
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up!

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It was a wonderful weekend full of friends, sushi, sleep, and the treadmill. This is a short week coming up. Monday is a day with students, Tuesday is in-service, then I'm off Wednesday-Monday for the Thanksgiving holiday! I can do this!

I woke up feeling tired but I didn't know if it was from my new sleep medication (Trazodone) or because I had my period. This was my second night with Trazodone and I'm taking detailed notes so I can tell if it's working for me or not. Fingers crossed!

We had a two hour delay due to the snow storm on Thursday, so I hit up the gym a little later than usual. It was actually less busy at 8am than it is at 6am! I ran two miles and did a crazy circuit that included:

1000 jump rope rotations
100 burpees
100 mountain climbers
200 bicycle crunches
100 kettle bell swings
100 hydrants
100 stability ball pull ins
5 thirty second planks

It took me nearly 40 minutes! I forgot my wireless headphones, so I had to do my workout without podcasts. 

My sub on Wednesday left my desk in complete disarray. I would never leave someone's desk looking like this...

Our school had a treat at the end of the day- a puppet show performed by Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers. The PTO sponsors this performance every year and it is hilarious. I think the teachers like it as much as the students!

After the show, the puppeteers offered a behind the scenes look at how they create and perform the show. They also talked about how the subjects they studied in school helped them to be able to write the script, build the set, create the scenery, and run their own business.

Even good assemblies can be a bit much. The kids can get so loud when they clap and cheer...

That evening, I met Ana at Tokyo Diner for sushi. We chatted for three hours! It was great to catch up with my friend! Ana got two rolls and I got four. I finished my plate!

I slept for 10.5 hours! Yay, Trazodone! Perhaps that's too long to be sleeping, though?

My morning was very lazy. It included lots of coffee, puzzles, blogging, and CNN.

Then I went to the gym. I had no clue what I would do. I figured I'd start with two treadmill miles. But two miles turned into three, into four, and then into six. I was feeling AWESOME and didn't want to stop, but my plan was to shower at the gym and catch a 1:15 movie at the theater next door.

Unfortunately, when I got into the locker room I realized I forgot a towel. There was not enough time to go home and shower before the movie so I was screwed. Fueled with rage and Queen, I hopped on the treadmill for two more miles. Then I did my PT exercises and headed home.

Instead of going to a movie, I bopped around to the thrift stores. 

I got some awesome deals including some Wysocki puzzles and some cute tops that were all $5 or less.

I even got a gorgeous purse for $4.97! It's a light grey color with some gold bling. There is no tag but I think it's Simply Vera. I didn't need this purse, but for that price, how could I not get it?

Later that night, I met Bree for sushi. Sushi with friends two nights in a row? How did I get so lucky!? I only got three rolls tonight. After dinner, we headed to Larsen Meadworks in Mechanicsburg. My friend Lauren came out too. This was my first time trying mead and it was interesting. I'm definitely more of a wine girl but I'm glad I tried mead.

Bree and I were out so late! I didn't go to bed until 2am! It was very strange. Normally I wake up at 2am!
I started my day early, determined to get in a nice, long workout before going to see A Star is Born.

I ran 7 miles on the treadmill and did a deck of cards workout. Then I headed over to the theater next door. I was very excited to see the movie but I didn't like it for several reasons:

**Note: I am not trying to convince you it is a bad movie. I am just telling you why I didn't like it.**

1. Bradley Cooper's character (Jack) was very unlikeable. I didn't understand why Lady Gaga's character (Ally) liked him.

2. When Jack met Ally, he was very pushy with her. For example, she said she couldn't come to his concert because she had to work. So he sent his driver to his house and his driver was not allowed to leave until she changed her mind. And of course she changed her mind.

One thing I did like about the movie... any time Lady Gaga sang!

After the movie I went to Aldi. Then I came home and did a puzzle, ate dinner, and went to bed! Sorry, no pictures from Sunday. Too busy being me... OH WAIT HERE IS ONE OF CHRISTMAS ON MY PUZZLE!

Yes Christmas, I see you.
Have you ever tried mead?
How many sushi rolls do you normally order?
Do you remember any cool assemblies as a kid?
What did you think of A Star is Born?


  1. I love how you and Ana hang out now and it's all because of blogging!

    I've never heard of mead but I assume it's a sort of beverage since you compared it to wine.

    The only assembly I really remember fro. Elementary school was Recreation! I thought those singers were stars! Little did I know they were mostly hush school and college kids..haha

    1. It is super cool we randomly met through our blogs despite living less than five miles from each other. Oh my gosh I thought Recreation was awesome!!!!! It was the coolest high school assembly. I don't even remember any other hs assemblies besides band and choir concerts, which of course I was involved in.

  2. I typically order two sushi rolls and still can't finish them. Or, Clay and I will split a roll as an appetizer. One place here has BOGO sushi sometimes so getting two rolls or four rolls is the way to go. Glad your medicine seems to be working for you and you're getting more rest!

    1. Two little rolls? That's why you're the tiny terror!

  3. Can I just say I respect that you have an appetite as big as mine? I mean, really, we can both pack away the food (and I am proud of it)! I am happy to hear the Trazadone is working! Any side effects? I am also so worried about side effects. I am sorry you didn't like A Star is Born. I do think they portrayed an addict very well and I LOVE Bradley Cooper. I was very impressed that they shot the concert scenes at actual concerts in one take! And he both directed and starred in it (even wrote a few of the songs). Lady Gaga was fabulous! Such an amazing performance. But now it sounds like I am trying to convince you to like it. LOL.

    1. I've always been able to pack it in, even as a kid! Full disclosure, I barely ate at all that day, so I was very hungry.

      The first two days after taking Traz I felt groggy during the day, BUT I also had just gotten my period so sometimes that makes me feel fatigued. The third time I took it I felt very tired when I woke up in the morning but it went away after 10 minutes. The 4th and 5th time I took it the same thing. I do fall back asleep even if I wake up multiple times per night. Well, all except one time when I was awake for two hours but even though I was awake, I was TIRED and didn't feel like getting up or anything. The only side effect I have noticed every night is I have CRAZY VIVID DREAMS. I normally have vivid dreams but Traz dreams are a whole other story!

  4. I was talking to my mom and Sunday and we both agree there aren't any movies out we want to see. Normally there's one movie around the holidays and this year there aren't any we're interested in.
