
Tuesday, November 6, 2018


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Don't forget to vote in the midterm elections today!

If they try to turn you away at the polls claiming you don't have the right ID, your name is not on the voter rolls, etc, ask for a provisional ballot. That is your right!


  1. Vote, Vote, Vote! I am shouting it from the roof tops! Figuratively speaking :)

    1. Oh I'm asking everyone today if they voted. I was at the dentist and even double checked with the hygenist if she was voting. :)

  2. They actually did change our polling place. Luckily my husband knew! They folded 9 districts into one place, with 3 machines . . . let's just say it wasn't well organized, but I did vote.

    There was a huge traffic snarl for parking (and not enough parking), but that was mainly because everyone was trying to park close, of course. Look like those pickup lines at schools!

    I could see that was going on, though, so I just parked further away & walked -- walking doesn't kill you people, even if it WAS raining (of course, because when is it not raining lately?). We don't melt!

  3. I voted -- in and out in 5 minutes! Can't wait to see how the results come in.

    1. Great! It took me 16 but I was there right at 7am so there was a line. Paul went in the middle of the day an didn't wait at all.

  4. Voting done! My voting place ran out of stickers :( I guess that's a good sign that people are voting! (or maybe just stealing stickers. Not sure.)

    1. Ran out!? Crazy!!! I bet we could all just buy those stickers on Amazon.... Let's do that and be prepared next time!
