
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Trazodone Dreams

So far, my trazodone prescription has been working well. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I am able to fall back asleep. I do feel tired when I wake up in the morning but the feeling goes away once I start moving. Feeling tired for 10 minutes is a small price to pay to sleep through the night!

I read a lot of stories online about people who experienced some crazy side effects from taking trazodone. Besides being a little groggy in the morning, there is only one other side effect I notice...


Normally I can remember my dreams and I do have weird ones from time to time. But trazodone dreams are next level. When I'm in the dream, the details and colors are so clear, and I can remember them the next say. The dreams aren't scary or uncomfortable, they're just crazy. (Actually I have had one uncomfortable dream since writing this post. We'll see if that is going to become the norm...)

For instance, the other night I dreamed I was talking to a boy from high school who I had a crush on. He smiled and inside his mouth he had railroad tracks for braces. There were stones around the railroad tracks and they were different colors that lined up with his teeth. I could see every tiny stone and the colors were bright. It was nuts!

I'm keeping a log of how I sleep at night to help decide if trazodone is the right medication for me. For now, I like it. Having insane dreams (at this point) is better than chronic insomnia and the effects it had on my life. 

Maybe I should write down some of my dreams and share them with you!
Do you normally have vivid dreams you can remember?

Has medication ever altered your normal dreaming patterns?


  1. Dreams are so crazy! I can have some pretty crazy dreams and I remember them when I first wake up but then forget!

    1. That happens to me too. I read that if you really want to remember your dreams, when you wake up, lay perfectly still and it helps your brain remember. Although then one could just fall right back asleep haha!

  2. My husband has always had crazy dreams on NO medicine, but every medicine seems to make me have weird dreams.

    1. Paul rarely remembers his dreams and I usually always do.

  3. I use to have this book that would explain what your dreams meant! Generally it does have to do with something that us going on in your life, crazy or not! I often thought about writing mine down too, but by mid morning I forget...haha.

    1. Sometimes I can totally see why I dreamed something but then it takes a weird turn.

  4. Uh. I am glad to hear that you're sleeping better and I guess as long as the dreams are not "uncomfortable", it's a good trade-off?

  5. What dose works for you? I have been prescribed 150mg
