
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Weekly Workouts!

I had a great week of workouts!

Saturday- Lifting and PT exercises at Planet Fitness. It was a cold, rainy day... the perfect day to go to the gym!

Sunday- 8 miles on the AT and PT exercises. I could have run with a group but I did not feel like having an agenda or setting my alarm. Late morning, I parked at Trindle Road and ran 8 miles on the AT. The trail was gorgeous!

Monday- 25 minutes on the stair climber and a deck of cards workout. I wanted to do something low impact but I needed endorphins! No PT exercises today because I forgot to do them later.

Tuesday- 6 miles on the road. I felt great during my run but my back hurt a bit later on. I'm not concerned. I went from back pain every. freaking. day. to once in the past 1.5 weeks! I woke Jelly up for post run cuddles.

Wednesday- Deck of cards workout and 3 road miles. My back did not hurt during my run but it hurt a little bit later in the day. I did all my bend overs and that alleviated it for the most part. I had PT later, which was a workout. It was also my last session! Yay! More on that soon...

When I got home from my run, Jelly plopped down in front of me. He either missed me, or just the thought of running made him tired!

Thursday- 6 treadmill miles. Boy did I go back and forth on what I wanted to do this morning. It was 54 degrees out, so my heart said run outside. But my brain said TREADMILL. I'm glad I did the treadmill because I didn't have any back pain after. I messed with the speed and even busted out some sub 8 and sub 7 paces! It was one of those days where I felt like the old Megan! (Aka, young Megan!)

Friday- 2 road miles and a deck of cards workout with kettle bell swings mixed in. My back felt fine, but my hammy was feeling jacked so I stopped at 2 miles. It was WARM OUT and I saw a fox in my neighborhood! He was about to run across the street but he saw me and turned right back around!

Just Tuesday I was all bundled up!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Awesome workouts! In addition to my running, cycling & swimming I did Body Pump and man did that make me sore! But it was fun to change up the strength routine a bit. Hope your back continues to make improvements!

    1. How is body pump different from what you normally do? I want to know more about your normal weight routine!

  2. You are so lucky to have access to the AT! The only trails by me are in the forest preserve--and I'd have to find someone to run with me.

    Glad to see you still cranking out those fast paces! You are not old...

    1. I do feel lucky! I don't like going alone but I know logically I'm more likely to have a car accident on the way to the trail then to run into problems on the trail... Always have my phone and pepper spray though!

  3. Great running this week. 8 miles on the AT sounds heavenly! Can't wait to get back to trail running now that the marathon is over! :)
