. LOL. We are getting a hot tub as soon as we get a roof build over our back patio. That will replace my bath. Nothing relaxes me more than sitting in hot water (a hot shower takes a close 2nd).

    3. Oh awesome I'm glad you're getting a hot tub! I'm always cold in baths because I guess I never had a big tub so yes, much of my body is outside it. If I had a hot tub I would relax in that for sure.

    4. come visit after we get it!!!

    5. OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. That skirt in the first photo looks great on you!

    1. Thank you! Banana Republic... that's prob why. :)

  5. You dress very nicely for work! Some of the teachers at my boys' grade school really dressed down.

    I kinda love that clarinet lamp on your piano. BTW, I have the same lamp and the same old metronome on my piano!

    1. I don't dress up every day. There are many days I'm in boots, leggings, and a long sweater. Sometimes I even where my black nikes so I can be comfy! My dad made the clarinet lamps. :) Do you play piano?

  6. The first outfit is super cute! Luckily I no longer work, and when I did, I worked from home. However, I do like to dress up sometimes. :) But mostly I'm in leggings during the winter, and skirt sports skirts in the summer. :)

    1. Oh I'm a huge leggings girl, even at work! I'm glad I work at an elem. school and can get away with that.

  7. Your after school clothes look like my every day clothes, now that I have retired! I always thought the phys ed teachers were lucky - they got to dress down every day! :)

  8. My office has a pretty casual dress code; most people are in jeans and casual tops(except for management), but I try to go a semi-casual route (I'm at the front desk and the first person most visitors see). I'm not in business suits (ack!!), but I often change "into something more comfortable" after I get home LOL

    1. It's nice your workplace isn't too rigid as far as dress code.

  9. It's funny because I have a friend who always looks "put together" whenever I stop by her house. Her everyday wear is my "I'm really trying to look nice" outfits! Mostly I'm just relaxed stuff (also PJ pants or sweats ) after work if I have no plans. Otherwise it's typically jeans/leggings and a race shirt! And isn't it funny that we always feel compelled to tell people when our clothes are a super cheap deal, like garage sale or Goodwill? LOL!! I do the same thing!

    1. Yes! I would never brag about something expensive. Only a good deal! I think you and I are a lot alike in that sense- always looking for deals and we know where to find them. :)

  10. I change as soon as I get home! Often I'll wear the same seats/top all week because I don't really do anything in them. I really want to be comfy and - this time of year - warm. I'm glad you felt better quickly.

    1. Yeah I wear the same pjs over and over a lot too! Unless I get sweaty or something.
